A Pluto Synchronicity


Today, October 11, we talked with astrologer and author Adrian Ross Duncan on our podcast. The You Tube will go up before the end of October.

He was on our podcast in 2020, before the election, and predicted a Biden win. So naturally we had questions for him about this election. But I also had questions about Pluto’s transit into Aquarius, for the first time in 248 years.

Adrian talked about Pluto’s meaning in astrology – the underworld, underground, what isn’t seen – in other words, Pluto governs the deep stuff.

“Did Pluto’s demotion as a planet affect it in astrology?” Rob asked.

Well, my answer to that was that if astrologers ignore Pluto in reading a chart, they do so at their own peril and that of their client. But Adrian’s answer is the hallmark of an astrologer whose knowledge and expertise is the result of story, practice, and synchronicity.

He related the story of Natascha Maria Kampusch. On March 1998, when she was 10, Natascha was abducted add held in a secret cellar by her kidnapper for more than 8 years until she escaped on August 23, 2006.

So it was a Pluto experience – the abduction, how she was kept underground, the dark ugliness of the whole thing. Here’s the synchronicity. She escaped, broke that Pluto chain on the day before Pluto was demoted as a planet and relegated to one of dozens of known dwarf planets. This happened in Prague on August 24, 2006, with a vote form the International Astronomical Union. Upon her escape, her kidnapper, Wolfgang Přiklopil, “killed himself by stepping in front of train at a nearby station.” (Wikipedia).

Natascha went on to write a book – 3096 Days – that was published in 2010 and adapted into a film  in 2013.

Oh – and Adrian, who accurately predicted a Biden win in 2020 when we had him on our podcast – predicted a win for Harris/ Walz. His appearance  goes up on October 20 and the information he shares is fascinating!


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Jill Jackson: Mississippi Medium

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Jill Jackson is a spiritual teacher and psychic medium. She received the Psychic of the Year award for 2015 and 2016 from Best American Psychics and its 2014 Social Activism Award for her volunteer work with animals. Jill is the author of Manifesting Your Magic in the 5D – Going Beyond the Laws of Attraction. Her earlier book I thought had an eye-catching title:
Mississippi Medium: My Journey from Southern Baptist to Talking to the Dead. In her previous life – this time around – Jill was a certified public accountant in Los Angeles. Jill lives in Mississippi with her husband, D. Francis, a medium, and their five dogs. Jill and her husband lead spiritual retreats to vortex power spots worldwide.

And here’s the you tube

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We’ve written about this number in multiple posts. Just tap it into the search box and you’ll see what I mean. And it started with this book.

Wolfgang Pauli, a physicist, won a Nobel in 1945 for his exclusion principle. He was an early supporter of Jung’s theory on synchronicity and investigated the phenomenon as well. He had a rather striking experience with a set of numbers that lasted for most of his adult life.

Pauli was confounded by one of the unsolved mysteries of modern physics, the value of the fine structure constant, which involves the number 137. “The fine structure constant is one of those numbers at the very root of the universe and of all matter,” writes Arthur I Miller in Deciphering the Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung. “If it were different, nothing would be as it is.” As Miller explains in his fascinating book, 137 is not only the “DNA of light” but also the “sum of the Hebrew letters of the word ‘Kabbalah.’ The fine structure constant turns out to be exquisitely tuned to allow life as we know it to exist on our planet.”

Heady stuff, even to non-scientists. 137 is a prime number—a number that can be divided by 1 and by itself. Or, put another way, a prime number is a positive integer that cannot equal the product of two smaller integers. The number became so puzzling to physicists that the famed Richard Feynman, who won the Nobel Prize in 1965 for his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, said that physicists should put a sign in their offices to remind themselves of how much they don’t know. The sign would be simple: 137.

In 1934, Pauli began discussing his ideas publicly about 137 and Miller speculates that it might have been due to the effect of Jung’s analysis “opening his mind to mystical speculation.”

