The Fourth Turning – & other stuff

Dr Russell Razzaque is a British Jungian psychiatrist.  His YouTube channel is a fascinating collection of short videos with specific themes. This one is about cycles in history that occur every 20 to 80  years.

One of my favorites is the below, about how trump is making us ill and what we can do about it.

Here’s another of my favorites- and a question I have always asked myself of the guy who is so unfamiliar with the bible that he held it upside down. Remember that?

So for any anti-trumpers out there, treat yourself to some of Dr. Razzaque’s videos. youtube


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Orange man has come up with what he considers to be a brilliant idea: gold cards that immigrants receive when they pay $5 million for it. And that gold card gets you a green card here in the good ole USA. Here’s the AP story on it.

And the AP, by the way, has been banned form the White House press room because they refused to refer to the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America. Huffingpost reporter S.V. Date has also been banned from the press pool have also been banned. From Huffpost:”This  came two weeks after Date assertively asked President Donald Trump questions that he apparently did not want to answer — eliciting a belligerent, defensive response from the president.”

In other words, more chaos.

But back to that gold card. Where will those immigrants with five million bucks come from? Russia, China, Saudi Arabia…get the picture? So where does this $ go? Is it another grifter deal like the gold sneakers & bit coins that go into trump’s coffers?

And that’s just the tip of the chaos for Feb 26. By the time this post goes up in early March, the chaos will add to the tsunami that is building. As fast as orange man’s stubby little fingers can sign executive orders and his unelected co-prez musk can swing his chainsaw, the chaos multiplies.


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Mirabai Devi: Light Transmissions

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Mirabai Devi is a spiritual guide and healer with more than 30 years of experience. She is a conduit of the Devine Feminine, or Divine Mother. Her work includes light transmissions, group healings, and private sessions consisting of intuitive and mediumistic readings and mentoring clients through the steps to self-realization. Attendees often report profound and life-changing transformations that lead to happier, more empowered lives, miraculous healings, and an escape from personal darkness and suffering. Mirabai was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and she often travels about the world to speak at festivals and spiritual conferences.

The Mystical Underground:


YouTube Channel:

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A Past Life: Kent State



For many years, Carol Bowman was a past life researcher and regressionist. She wrote two extraordinary books on the past lives of children – Children’s Past Lives and Return from Heaven. The first was inspired  by her son, Chase, who on one 4th of July spontaneously recalled a past life as a black civil war soldier. The memory apparently was triggered by the constant explosion of firecrackers.

I discovered her first book when I was in Borders one afternoon, browsing the New Age section. The book literally fell at my feet. I bought it immediately, read it in a day, and wrote her a fan letter through whatever means existed then. We eventually spoke on the phone and met in person when Rob, Megan and I were driving through the northeast on vacation. We stayed with her, husband Steve, and Chase  for several days. It  felt like I had known her forever.

By the time she was writing her second book, she needed an agent and I recommended her to my agent, Al Zuckerman, who started Writers House. He took her on. That was at least  20 years ago. We’ve seen each other several times since, either here in Florida or in Pa, where she lives. We talk regularly by phone. Since trump was voted back in, our conversations tend to be how neither of us is dealing with the chaos very well.

One of Carol’s last memories of a previous life was being in a gas chamber in Hitler’s Germany. She lived through that time of the SS, the rounding up of Jews, the gas chambers.

But today she emailed me something that literally blew me away.

Carol has since retired from her client and writing work, but people she has instructed in past life regressions stay in touch with her. One of her colleagues  sent her this story about the reincarnated soul of a young man, Jeffrey Miller (photo above)  killed at Kent State in 1970.

The story:

When my son was 2-3 years old, he described in depth for me the Kent State shooting in 1970. He told me that he was standing outside at a school. He showed me the peace sign with his fingers. He said he was worried about his black friends that they would not be safe there. Then, he told me that the men with guns started shooting and he was hit. It was a very emotional night as he was sobbing, and hard to comfort.

We used to ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said that he just wanted to live long enough to be an old man.

Fast forward a few years. A friend came over with 1970s style clothing for him, a tasseled leather jacket and 1970s jeans and he broke down crying.

I had not been a history buff, but when my son was in his teens and staging demonstrations at the local university, I decided to look up the Kent State shooting. A friend of mine was over and saw the picture of Jeffrey Miller and asked me when my son had B/W photos done. The resemblance was uncanny.

I looked into it further years later. Jeffrey Miller wrote poetry. My son wrote poetry. Jeffrey Miller was an activist. My son planned and staged demonstrations about climate change and prison reform. Jeffrey Miller was Jewish. My son converted to Judaism. Jeffrey Miller worked at the college radio station and loved music. My son plays several different musical instruments and composes his own music. I am not musical, so he taught himself to play piano.

Jeffrey Miller was shot through the mouth. My son had an accident when he was 19. He had to have plastic surgery to reconstruct his mouth. At the time, I told him–I don’t care if you fight for the things you believe in, just live a long time to do it.

Apparently, Jeffrey Miller had wanted to move to Canada. My son moved to Canada and became a Canadian citizen.

These days, my son is too busy to think about past life connections. But I think about this sometimes. He and I are not especially close, so I wonder how it is that kids choose their parents.

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Los Desaparecidos of Argentina – and of the US?


From 1974-1976, Isabel Perón was the president of Argentina, the first female president in the world. She was the third wife of populist president Juan Perón.

When her husband died in 1974, she was already VP and became president. She inherited a country that her husband had left in turmoil – politically, economically. On March 24, 1976 she was overthrown in a military junta led by General Jorge Rafael Videla.

