Category Archives: synchronicity
The Flat Tire, Exploding Bracelet, & Good-bye Dinner
During the pandemic from 2020-2022, a group of us gathered at the dog park daily around 2:30. It gave our dogs a chance to play with and hang out with other dogs and most of the time we had … Continue reading
For many years now, frogs have been the creatures who act as my signal, providing me with a glimpse of the near future. I think of them as symbolic of transformation. During the warm summer months, Cuban tree frogs hop … Continue reading
Mieke And Paul Benton: My Life Is A Mystery Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Mieke And Paul Benton…Have you ever experienced any unusual things? Maybe you call them miracles or unexplained mysteries, or things people do not talk about. My life has been a series … Continue reading
The Mysterious Plant
In South Florida, a lot of plants grow wild and we can’t always identify them. This evening, while doing yard work, Rob saw this one and didn’t know what it is. I’ve seen it too and figured it was just … Continue reading
Wordle & Whales
On Saturday, July 23, our daughter Megan is in the San Juan islands off the coast of Washington state- town of Friday -where she’s going to kayak with whales. We’ve been texting a lot, with her sending photos and … Continue reading
TMU – 0165 – Trish MacGregor – Star Power For August 2023 Join Trish for the August 2023 astrological forecast!
A Song & a Heart
This You Tube video tells the story os an amazing synchronicity between these two women From Yahoo Entertainment: “When an Odessa, N.Y.-based high school theater director named Holly Campbell lost her 11-week-old son, Jake, a decade and a half ago, … Continue reading
Recently I’ve been adapting an award-winning movie script called, Simon: Son of Star, into a novel. It’s an historical tale about an Israeli rebellion against the Roman Empire in the years 132-135 AD. Simon was a master swordsman who rose … Continue reading
Jude Currivan and Andrew MacPhearson: The Mystical And The Physical
Rob & I were delighted to spend part of our 40th anniversary with Jude Currivan, Andrew MacPherson, and Jon Posey! This mind-blowing episode is one you don’t want to miss. Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Jude Currivan, … Continue reading
We’ve been writing this blog since February 4, 2009. For more than 14 years. Periodically, I go back to see some of our earlier blog posts. It gives me a good idea of the kind of synchros we were writing … Continue reading