As physicist and author F. David Peats explained, “…while the other fundamental constants of nature are all immensely small or enormously large, this fine structure constant 1/137 turns out to be a human-sized number. This number…and its place in the scale of the universe particularly puzzled Pauli.”

In the last couple of days, this number has shown up four times – twice on my computer clock as I was trying to make a decision and another two times  on my car clock & then on my watch when I had made a decision. Those last 2 times felt like a confirmation.

For me, these numbers tend to surface when I feel like I’m approaching a crisis or already enmeshed in one and trying to find my way out. The type of crisis varies – emotional, creative, intellectual – right brain, left brain. But when I notice that 137 I instantly feel better.I have started thinking of it as a reconnection with the whole.



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Hurricane Milton is a monster. Last night, it’s barometric pressure dropped to 897. Hurricane Wilma, the strongest hurricane on record, had a central pressure of 882. Hurricane Andrew, which devastated Homestead in 1992, had a central pressure of 922.

Once it makes landfall, it will stretch out for 400 miles, so most of Florida will be impacted. But wherever on the west coast it makes landfall is going to experience storm surge from 10-15 feet. As one official said, “If you don’t evacuate, you die.”

Over the years I’ve lived here – off and on since 1963 -with interruptions for college and graduate school- I’ve lost track of how many hurricanes I’ve experienced. But they have gotten stronger, more ferocious, the gulf and the Atlantic are much warmer.

What we’re seeing is climate change. It’s here. It’s here in spite of our governor DeSantis deleting the words from all legislation.




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Joshua Reichmann: Cosmic Mechanics

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Joshua Reichmann is an Akashic reader, Pleiadian channel, contemplative therapist, and multidisciplinary artist. For more than ten years, he has practiced and taught traditional Tibetan Buddhism, holographic recapitulation, psychic integration, and healing at temples, spiritual centers, and group retreats.

Josh is the author of The Realized Light of the Twelve Dimensions. In it, he presents channeled Pleiadian wisdom on humanity’s evolving state, the 12 spectral dimensions of experience, the Akashic records, and the cosmic mechanics of our physical and metaphysical reality. He also explains how to access the higher dimensions through the Heart Beam to connect to the Cosmic Heart.


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Our Podcast with Alexis Brooks of HIgher Journeys


It’s always great fun to be on Alexis’ podcast! We discussed synchronicity, alien encounters, the paranormal.


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The October Surprise?


The solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, may have delivered the “October surprise” so often mentioned in the news. Special prosecutor Jack Smith released a 165-page report detailing trump’s complicity & involvement in J6 that lay outside of the presidential immunity conferred by the supreme court.

In an October 2016 issue, The Smithsonian lays out some of these surprises in an historical context. It’s a fascinating read.

With this surprise? Well, we’ll see. Trump will push for delays, delays and more delays so that if he’s elected, he’ll be able to wave his presidential wand and make it all disappear.


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Solar Eclipse In LIbra

October is going to be an interesting month. It kicks off on Oct 2 with a solar eclipse in Libra. These eclipses are like double new moons, so double the new opportunities should surface in your life. Mercury is conjunct the eclipse, which pretty much guarantees a lot of communication flying back and forth.

Check my forecast for your sign for October.  But if you know your time of birth, go to cafe astrology’s free birth chart to find out how this solar eclipse impacts you.

Stay tuned for a post on the astro quirks of 2025!




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Trish MacGregor: Star Power For October 2024

Join Trish for the October 2024 astrological forecast!


The written forecast is here.

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Cedar Key

Cedar Key. I love this island.

We have spent a lot of time there for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings. At one point some years ago, we considered moving there. Tonight, Cat 4 Hurricane Helene, with winds of 140 mph,  pretty much devastated it. Several days ago, on Sept 19, 3 buildings on Dock Street burned down because of a kitchen fire in one restaurant.

If you watched any news tonight about Helene, you probably saw this street underwater.

We’ll know the extent of the devastation tomorrow. Sad. This island was old Florida, unique, quirky, true island living.No telllng what it will look like once Helene has moved on.

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