Our friend, Melissa, was staying with us recently for a weekend and mentioned that her cousin, Joe, told her about an encounter he had in 2019. I was immediately interested, so she put us in touch with each other. That photo was part of what Joe sent – how the night looked when his experience happened. This description is what he wrote that night when he got home.
Hello Trish
This is what I wrote down when I returned to my home. I was so anxious and nervous I couldn’t go to sleep and I wanted to write everything down when it was fresh in my memory. As I mentioned before I have changed to what I thought was spiritual to an alien encounter. Instead of originally thinking the first entity I saw was the same guy I now believe they were two separate aliens. What happened to the shorter first one I don’t know since I lost sight of it when I walked around the S.U.V.
The following statement is my own personal
observation of an event that occurred to me on January 26, 2019.
On Saturday night at approximately 11:45 pm I was leaving ____________ restaurant where earlier I had met with some friends of mine and had dinner. I had no alcoholic beverages to drink since I had driven by myself and I was afraid of getting a DUI. I have never ever had that type of conviction before and I didn’t want to take any chances. My friends all left and I stayed behind to talk to the bartender and one of the waiters that were closing everything down. I was holding a small bag of recyclable bottles in my left hand and my keys to my pick-up truck in my right hand. The restaurant is about a 30 minute drive from my home in New Fairfield Conn. I had stayed till after closing time.
I left the restaurant by myself and went out of the main front entrance. While walking down the steps I saw off to my right side a short person who had his back to me and was wearing a dark blue or black hooded jacket with the hood up that covered his head. He was down below me between the porch and shrubbery area on the grass. I thought that was odd since there were no other customers left and why would anybody be there to begin with. As I stepped off of the last step I walked around a S.U.V. that was parked to my right side of the front stairs. The S.U.V. had blocked my vision for a few seconds and thus I had lost sight of this guy.
After I walked fully around the S.U.V. I immediately became walking side by side with this person about 10 feet away from him.
He was now walking a little bit ahead of me and was much taller and thinner than I originally thought. Approximately 6′ 2 to 6′ 4 in height. I knew that this person was not a prior customer since there was no one like this that was there at the restaurant when I left.
My next thought was perhaps it’s just a guy coming off of the street or had walked from the train station and was going to the Shell gas station to buy something. The gas station was open and had its florescent lights on. He was walking very briskly on the edge of the parking lot and on the grass next to the Belgium block curbing.
He appeared to be first wearing black pants that were creased down the front and flared out near the bottom. He had black shoes that were shinny and pointed towards the toes.
What seemed very unique was his posture. He was leaning forward with his head and shoulders slightly bent over his body. His arms were straight down and not moving at all as he walked.I didn’t see his hands since they were inside the pockets of his coat.
The coat was about 3/4 in length with the hood up over his head. I could not see his face nor could I tell what race he might be.
I yelled out to him to see what his response might be in an upbeat and non – threatening way: “Hey man where are you going baby” ?
As I drew even closer to him he started walking faster. When he was opposite to the low curb torch lights and the other lighting from across the street it illuminated his area below his knees very clearly.
Now while I had the added bright lights I realized his shoes were not black but medium brown in color. The eyelets or grommets were a bright gold metallic color that had brown shoelaces tied off in a bow. He had on reddish brown socks and now his pants were light brown in color.
I am still looking at him from the side. He was taking very quick but small scissoring steps but not moving over too much distance and I slowed down too.
At this point I had a weird feeling that something isn’t normal; it doesn’t feel right.
Next he reached the slope side of the grass area right past the restaurant’s handicap ramp.
I was now within 5 feet of him and the area became very dark.
It was here that I saw him completely fly up and get stretched out and elongated into the air at about a 45 degree angle. He seemed to blow apart into a transparent blue and grey exploding bubble clouds.
I vividly saw only his left leg with that shoe on it which was bent at the knee fall into an empty slit in the air. Just like it was suctioned up into that slit in the air. At about this same time I could see other body parts fly up in a fan shape around and underneath the bubble clouds. They were traveling from left to right and up towards the upper roof of the restaurant.
