Psychic Mira Morales is back in a new adventure on Tango Key!

For psychic Mira Morales, it begins when a crazed woman accosts a jogger and demands to know where she can find Mira. In a confrontation, the lunatic is killed by the jogger and turns to stone before she hits the ground.

Mira reads the body and makes a startling discovery. The stone woman is from 2144, where the descendants of climate change survivors—Normals and White Crows—live in a giant dome. Crows represent nature’s rapid evolutionary leap to save humanity by endowing people with extraordinary abilities. Normals outnumber Crows, who keep them enslaved. Now the dome is collapsing, and the Crows’ only hope for the future lies in returning to the past. Hundreds of them are on their way to Mira’s time.

The invasion has begun.



Just out of sight and mostly outside the awareness of mainstream media, a shift in consciousness is underway that’s beyond religion, politics, and science as we know it now. It’s an accelerated perception shared by millions worldwide: we are all energetically entangled. What affects one, affects all.

Here in this sea of evolving awareness, we perceive intuitively, through the heart, and often experience astonishing coincidences or synchronicities. It’s here we might momentarily connect with a lost loved one, catch a glimpse of our future, or be nudged unexpectedly onto a different path. These wake-up calls alert us to a deeper matrix of reality.

Welcome to The Shift.