The Honey Bees

The other night as I was falling asleep, I saw a bee at the end of my nose. I bolted upright and flipped it off the bed, then turned on all the lights. More bees were on the windowsill, struggling to fly. This has happened before, but not quite as badly as this invasion. We think the bees are honeybees and have a nest somewhere in our attic. We’re not sure how they’re getting into the bedroom.

Florida is home to over 300 species of bees, but the honey bee is the main pollinator for Florida. The Apis mellifera or western honeybee was brought to the Americas by early European settlers and has been a part of the natural environment ever since. Unlike native species, the honey bee can be managed to benefit the pollination needs of certain crops. In Florida, commodity crops like blueberries, watermelons, cucumbers and onions would produce little to no fruit if it were not for the honey bee.

The esoteric meaning of bees is that of communication, sincere hard work, and a team effort in which everyone involved prospers. Bees are also about creativity. Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, defines them this way:

Bees are the symbol of fertility and sexuality. Its honeycomb, a hexagon, is the symbol of the heart and represents the sweetness of life found within our own heart. It is also the symbol of the sun and all its energies.

The bee reminds us to extract the honey of life and to make our lives fertile (productive) while the sun shines. No matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of fulfillment if we pursue our dreams. If a Bee has shown up in your life, examine your own productivity. Are you doing all you can to make your life more fertile? Are you busy enough? Are you making time to savor the honey of life and not becoming a workaholic?
The bee is the symbol of accomplishing the impossible.

So, understandably, we didn’t want to kill them. But when one lands an inch from your nose while you’re in bed and a dozen more are on the nearby windowsill, your choice is clear. With each one I slapped with a shoe, I apologized. I also asked them to please stop coming into the house.

Rob turned the hose on the swarm outside on the roof just above our bedroom. And it helped. But we may have to get someone out here to remove the nest in the attic and take it elsewhere, like out into the Everglades!






So, understandably, we don’t want to kill them. But when one of them lands an inch from your nose and a dozen or so are on your windowsill, the choice is pretty clear.

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The Mystical Underground: Alexa Blye: Flying Monkeys

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Alexa Blye: Flying Monkeys”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Alexa Blye is a California native, a Baby Boomer, and a family therapist living in Southern California, with her Goldendoodle Penelope. Growing up she was influenced by the social unrest and changes of the Sixties, and has been a social justice advocate beginning when she was in middle school, then high school and college. Alexa went on to become a family therapist and 10 years ago began specializing in working with survivors of narcissistic families – where one member— sometimes a parent, other times a sibling; still other times a spouse, suffers from narcissistic behaviors. The reality-bending gaslighting, manipulations, and isolation leave family members suffering from complex post-traumatic stress – often knowing something isn’t right but they can’t put their finger on just what it is…after time, some members succumb to chronic self-doubt and must find themselves again. Though semi-retired, with a private practice in Southern California, Alexa continues to commit herself to making a positive difference in people’s lives.

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A woman holding a sign in favor of the legalization of abortion. Protest not to make abortion illegal in the united states, pro-choice, pro-life


Two days or so after Roe V Wade was overturned, I started a Tango Key novel with this premise: the Florida  Keys have seceded from the union and everything that is becoming banned in the country remains legal in The Conch Republic. Mira Morales owns a sailboat anchored in international waters where abortions are conducted.

Today, July 10, I ran across an article in Huffpost about a female OBGYN who  plans to buy a ship and anchor it in federal waters, so it circumvents the abortion restrictions in southern states.

“Dr. Meg Autry is the OB-GYN behind PRROWESS, a ship that looks to provide access to abortions and reproductive health care in the wake of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade last month, KCBS Radio reported.

“PRROWESS is seeking donations and needs at least $20 million to get a vessel, “retrofit” it and cover costs for operations, Autry told KCBS Radio. Licensed health care providers will offer surgical abortions up to 14 weeks, contraception, vaccination, treatment and testing for STIs on the ship, according to its website. PRROWESS will also help people get to the ship after passing a pre-screening process, NBC Bay Area reported.”

Since I wrote this post, other elements of this Dystopian world after Roe evolved that have since appeared in the news. Women are banned from traveling to states where abortion is still legal. They are checked for pregnancy with hand-held ultrasound at state borders, at the TSA in airports, on cruise ships. So far in the real world these checks haven’t happened, but will they?

So, was this precognition on my part or just an inevitable outcome of the abortion ban?