According to the Holocaust Museum in Houston Texas:  “Between 1976 and 1983, an estimated 10,000 to 30,000 people suspected of involvement with leftists guerrillas were “disappeared” by the authorities in what was known as the ‘Dirty War.’ Victims were taken to clandestine detention centers, where the majority were tortured and killed. Some were dumped out of airplanes—dead or alive—over the Atlantic Ocean. Those taken came to be known as the Desaparecidos, the Spanish word for “disappeared.”

This past weekend, Trump also “disappeared” a group of Venezuelan immigrants whom he claimed were part of a gang. These men didn’t get  any due process, which they were entitled to under U.S. law. Trump and Musk decreed them guilty and they were flown to El Salvador, where they were imprisoned.

On Saturday, while this was happening, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg issued a verbal order from the bench to pause these deportations under the 1798 Alien Enemies Act that trump used to justify the deportation. He ordered that the deportation flights be  turned around. But the White House ignored the order. You can read about this shit show here.

Trump, of course, blasted the judge and called for his impeachment, which brought a rare rebuke from Justice Roberts.

The bottom line here is simple: Trump figures that he, like a king, is a above the law. This is thanks to a supreme court ruling on July 1, 2024 that  states a president is immune from  anything he does as president.

So what does this all mean exactly? If you’re a college protester, a journalist speaking against trump’s actions, a judge who rules against him, a politician who objects to his orders, or any ordinary citizen who speaks out – are you are going to be rounded up and deported to China, Russia, or some other autocratic country with whom he has a deal?  If so, then the bill of rights is history and  this coup is over. It means that trump and musk and their cronies have successfully taken over the country and democracy is dead.

It means that part of our history will include “los desaparecidos,” the ones who disappeared from this country because trump took issue with them.

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Astariea OfLight: Oversoul Evolution

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Astariea is a Creation Level Evolutionary Energetic, Spiritual Healing Practitioner, Multi & Inter-dimensional Channel, and Intuitive who focuses on a Holistic approach to Personal and Spiritual Evolution, Wellness, and Fulfillment of Being.

She addresses the root cause of whatever is showing up in people’s lives at a mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, energetic, physical, physiological, genetic, epigenetic levels, or any combination of these, to bring healing, awakening, growth, expansion, and ascension-level work for the Mind, the Body and the Soul. Her work is for those who want to know with clarity who they are, where they come from, and why they are here.

Astariea is assisted by 12 souls (non-physical beings), which she calls a collaborative circle of consciousness. Together, they work at the Design and creation Level to Aid in the Evolutionary and Ascension Processes of all Life throughout the Multiverses.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome


Did you hear about this one?

Some Minnesota GOP politicians came up with this bill, describing how they think the left – the democrats- look at trump. But actually, when you think about it, this Trump Derangement Syndrome is the perfect description for what his MAGA base has become. It describes a cult, not so different from that of Jim Jones in Guayana in the late 1970s. This is the Jim Jones who told his faithful to drink the fruit juice that had cyanide in it.

Google it.

The cult of trump hangs on his every word, his every arrival and departure from wherever, his latest court battles, his latest signed executive order. If he told them to sacrifice themselves for some greater good- like $ in the trump coffers – some of them probably would do it.

Just about everything the Republican party and trump and Vance and the rest of these idiots do and say now is projection.

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Astariea of Light

The Mystical Underground’s intriguing discussion with Astariea of Light


Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Astariea is a Creation Level Evolutionary Energetic, Spiritual Healing Practitioner, Multi & Inter-dimensional Channel, and Intuitive who focuses on a Holistic approach to Personal and Spiritual Evolution, Wellness, and Fulfillment of Being. 

She addresses the root cause of whatever is showing up in people’s lives at a mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, energetic, physical, physiological, genetic, epigenetic levels, or any combination of these, to bring healing, awakening, growth, expansion, and ascension-level work for the Mind, the Body and the Soul.

Her work is for those who want to know with clarity who they are, where they come from, and why they are here. Astariea is assisted by 12 souls (non-physical beings), which she calls a collaborative circle of consciousness. Together, they work at the Design and creation Level to Aid in the Evolutionary and Ascension Processes of all Life throughout the Multiverses.

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Ah, Synchronicity

Available at Amazon, here and here

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Mercury retrograde alert, a lunar eclipse, & Neptune


It’s that time of year again. Mercury turns retrograde in Aries  on March 14 at 11:46 PM PT and on March 15 at 2:46 AM EDT. Also on the 14th, there’s a lunar eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo at 2:55 am EDT.

The drill for Mercury retro consists of a list of things to avoid:

Don’t schedule surgery, a move, or sign a contract. Don’t start anything new or take anything for granted. Follow the rule of the three Rs: revise, review, reconsider. It turns direct in Pisces on April 7.

Lunar eclipses tend to signal that something in your life is ending – a job, a project, a source of income, a relationship. This will be followed in two weeks – on March 29 – by a solar eclipse in Aries. Then on the 30th, Neptune enters Aries, signaling the beginning of a new era.

Neptune takes 14 years to transit a sign, so this one is a big deal. Neptune governs spirituality, the paranormal, heightened creativity, your visionary self and your illusions, the hidden, the unconscious, mystical tendencies. It can result in deception, fantasies, a mixed up sense of reality. It will be in Aries until 2039. What can we expect? Well, the last time Neptune was in Aries was between 1861 and 1875. The American Civil War was between 1861-1965. With trumpies in charge, cozying up to Russia and Putin, we may find ourselves in another war. It will oppose Libra and square other cardinal signs – Cancer, Capricorn. With Neptune involved in different aspects, fantasies and deception may be part of the mix.

If you know your time of birth, you can get a copy of your natal chart here to see how all this impacts you.


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