The Rico Act Synchro

Rudy mugshot

Today, August 23, the first day of Mercury retro, Rudy Gulliani, once the celebrated mayor  of NYC and a prized prosecutor, surrendered at the Fulton County Courthouse.

In his time, Gulliani, prosecuted major mafia figures under the Rico Act, the very thing he was charged with by prosecutor Fanis Willis.

This synchronicity strikes me as a trickster, the universe shaking its finger at ole Rudy, chanting, Ah, you big baby, wah-wah-wah…

Rudy is 79. He would be facing years in prison, the rest of his life. I think the odds are good that he will flip.

C’mon, Rudy. Stop whining and flip… Maybe that’s what the trickster is laughing about.

Then there’s this mug shot, which happened today. An historic event.

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Ken Lloyd: Transformational Healing

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Ken Lloyd is a psychic healer. We came to know him because our friend Susan Yantorno mentioned that he spoke at the spiritual center she attends and suggested him as a guest for our podcast. We poked around on his website and asked him to come on. Trish asked if he worked on ankles; he said he did, and virtual sessions followed.

It’s difficult to describe how Ken does what he does. But here is Ken’s description of his work from his website:

“Ken has the spiritual technology to instantly break past life contracts, promote energetic physical healing, release self-limiting traumas, remove negative, dense energy, and even rewrite your soul agreements to align with your current mission. As a Master Activator, one of Ken’s missions is to activate the spiritual technologies embedded in every soul on the planet. He can remove energetic blockages and then apply activating, encoded energies from the higher realms that unlock and accelerate your spirit. As a result, you’ll be able to access more of your blueprint. Spirit will provide clarity around your galactic gifts and spiritual purpose, and you may even interact with higher-realm ETs.

Today, Ken plays a frontline role in helping people access their hidden talents and expand their human experience. He has healed, cleansed, and activated countless individuals across the nation. Ken is the bridge that will fast-track you to the galactic power hidden within your DNA!”


And here is the You Tube video:


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Tomorrow,  Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, one of two signs that it rules.

In 2023, there are 4 Mercury retrogrades. They come along every 3 months or so and are marked primarily by miscommunication. These times, which last about 3 weeks, are best navigated by: revising, reconsidering, and reviewing. And there are plenty of DO NOTS to follow:

– Don’t start anything new

– Don’t sign contracts

– Don’t move or put your home on the market

– Don’t buy anything with moveable parts like a car or a computer

– If possible, don’t travel long distance unless you remain flexible because your schedule is likely to change

– Don’t have surgery. Even though surgery is ruled generally by Mars, too many things can go wrong. The worst case I’ve heard about involved a friend’s dog. She had a torn ACL in one leg and the vet operated on the wrong leg, so the poor dog had to go through the surgery and recovery again, on the leg with the torn ACL.

– I’ve bought a car and a computer during a Merc retro and regretted it. I returned the car in less than a year and the computer never worked correctly. We also moved during a retrograde in my sign, Gemini, and it was a mess from start to finish.

– Don’t start anything new or make submissions.

However, there are positive things that can happen during these periods. People from your past may show up. A relationship or situation gains a certain clarity that has been lacking. If you do travel during a retro, it’s likely you’ll return to the same destination again. Issues from the past crop up and that can be positive or negative depending on the issue.

For Geminis and Virgo, whose signs are ruled by Mercury, these retro periods can be super irritating. Just try to go with the flow and when you communicate, take nothing for granted.

The next Mercury retro begins December 12 at 11:09 PM PT, and December 13 at 2:09 AM ET, in Capricorn and Sagittarius. It ends on January 1, 2024 at 10:08 PM ET and 7:08 AM PT. So this one may mess up your gift-buying for the holidays – best to buy before December 12 – and takes us into the new year.



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How the Deceased Speak to Us


Since my sister’s death late on June 6 of this year, I’ve been particularly vigilant for messages from her or her influence on events. For several months now, I’ve been trying to arrange various commitments around a pending surgery on my arthritic ankle.

