The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For July 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For July 2022”:

Join Trish for the July 2022 astrological forecast! It’s also in written form in the masthead.

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Bye, Roe v Wade


So, it finally came to pass. 49 years of legal precedence overturned by a supreme court with three justice appointed by trump. As Huffington Post put it in their headline: Five Judges Destroy Right for Millions.   The irony, of course, is that four of them are men and the lone woman. 50. is no longer of child-bearing age.

“The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment,” Alito announced.

Well, guess what. Nowhere in the constitution are the words women or she mentioned. Not surprisingly, Thomas had also targeted contraception and gay marriage. But you won’t hear him mention overturning interracial marriage, since he’s married to a white woman, Ginni, who has also been asked to testify  by the J 6 committee for her complicity in the insurrection.

Just how far will this conservative court go in their attempts to control women? Will we go back to the 1950s, when women couldn’t open a bank account without a man’s permission? Will they overturn women’s right to vote? We’re not only marching toward Gilead, we’re at the gates.

The headline of the New Yorker story pretty much says it all:

We’re Not Going Back to the Time Before Roe. We’re Going Somewhere Worse

We are entering an era not just of unsafe abortions but of the widespread criminalization of pregnancy.

Abortion won’ be illegal everywhere – at least, not yet. But some states are trying to make it illegal for a woman to travel elsewhere to obtain an abortion. Really? If a woman is eight or ten weeks  pregnant and doesn’t show yet,  how will anyone else know? Will ultrasounds be conducted on female airline passengers headed to Canada or Mexico or to a state where abortion is still legal? Just how far will this lunacy go?

In Texas, anyone who helps a pregnant woman obtain an abortion can be arrested.

We may be entering a place in this country that is beyond Gilead, beyond what Margaret Atwood imagined in The Handmaid’s Tale.

From the New Yorker:  “Anyone who can get pregnant must now face the reality that half of the country is in the hands of legislators who believe that your personhood and autonomy are conditional—who believe that, if you are impregnated by another person, under any circumstance, you have a legal and moral duty to undergo pregnancy, delivery, and, in all likelihood, two decades or more of caregiving, no matter the permanent and potentially devastating consequences for your body, your heart, your mind, your family, your ability to put food on the table, your plans, your aspirations, your life.”

This extreme right-wing agenda is about one thing: the control of women. It has nothing to do with protecting the unborn. After all, in this country, once you’re born, you’re on your own – no guaranteed child care, no guaranteed health insurance, nothing. 

The one hope is the November mid-term elections, when some of these right wingers can be replaced by politicians committed to carrying the country forward instead of taking us back to the 1950s or earlier.

In Florida, Ron DeSantis is up for re-election and he has already proven himself to be a trump clone with his “don’t say gay bill,” his ridiculous fight with Disney, the largest private employer in the state, and his vow to expand the state’s restrictions to abortion. Senator Marco Rubio is also up for re-election and Val Demings is running against him.

Then there’s the big election in 2024. Unless trump and his inner circle minions are held accountable for their roles in the insurrection, they’ll try again in 2024. And this time, it may be successful.


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Recently, our blog has been getting a lot of spam. Since comments are held in moderation until they’re approved or deleted, it hasn’t been a huge problem. But this recent trend started with spam from an alleged hairstylist site. Then it morphed into random spam about Jesus and numbers in the bible. And now we’re getting porn spam.

Who writes this stuff?

Some of it seems to be from porn websites. Click here for…take your pick of the type of porn. But the rest of it seems to be from individuals whose emails feature a guy’s name. These are usually so long that to delete them, I have to scroll down for what feels like a short forever. These long treatises appear to be porn stories.Whoever writes this shit must have nearly endless amounts of time, an excess of hormones, and not a clue about writing.
Want to write porn? Forget 50 Shades of Grey by E.L James. Try literate porn: Anais Nin’s “erotica” and Henry Miller’s – well, whatever.


I got through half of 50 Shades and didn’t bother with the rest of it or its two sequels. The sadomasochistic relationship in the book depicted a stupid woman who had little insight into her own persona. Then there was the male character, a control freak, so unappealing it’s a total mystery why any woman would find him attractive or desirable. These two characters don’t even represent archetypes. They’re just, I don’t know, a mess.

Nin knew how to write. But E.L. James is like these porn spammers, a wannabe resorting to pathetic posts on other people’s websites. That I’m even writing this is weird. The only reviews I’ve ever left for other writers – on Amazon – are five stars. This is my first negative ever about a writer’s work. And it was all spurred by random porn on our website.

So porn folks, a suggestion. Take all the shit you’ve posted on our website and go self-publish. Somewhere, you’ll find readers.