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Mass shootings/mass events/global synchros

Whenever there is a mass event, something that’s usually tragic, that attracts a lot of public attention around the world, we’ve noticed that synchronicities show up. In The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, secret #7 was called The Global. We wrote: When synchronicities manifest themselves through global events, the universe seems to be addressing us as a collective.

So it wasn’t surprising to discover a synchronicity that ties together the two latest mass shootings that gained widespread attention. The one in Uvalde, Texas in which 17 elementary students and two teachers were murdered and the Fourth of July mass shooting in Highland Park, Chicago in which seven were killed.

There are similarities in the two shootings, both killers were young white men, both used AK-style rifles to shoot the most people in the shortest time. But those aren’t synchronicities. Instead, they are part of a pattern: young white men with mental issues whose fantasies about mass killings manifest as real events.

The synchronicity I’m referring to involves that seventh person who was shot to death at the Fourth of July event. While the first six were named within a day and their photos were shown on news reports, the seventh person remained unnamed for a couple more days and his image at the end of the line of victims was an unidentified silhouette.

I was curious about that, then somewhat surprised by the synchronicity when his name was revealed as Eduardo Uvaldo. Uvalde/Uvaldo. Both are unusual names. How often have you seen names or any word beginning with U-V? Just the way that the name was withheld – probably to provide time to contact family members – added a bit of mystery and was more impactful when the name was revealed separate from the others.

The number 7 comes into play as well: 7 in numerology relates in part to mysteries and investigations. From “It is an analytical number that enjoys gathering and filtering through information to find answers. Still, it has a more powerful intuition than you might expect which it uses as a guide. This combination of conscious and subconscious thinking allows the mind of the Numerology number 7 to shine a light into the very deepest realms to access hidden truths.”

As Jane Roberts wrote in The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events: “You cannot begin to understand the nature of mass events of any kind unless you consider the even greater framework in which they have their existence.”

During the shooting in Uvalde’s Rob Elementary

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Ghost in the Machine

Every day it seems that AI is getting more and more conversant with us…and more invasive. Case in point. Recently, our podcast colleague, Jon, texted me that audio episode #8 of Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings would be ready to go live in a day or two.

I responded with: Sounds good.

Then something odd happened. Another message from me to Jon popped up that said: Tell Dale that

The thing is, I didn’t write that or send it. But there it was. I didn’t even know about it for more than an hour when Jon replied with a ? mark.

As background, I do know a Dale who is a big Indiana Jones fan and probably would like to know about the release of the episode. But that thought hadn’t crossed my mind when I read Jon’s notice about the upcoming episode. Besides that, Jon doesn’t know Dale and so there would be no reason for me to send that message to him, even if it had crossed my mind.

Whenever a spooky little mystery like this occurs, my first go-to response is to figure out logically how it could’ve happened. That’s why I started out with the AI comment. I have noticed on occasion that if I accidentally press a key after sending a text message, sometimes instead of the letter appearing on my screen a word or even a phrase might pop up. That said, whatever pops up typically is totally unrelated to what I just sent. Also, I would have to accidentally send the accidental message for it to appear. And I don’t remember seeing it much less sending it.

When I suggested the above AI scenario to Jon, he replied that he has never noticed that type of interaction between Mail and Messages. Maybe a new “feature.” 🤷‍♂️ He added: That’s the problem with the predictive stuff, it tries to be a little too helpful at times. 😳

So I suppose I could say that the ghost in the machine did it. The alternative is that a real ghost did it. Seriously. We have collected a few stories over the years in which something appears on the screen that wasn’t just written or called up…but is very meaningful to the person or people present. We’ve written about those stories here in the past. So there is that. But then what sort of ghost or spirit would want me to tell Dale about the new episode?

A dead Indiana Jones fan? Or, how about a trickster? They just might come in more than one form: an artificial intelligence trickster or maybe just a spirit at play.

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The Mystical Underground: Kenneth Hopkins: Earth Transformation

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Kenneth Hopkins: Earth Transformation”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Kenneth Hopkins, author of Earth Transformation. Trish met Kenneth through linked in, where he’d written: “For most of my life I had no awareness that I was an abductee. The night experiences I thought were dreams. In these I would visit many places and see the same people many nights after I fell asleep. I thought they were dream people. I could smell, touch them and have all six senses with them. Some places were cold, some places warm and other places I couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen in.…”

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The Mystical Underground: Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 8

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 8”:

Join Rob MacGregor, the author of the Indiana Jones prequel novels, and the Mystical Underground as they present the eighth episode of an audio production of the unpublished novel “Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.”
Sometimes called “The Lost Indiana Jones novel,” Staff of Kings will come out in multiple episodes on The Mystical Underground’s podcast feed, beginning August 22, 2021. It will continue as possible each month through 2022.