It next seemed like in an East to West direction the rest of all these body parts went and then transformed into hundreds of brilliant white dot like tiny blinking stars as they approached the outside perimeter of the clouds. Next appeared blue lines of radiated streaks of light that were above the clouds and twinkling star dots and came from the South towards the North in direction.
I became mesmerized and frozen by watching this radical scene unfold in front of me. Next above all of this in the middle of the upper sky appeared a small rectangle that was in the middle of the electric blue streaks of light. A picture like frame that moved towards me and became bigger and bigger the closer it came to me. It eventually looked like a large window with shapes and colors that were intense, three dimensional and indescribably beautiful. It resembled a sunrise or sunset but with deeper and richer colors of red and yellow. It had in its foreground and in the lower right corner a robin’s blue colored sphere.
I viewed this scene with a feeling of peace and tranquility. Which was the complete opposite of the event which had happened right before this one. It was a place that was not part of our world we live in. It was perhaps a dimension that cannot be explained. This
window or maybe doorway felt like maybe it was the entrance to heaven. A place I could not cross over and enter into yet.
At this time from where the rectangle appeared to me in the sky to the final enlargement lasted I would say about ten seconds. Next the rectangle toppled over into the cloud formation and within three to five seconds everything totally collapsed and imploded so quickly and then into a black hole. Everything disappeared and was completely gone!
This implosion was totally silent with no noise, wind, smell, what-so-ever. I would estimate that this whole sequence of events from start to finish happened within a minute or two. That’s all.
Everything was gone and just an eerie stillness was left as I gazed up at a dark thick hazy night sky. It was like nothing ever happened.
Next I immediately ran down to my pick-up truck that was parked towards the back side of the restaurant. All along looking back to where I just witnessed this occurrence.
Frank, one of the workers, was leaving to go home. He stopped when he saw me and rolled down his window. I frantically shouted out asking him if he saw anything that I witnessed. He said no. He hadn’t seen anything. I told him I thought I just saw a ghost or full bodied apparition and told him what happened.
I next threw the bag of recyclable bottles I had taken from the restaurant that I had been holding into the back of the truck. I drove up to the front of the restaurant. I parked right next to the S U.V. that I had walked around and saw Jake, (one of the waiters) and Will, (the manager) and emphatically told them what I had seen happened. They were locking the front door from the porch and were leaving.
I swear and would under oath that what I saw happened is the truth. To see a full bodied man walking near you, you would never think that it was not a real person. I never would have gotten that close to him (it) if I thought it was a ghost or spirit. Furthermore, I definitely would have also videotaped it as well. But I didn’t think it was anything unusual despite what it turned into. My biggest regret was not taking a video of what happened.
This occurrence was totally unreal, shocking, and life as I have known it will never be the same for me. It was frightening and became spiritual near the end when the rectangle appeared.
My problem now is how to deal with all of this. For me this seems to be a random occurrence.
I was at the right place and at the right time by mere chance. All of which I can not stop thinking about.
I have more questions to ask and nobody I know right now can answer any of them. I don’t understand why I was the one who saw all of this happen. Perhaps a man or spirit going to heaven ?
I clearly remember asking him ” Hey man where are you going baby” ? Was I the cause of his radical and graphic departure ?
How can I make sense out of something that just doesn’t make any sense at all. I have not told a lot of people about this. However I do feel an obligation and a sense responsibility to have this in writing of what happened to me. I would also talk about this occurrence to anyone who is interested in my story regardless if they believe me or not.
Joe Killian
New Fairfield
From Joe about the image below:
“Here is what I drew out for you to put into perspective of what I saw right before the implosion into the black hole right in front of me on 1/26/2019. The entities body parts were blown apart into the bubble clouds right before this. Plus his whole left leg with his shoe on had already been sucked up and into a slit in the sky to the left side of this picture.
It seemed to me that his energy and solid matter was transfered into the small florescent tiny stars to the upper right side of the picture.
The electric blue streaks of light appeared next to the upper left and right side. Next a very tiny thumb nail sized rectangle came up towards me. The red on top yellow bottom with the light blue sphere inside of it. As it gradually grew more larger it stopped above me and collapsed into the clouds and the tiny stars. The tiny stars would constantly appear and then fade out then appear and fade out. There were hundreds of them doing this random burst out and fade out sequence right before the implosion occurred.”