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What does “lucky” mean?


When we call someone else lucky, what does that mean, exactly? How are they lucky? Is there a particular area of their lives that’s lucky?

When you Google the definition of the word, one of the lamest that comes up is:

Having, bringing, or resulting from good luck.
“You had a very lucky escape.”

I especially like this one, the answer to a question:

How do you describe a lucky person?

Some common synonyms of lucky are fortunate, happy, and providential. While all these words mean “meeting with unforeseen success,” lucky stresses the agency of chance in bringing about a favorable result.

Notice that phrase – agency of chance?

For me, this translates as synchronicity. My last win with Gold Rush, I wrote about here. It was in January of this year, and involved a fireman and an odd encounter at the lottery machine.  I got this nice ticket from the same machine when I had to run to Publix because we’d decided a pizza tonight sounded good.

No fireman this time. Just a sense that I might get lucky if I buy a ticket or two. I usually buy 2 of whatever I select because maybe every other couple of tickets  on the roll has a winner of something. My odds, though, aren’t quite good. According to the back of this ticket, the odds are 1:4.69. So I’d have to draw at least 5 cards for a win, I think that’s what those odds mean.

That feeling paid off. That’s what’s missing from the definition of lucky. You have a hunch and you play it. And it doesn’t matter whether that hunch involves the lottery or a person , a situation or an event. You act on what the synchronicity is telling you.


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Islands aren’t like other places. They are pretty much self-contained universes where life has a particular rhythm. Cedar Key, southwest of Gainesville on the Gulf coast, is one of those places.

We’ve been to Cedar Key before but this was the first time I’d learned that it’s about the same size as my fictional Tango Key. Two miles long. Doesn’t sound too big, but it actually is.

Cedar Key is reached on Highway 24, which is about 24 miles long, a two-lane road lined by trees and power lines. There aren’t any street lights for night driving, so after the sun sets, you’re essentially driving a long dark corridor to – well, somewhere. We arrived in mid-afternoon on a Thursday, the apparent start of a long weekend for fisherman from the surrounding towns. We made our way inland from Highway 24 to a salt marsh neighborhood where we’d stayed before.

The house sits on high stilts, like many of the buildings on Dock Street. With a house, this  creates space beneath it for a utility room, carport, storage, whatever you want. There don’t appear to be any zoning laws on the island. Trailers sit next to grander homes on stilts, the cemetery and a frisbee golf course were just a bike ride away for us.

But one of the first things we saw was a man in a golf cart with Trump 2024 flags flapping in the breeze. I reminded myself this was Levy County, which went for Trump, and apparently still loves the guy, like this sign says.

Inside this shop, Trump memorabilia is rampant. There are trump signs, trump stickers, trump license plates. DeSantis, our illustrious governor, is also a favorite, with Florida signs that say, DeSantis Florida that address his feud with Disney. I also saw disparaging signs and stickers about Biden. I started moving around the store, turning signs so they weren’t readable.

Cedar Key was once situated on another island, which you can get to by boat.  That’s Nika at the front, making sure she’ll be the first one off when we reach the island. The original Cedar Key was once covered with Cedar trees, which were cut down to make pencils. The pencils were then sent to Germany for lead.


On the original Cedar Key there’s a cemetery at the end of this long bridge and then deep into the trees.  An eerie place with some really old gravestones.

One of the highlights of this boat trip: dolphins. Unfortunately, by the time I had my phone camera out and ready, the dolphins were gone. But Loretta had her camera ready. Hope that link works!


Cedar Key is where you go to live by a different rhythm.

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Megan book cover


Yeah, I’m a bragging mother. But with good reason. Our daughter, Megan designed this cover.  She’s writing for a site that hires writers to write a 50,000 word book in four weeks and the book is posted on their website and downloaded a chapter a day by fans. The number of downloads determines how much the writer is paid.

For her, it’s a great opportunity to write fast – after spending 4 years writing her novel The Dark Silence – and she has learned she can write without overthinking everything. She did the cover and submitted it. Verdict? Great cover, but it doesn’t fit with their platform. Really? Why not?

It communicates the eerie paranormal aspects of the story. The wolf isn’t a creature I would want to meet anywhere. The tone of the blue promises strangeness, mystery. We advised her to start a portfolio – do a cover for The Dark Silence. There’s a talent here that should be explored, excavated.


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The Mystical Underground: TMU Time Machine: Pam Grout: Taz 222

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU Time Machine: Pam Grout: Taz 222”:

Revisit Trish and Rob’s conversation with…

Pam Grout is the New York Times #1 bestselling author of E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. And also many other books, including Thank and Grow Rich. And now she has a new book: The Course of Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind.