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Synchronicity & Sabian Symbols

In 1925, astrologer Marc Edmund Jones met with psychic Elsie Wheeler, who was confined to a wheelchair by arthritis. With him, he had 360 white, unlined 3×5 index cards with an astrological degree written on each one.

As explained in the intro to The Sabian Symbols: A Screen of Prophecy by Diana E. Roche, “Because he realized there would e interruptions he decided to break up the sessions into quarters. A quarter of the cards were taken at random for each session and the cards were shuffled continuously during the process. Each card was placed face down in front of Elise and she ‘reported on the picture she saw by inward vision.’” Neither of them knew which degrees was being dealt with during the time she was describing the picture. Marc hurriedly wrote down the brief description on each card as she described the image. The first session took approximately two hours.”

In other words, Elsie was remote viewing the card in front of her with no idea what degree or symbol was on the card because it was turned over.

I haven’t looked at this book in years, but pulled it out today because I couldn’t remember the definition for my Gemini sun’s 16 degrees. Now here comes the synchronicity.

Yesterday, we did a podcast with man who’s alleged purpose in life is to doubt everything in his search for the essential truth. Sounds noble, I know. He’s a climate change denier, says the science doesn’t support it. He questions all psychic experiences, everything related to UFOs and abductions, etc. And oh, polar bears are doing just fine and their icy world isn’t really melting. He also happened to mention that the CIA social engineered the feminist movement because Gloria Steinem was a CIA operative.

I thought, huh? The CIA?

It turns out that Gloria was a CIA operative, by her own admission, and went undercover as a Playboy bunny to find out how widespread misogyny was. This was in 1971. I remember how women, collectively, were pissed that they didn’t have the same rights as men and that feeling, that emotion, deepened and went viral and became a powerful movement.

Finally, on March 22, 1972, the ERA was passed and became the 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A year later, Roe v Wade legalized abortion. All of this would have happened without Gloria. I clarified this to the podcast host:

When that movement started, women were coming out of a period where they couldn’t have a bank account of their own without a spouse’s approval. Abortions were illegal, so pregnant women who didn’t want the child for whatever reason resorted to back alley abortions. I have friends who went that route. It kept women from having control over their own bodies. It kept men in charge of their bodies. The movement would have happened regardless of whether gloria was involved or not. The collective anger was a force unto itself.

Then today, I looked up the definition for 16 Gemini:

“A woman suffragist haranguing. Keyword: indignation.” The theme of this particular degree is liberty and justice for all. “This symbol speaks to the eternal struggle of the disenfranchised to be fully accepted members society with all the accompany rights and privileges. The image of a woman suffragist haranguing symbolizes all efforts to end discrimination and separatism in whatever form they appear.”

Now, though, we’re about to move backward. The supremes have now overturned  Roe v Wade, a right women have had for 49 years. What’s next? An end to gay marriage? And end to interracial marriage? Men controlling women and their bodies in new, unimagined ways?

If you don’t have a natal chart, go to this link for a free chart:

Now look for the degree of your sun. Let’s say your sun is 8 Cancer 36- eight minutes and 36 seconds of Cancer. Since the seconds are over 30, read definitions for both 8 and 9 degrees of Cancer. Which describes you best? Click here.

It’s also fun to take the degrees of other planets in your horoscope. Try your moon. Mine is 29 degrees 56 minutes of Capricorn. So I should read both 29 degrees and 30 degrees.
Here’s what 29 degrees Capricorn says: “A woman reading tea leaves.”

I stopped reading there. It fits.

So give it a shot.



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Another novel predicted a future incident

We’ve written before how novelists sometimes tune into future events in an eerily accurate way in their fictive stories. Among them are Edgar Allan Poe, who wrote about a shipwreck and how survivors became cannibals eating a cabin boy named Richard Parker in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. Forty-seven years later, the incident actually happened – a shipwreck, survivors and eat a cabin boy astonishingly named Richard Parker!

Then there was The Wreck of the Titan, a novel by Morgan Robertson that described a luxury ship on its first cruise striking an iceberg and sinking. The story was published in 1898, fourteen years before the RMS Titanic maritime disaster.