I had already told the orthopedic surgeon that the dates between August 15 and September 15 weren’t viable for me because of a Mercury retrograde. My sister, Mary, had told me when she was alive that I shouldn’t mention a Mercury retrograde to a medical doctor. She was an R.N. So I thought, Okay, I won’t say anything. But when he asked me why those dates were off for me, I blurted the truth. Mercury retrograde.

“What’s that?” he asked. So I explained it to him and gave him examples.I never hd the chance to tell Mary that he didn’t roll his eyes and laugh.

Between that visit and my most recent, Susan, a friend in Sarasota, a retired veterinarian, told us about a psychic healer – Ken Lloyd – who spoke at her spiritual center. She suggested he might be a good guest for our podcast. So we invited him.

I watched some of his videos of working on people at the center and emailed him and asked if he worked on arthritic ankles. He said the only areas he couldn’t heal yet were eyesight and hearing. So I scheduled a healing session with him via Zoom. I didn’t really know what to expect but at the end of the hour, I felt like I had visited a different universe.

He first looked for energetic blockages that might be preventing healing on the ankle. He found some and when he did, he spoke in what Susan called a language of Light. It sounds somewhat like tongues, yet different. During the last half hour, he worked only on my ankle. For the next several days, I felt enormous relief. It was as if I’d gotten a cortisone injection. I scheduled a follow-up session for the next week. More relief. But the swelling didn’t diminish, so at times there was pain just from that. But not from the arthritis.

After this second session, I had an appointment with the orthopedic doc. His nurse came in first and asked how the ankle pain was. I figured that if Mary had been alive, she would have discouraged me to breathe a word about a psychic healer. Instead, when the nurse asked, I replied, “I had a session with a psychic healer who really diminished the pain.” Her eyes widened.

“Wow, that’s fantastic!” She made a note in my chart. I sensed Mary nodding her approval.

Then Dr. Rochman came in. “I hear you got some relief from a psychic healer. Good for you!”

I was shocked. I had expected him to smile or laugh. Instead, he asked if Ken worked physically on my ankle. I told him no, it was all zoom.”But it works,” I said. “Like getting a cortisone shot.”

“Even if you had the surgery, Trish, it only gets rid of the pain. Your ankle will still be swollen. So if this guy can heal the pain, work with him. The mind/body connection is powerful and real.”

Once again, I sensed Mary approving. This attitude was completely different from what she would have felt when she was alive. She knew how much I had dreaded this surgery and had offered to come to Florida to help out when I was in the recovery stage.”You did the same for me after my knee replacement.” After her death, I joked that Mary would be peering over the surgeon shoulder when he operated on my ankle. Instead, I feel she’s responsible for surgery being eliminated as an option.

If the only thing surgery relieves is pain, why not work with Ken to relieve the pain? So now I’ve had a third session and the pain is minimal. Ken Lloyd will be a guest on our podcast on Monday, August 21. That episode will be posted the following Sunday, August 27.

My sense is that Mary led me to him.

So stay tuned. Ken is the real deal.

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Creativity as a Synchronicity Trigger and Haven


Recently, I was experiencing a synchronicity dry spell. I’d been too caught up in the minutia of living, so there may have been synchros I didn’t notice. I was thinking about it and realized there was a biggie that I’d overlooked.

On February 12, Megan’s dog, Nika, died. She moved in with us right before the pandemic and through the years would spend weeks at a time with us. We joked that we had joint custody. But during the last several years, our home was her home. She and Nigel were companions. She had buddies at the dog park we go to daily. She was a joy and Nigel loved her.

The day of her death was devastating.

It quickly became obvious that Nigel was lonely. The cats noticed Nika’s absence. A couple weeks later, I was going through files in my computer, and saving or deleting the ones I no longer needed. I ran across a novel I’d started in 2020, early in the pandemic, and hadn’t finished. So I opened it and started reading.

The working title was Nika & Noah, a Love Story, which has since changed to The Experiment. Noah was the golden we had when Nika was just a pup. He pretty much trained her. He was also Nigel’s mentor and died when Nigel was two. As I read through it, I realized I liked the story and knew how to develop it now.