She is a freelance writer who has published with Scientific American Explorations, Outside, Men’s Journal, People magazine, Travel + Leisure, and many other publications. She’s the creator of the TV series Going Rogue, and the self-described wacky proliferator behind two popular blogs. Her current focus is the 222 Foundation she started to honor her magical daughter, Tasman, who has been guiding her from the nonphysical since October 15, 2018.

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#137 – again and again.

We’ve written about this number before – in fact, quite a few times. When I put the number into our blog’s search window, nine posts came up. So this one will be the 10th about #137.

Wolfgang Pauli, a physicist and Nobel laureate, was an early supporter of Jung’s theory on synchronicity and investigated the phenomenon as well. He had a rather striking experience with a set of numbers. Pauli was confounded by one of the unsolved mysteries of modern physics, the value of the fine structure constant, which involves the number 137.

A prime number can be divided by 1 and by itself. Or, put another way, a prime number is a positive integer that cannot equal the product of two smaller integers. That makes 137 a prime number and a particularly baffling one. In Deciphering the Cosmic Number: the Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung, Arthur I. Miller refers to 137 as the “DNA of light.” He provides a brief, but fascinating history about the number 137 in the world of quantum physics.

It was ‘discovered’ in 1915 by Arnold Sommerfield, who was Pauli’s mentor when he was still a student. “From the moment 137 first popped up in his equations, he and other physicists…quickly realized that this unique ‘fingerprint’ was the sum of certain fundamental constants of nature, specific quantities believed to be invariable throughout the universe, quantities central to relativity and quantum theory.”

The number became so baffling to physicists that the great Richard Feynman, who won the Nobel Prize in 1965 for his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, said that physicists should put a sign in their offices to remind themselves of how much they don’t know. The sign would be simple: 137.

For Pauli, the number followed him to his death. At the age of 58, he entered the hospital for routine surgery. When he discovered he would be in room #137, he told his assistant that he wouldn’t get out alive. Ad he didn’t. He died shortly after surgery.

So, the synchronicity this time around. We’re working with a man on his novel, which involves synchronicity and a past life mystery that has bled into the current life for a group of people. The antagonist is haunted by the #137, the number on the house where he lived nearly a century ago. In his current life, this number recurs often and connects him to memories from that past life. Yesterday, the client sent us a copy of his airline ticket for a trip he’s taking. The flight number?










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Newest Episode of the Mystical Underground

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republicans, a cult of death

The alleged republican concern for the unborn has led to the strictest abortion ban in the country in Oklahoma, which bans abortion from the moment of fertilization. It will be implemented the moment the supreme court overturns Roe v Wade. Many other states have similar laws that will be triggered when the supremes rob us of a right that has existed for 49 years.

But given the republican indifference to mass shootings of children in schools, the republican refusal to take even rudimentary measures about assault weapons, open carry guns, and their obsession with the 2nd amendment, it strikes me that their concern for the unborn isn’t the real issue.

Their  solutions to mass shootings are nuts: – arm teachers, more armed cops on school grounds, more guns everywhere. As far as republicans are concerned, once an  And, let’s face it, once an infant is born,  well, you’re on your own. No guaranteed day care, no guaranteed health insurance, no parental leave like Norway and more civilized countries have. Nope, sorry.

Their concern for the unborn is bullshit.

It’s about control of women.

It’s about control of gay marriage, about controlling transgender kids, it’s about a deeply rooted racism against anyone who isn’t a white male.

Notice that most of the 19 kids killed in the mass shooting in Texas were Latinos. You know, those people who stream across the border and who, according to ex-prez trump, are thieves, rapists, and it’s all Biden’s fault that they’re still getting into the U.S.
That’s the issue. Not the unborn. Gotta stay in bed with the NRA.

Today, someone sent me this, which pretty much defines the whole thing. It was found on Facebook..

“How about we treat every young man who
wants to buy a gun like every woman who wants
to get an abortion – mandatory 48-hr waiting
period, parental permission, a note from his
doctor proving he understands what he’s about
to do, a video he has to watch about the effects
of gun violence, and an ultrasound wand up the
ass (just because). Let’s close down all but one
gun shop in every state and make him travel
hundreds of miles, take time off work, and stay
overnight in a strange town to get a gun. Make
him walk through a gauntlet of people holding
photos of loved ones who were shot to death,
people who call him a murderer and beg him not
to buy a gun.

It makes more sense to do this with young men
and guns than with women and health care,
right? I mean, no woman getting an abortion
has killed a room full of people in seconds,

The republican party these days doesn’t stand for anything. It’s a cult of death – guns and more guns, death of the 14th amendment, death of a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, and, depending on the November elections, maybe the death of democracy, as well.




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