In 1972, Regency Press published a novel, Black Abductor, by Harrison James, a pseudonym for James Rusk Jr. It’s about a terrorist group led by a black  man who kidnapped a college student named Patricia. Her wealthy father was well known and had right wing sympathies. Two years later, a similar true story unfolded when Patricia Hearst was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army led by a black man. She was a college student, the daughter of right-wing media baron Randolph Hearst.

Now it has happened again with a novel called, The Tenth Justice, by Brad Meltzer. We’ve heard over and over that no secret Supreme Court document has ever been leaked, except for the recent illegal release of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft of court decision to overturn Roe v Wade. But that’s not exactly true. It has happened in fiction.

Meltzer’s novel is about a Supreme Court clerk Ben Addison, who is fresh out of Yale Law and on an ultra-fast track to success—until he inadvertently shares a classified court secret. Sound familiar?

At this point, we don’t know who released Alito’s draft but in all likelihood it was a court clerk. Their average age is twenty-seven.

Here’s a partial description of the novel.

Guilty of a criminal act, his golden future suddenly in jeopardy, Ben turns for help to his roommates—three close friends from childhood, each strategically placed near the seats of Washington power—and to his beautiful, whip-smart fellow clerk, Lisa Schulman. But trust is a dangerous commodity in the nation’s capital. And when lives, careers, and power are at stake, loyalties can shatter like glass . . . and betrayals can be lethal.

As the real-life story unfolds, we’ll see how close it parallel’s Metzer’s novel. Will a clerk be found at fault and how did the document get leaked out?

Metzer recently appeared on MSNBC to talk about two of his children books – one about Rosa Parks, the other about Martin Luther King – that have been removed from some school libraries. During the interview, Katie Phang, briefly mentioned the odd synchronicity about The Tenth Justice, and Metzer jokingly quipped, “Yeah, now there’s proof that I’m a time traveler.”


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Even though science no longer views Pluto as a planet, astrologers still use it, especially now. Pluto’s influence is never ambivalent or passive. It represents profound transformation, power, purge, the afterlife, death, birth and rebirth, good and evil, redemption, the underworld, everything that is secret and hidden. In other words, not much fun.

In the past, its extremes were best symbolized by Hitler and Gandhi. In today’s world, they are best symbolized by the Dalai Lama at one end and autocrats like Putin and on the other end, a supreme court that expands gun rights on the same day that they ban abortion, stripping women  of a right they’d had for 49 years.

When the U.S. was born – the day the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia – the country’s natal Pluto was at 27 degrees and 33 minutes of Capricorn. You can see it in the inner circle, 2nd house.On Feb 22 2022, Pluto returned to that exact point.   A Pluto return  happens every 248 years, so this is the U.S.’s first such return. That date was also a palindrome, meaning it reads the same backward and forward.

A Pluto return generally means the destruction of power structures and norms and a gradual rebuilding from the ashes. You might say this country has been in a Pluto return since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 – the election of the first black president, followed by the electoral win of grifter trump, an insurrection and attempted coup, a pandemic that Biden handled well, the Jan 6 committee, the invasion of Ukraine and now, the banning of abortion.

On the day that the supremes released their abomination, Pluto was at 27 degrees and 56 minutes of Capricorn – it’s there in the outer circle, 2nd house. In other words, just 23 minutes away from an exact to the minute conjunction. That number, 23, is important. In the I Ching,  hexagram 23 is called Splitting Apart. You can read more about it and the people who have kept track of that troubling number  here.

Many of us had hoped the Pluto return would result in something positive, a true shift in consciousness – and perhaps it still will. But right now, folks, it looks like we’re at the gates of Gilead, the fictional world depicted in Margaret Atwood’s brilliant book, The Handmaid’s Tale.  Clarence Thomas has already alluded to gay marriage and contraception as on the chopping block. That should mean that interracial marriage would be there, too. But since Thomas is married to a white woman, my guess is that won’t happen. Or it will be grandfathered in.

But what all this amounts to isn’t the protection of the unborn. It’s about the control of women. It’s the beginning of an autocracy.

So if you have considered leaving the U.S., now might be the time to do it.

Pluto will enter Aquarius on January 21, 2024. It will turn retrograde and slip back into Capricorn, where it will be on election day in Nov 2024. Then, on November 20, it will enter Aquarius again. Mercury will also be retrograde on election day, as it was in 2000, when the election was too close to call. And we  all know where that election ended up in – in the supreme court, which handed Bush a win.

So where will the country be by Thanksgiving or Christmas of 2024?

I don’t have any idea.



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