The state of Florida – now ruled by an autocratic government that has banned all religions except Christianity, undertaken a war on books, trans people, people of color,  and has decided what children can and can’t be taught in schools has now met its climate change changes in a major way. South Florida is underwater. The east and west coasts of Florida have pretty much vanished due to rising oceans, Disney World has moved back to California (supposedly is going to happen) and just some pathetic remnants exist. There’s a high corridor of land  just south of what was Disney through central Florida to the borders of Georgia and Alabama.

A lab in Orlando that used to belong to Disney is now owned by the government. Here, experiments are carried out on certain animals to enhance their abilities so they can be used as weapons. The way the story is evolving means that I can describe the impact of DeSantis’s extreme right wing bills that are turning Florida into an autocracy and put Nika’s death into a context that heals.

When I started writing part 2, clueless about where to go, my favorite characters, psychic Mira Morales and her husband, FBI agent Wayne Sheppard, sneaked in. And that’s when I really understood the story as a sequel to my last Mira book, White Crows.

Creativity often acts as the trigger for synchronicity. Now, once again, it has become my haven. So on days when I don’t experience a synchronicity, that magic that transforms the way you see the world and yourself in it, I return to the novel. I’m now 175 pages into it and love playing with the characters lives in apocalyptic Florida.

Unfortunately, the Florida I’ve described may not be that far in the future if DeSantis remains governor or – I shudder at the thought – wins the presidency. Given the negative press he’s getting and his lack of personality, the presidency for him seems distant.
Then again, when Trump ran in 2016, I didn’t think he’d win. So we never know. In a sense, the novel is my buffer against the headlines on any given day.


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TMU Time Machine: Darliss Mayes: Accessing Your Akashic Records

Revisit Trish and Rob’s April 2022 conversation with…

Darlis Mayes. She’s an Akashic Records instructor and consultant who facilitates group Akashic record readings for groups such as the Cocreator’s Convergence retreat as well as spiritual retreats around the world. She’s also a dowser and transformational spiritual coach.

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The Perils of Writing Fiction



Since 1985, when I sold my first novel, In Shadow, to Ballantine Books – I’ve made my living as a writer of both fiction ad non-fiction. I love both types of writing, but I believe that fiction writing comes with certain strange perils. It’s way to easy to create what if situations in your imagination when you don’t have all the facts.

Take any potentially perilous situation that involves someone you love. Today, Megan and two friends, Julie and Alex, were going hiking in the Cascade National Park. They got a late start because they have an electric rental car that needs to be super charged and the closest spot for doing that is a Walmart an hour from their B&B.It takes a couple hours to super charge the car so they lost about 3 hours.

Finally, close to noon, Meg sent a picture of the Maple Pass Loop un the park that they were going to hike. It’s seven miles. We didn’t hear another word from her until past midnight EDT and a little after 9 PM PDT. As the clock’s hands forward later and later, my imagination seized on this.

I imagined that they reached a narrow point in the pass and took a chance and tried to squeeze through – and that Megan lost her footing and tumbled down the mountain. This scenario ended up with a phone call from the National Park Service saying that our daughter’s body had been found.

Or this one. They were so high up that they a UFO landed and they were adducted, taken right into the craft and, well, fill in the details.

Or: Megan fell and broken her leg or her foot and had to be rescued by a medical chopper.

Or Julie and Alex would have to carry her out.

As a fiction writer, I imagine worst case scenarios. But these frightened me. I carried them through to the inevitable conclusion of the details you have to deal with after someone dies. I kept wondering if I would hear by tomorrow and if I hadn’t, I could have to call the park service.

Shortly after midnight EDT, (9 PDT) Megan texted: Just got service.

Apparently three miles into the hike, Alex fell and broke her foot. She couldn’t walk and Julie and Megan had to piggyback her two and a half miles out of the park. They were now in the car, headed back to the airbnb because all clinics were closed and the closest clinic was in Canada. They decided to take her to a clinic in the morning. She wasn’t in pain, but she couldn’t walk.

So, did my terrors as a mother inadvertently glimpse a scene in the future with one essential detail different?

Regardless, it’s definitely one of the perils of being a fiction writer.


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The dinosaur of videophones

It was 2008 or 2009 when a friend I knew from yoga invited Trish and I over to her townhouse for an ‘event.’ I knew it was some sort of sales promotion and she told me right away that I didn’t have to buy anything or have any interest in the product. She just wanted bodies there to show she was doing her part in the promotion and there would be food. That was the good part. She’s originally a Parisian and knows a lot about French cuisine. Indeed, the food was the best. The product was another matter.

It was a videophone and one of the problems was that it only worked when calling or receiving a call from someone with another ACN Videophone. The promoters were looking for people to sell them and the promise was that if you got involved on the ground floor, you could make a lot of money. But first you had to invest $495 to become a salesperson and you also had to buy some phones to sell. The idea was you get other people to join in and sell the phones for you. If you didn’t attract your own sales crew, you had to sell a lot of phones yourself to make any money. In other words, just like a pyramid scheme.

To get people excited about this product, a video was shown and guess who was promoting this phone? Donald Trump. I was well aware of who he was at the time but I’d never watched a single episode of The Apprentice so it was the first time I had heard him speaking. I was somewhat appalled that he sounded just like a carney barker. Nothing classy at all about his presentation, just a hard sell. After the video, someone stood up and said, “Wait a minute. You can already make video calls through Skype.”

The promoters who were present didn’t want to talk about that. This wasn’t through your computer. It was a videophone. I don’t think too many were impressed and the product eventually flopped. Over the years, as Trump’s balloon grew larger and larger until it dominated the entire sky, I occasionally thought about that videophone. Trump has been linked to a variety of scam over the years from Trump University to his phony foundation, but I never heard anything more about the videophone scam until just recently when Rachel Maddow put up a clip from that same Trump video promoting the phoney phone.

Maddow went on to say that in 2018, a group of people, who had been scammed and lost money, got together and filed suit. But they didn’t sue the manufacturer, ACN, instead they filed a suit against the phone’s #1 promoter, Donald Trump. Now, this summer it is finally coming to trial…one of many he faces as his bad karma starts catching up to him.

After seeing that news report, I contacted the French woman, who I haven’t talked to in several years, through Messenger and told her what I’d just seen. She said she was behind and just about to begin watching Rachel herself. About an hour later, she wrote back and said:  “I didn’t know there was leprosy in Florida.” I responded: “Yeah, malaria, too.” (Both topics were also on Rachel’s show.) About the videophone, she said she didn’t get involved and didn’t even remember that Trump was the main promoter. Really?

In case anyone is interested, you can still pick up a couple of those video phones for you and your mother – or someone – for $20 each on eBay.

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REV Sue Frederick: Through A Divine Lens

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Reverend Sue Frederick is an ordained Unity Minister, a master numerologist, a lifelong intuitive, and a certified Past Life & Between Lives Soul Regression therapist. She is the author of several books, including Through a Divine Lens, which we’re going to talk to her about. She is also the author of The Sacred Numerology Workbook, Bridges to Heaven & I See Your Dream Job.

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Trump & Karma


That word, karma, is defined as: “in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.” The informal definition is: “destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.” Then there’s a sentence that illustrates it: “something highly satisfying when karma strikes.”
So, has Donald Trump finally been confronted by karma?

Well, it certainly looks that way. His third indictment involves J6 and the election of 2020. The four counts add up to 55 years in prison. But ultimately, will this indictment make a difference? Or will trump, the lead Republican candidate for the 2024 election, and his attorneys, manage to get the trial delayed until after the election? And if trump wins, he’ll no doubt pardon himself and all these annoying indictments will vanish.

But let’s say the D.C. judge sets a court date before the election and a jury of trump’s peers finds him guilty on all four counts. Will he actually do time? The maximum years of imprisonment for these crimes adds up to 55 years. Imagine it. Trump is 77. He’d be 132 at the end. But the likelihood of that kind of time for him, even if he’s found guilty on all four counts, is unlikely. But if he does time in prison and wins the presidency (gag), there’s no law currently in place to prevent him from being president from prison unless he’s convicted of seditious conspiracy. And that’s not one of the charges.

So, we’re left with a looming question mark. Will his supporters wake up? Will the Republican Party and its other candidates wake up and finally distance themselves from this loser?

Will karma have its day?

I’m on the lookout for synchronicities that may provide a hint as to how this all shakes out. Specifically, synchros that happen between now and August 28, when the judge will set a court date for the trial.


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