The Flat Tire, Exploding Bracelet, & Good-bye Dinner


During the pandemic from 2020-2022, a group of us gathered at the dog park daily around 2:30. It gave our dogs a chance to play with and hang out with other dogs and most of the time we had this huge park to ourselves.

Even now, we have a particular spot on the far side of the park that has three benches and a lot of shade and there’s usually a breeze. During the summer, shade and the breeze help to mitigate the scorching temperatures. During the equestrian season, the park is usually crowded during the morning and evenings, which was why we started going in the mid-afternoon during Covid.

The regular group consisted of Arlene, Estelle (during the season), Lloyd, Paula, Rob & me. We often talked politics – how much we disliked Trump and what he was doing to the country. But we also shared personal stories and were, of course, all dog lovers. We also got to be good friends. In fact, my book, White Crows, written during the pandemic, is dedicated to them. They helped keep me sane during the final years of the trump presidency. Now one of them, Paula,  is leaving.

Paula and her dog, Nala, are moving to Raleigh with Paula’s guy, Scott, whom she has been seeing for three years. So tonight the group met at Darbster’s, a vegan place that welcomes dogs, for a good-bye dinner. We also invited one of Paula’s oldest friends in town, Meryl, and her sister. We’d decided to meet at Darbster’s at 5:15. Lloyd made the reservation.

For us, the drive there takes from 30-45 minutes, depending on traffic. Around 4, Paula sent a group text that her car had had a flat tire on the way to Scott’s hotel in West Palm Beach and they were waiting for a tow truck. She suggested we change the reservation to 6.

Around the same time, Paula texted Meryl about the flat. Right around the time the text came through, Meryl was putting on a bracelet with lavender crystal beads that Paula had given her several years ago. It suddenly exploded. Then she saw Paula’s text about the flat and offered them a ride to Darbster’s.

The exploding bracelet is certainly an interesting synchro time-wise. But it also personifies how we all feel about Paula’s departure!

In spite of the flat, we met at Darbster’s with 3 dogs, around 5:30 and sat inside. It was the first time the group had met Scott. We all liked him. He and Paula are both Geminis, born the same day, two years apart. As an astrologer, I don’t see that kind of match very often.

So in spite of the flat and the exploding bracelet, it was a great celebration of friendship and camaraderie. When I hugged Scott good-bye, I told him that he was getting a very special person and he replied that he knew that. Lloyd told him to take good care of her and that he and I had awesome psychic powers! In other words, treat her well, Scott, or we’ll zap you with our psychic powers! Not quite true, but the sentiment shines through!

You’d better visit us, Paula! You and Nala will be missed!

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For many years now, frogs have been the creatures who act as my signal, providing me with a glimpse of the near future. I think of them as symbolic of transformation.
During the warm summer months, Cuban tree frogs hop onto our windows, drawn by the insects that are attracted  to the lights in our offices. They are the largest tree frog in North America and  are fascinating to watch. The top photo is of a frog  paying homage to a pasted frog on the inside glass of Rob’s office window.

Considering the number of frogs in our yard, these guys rarely get inside the house. But when  they do, it’s usually significant in some way, even if that significance isn’t immediately apparent.   It often means that an event is on its way into our lives. If the frog is healthy and vital, then the event is likely to be transformative in a positive way. If the frog is ailing or dead, then the event is likely to impact us negatively.

Some years ago, Rob, Megan and I got home from somewhere and found a dead frog in the middle of our family room. Megan glanced at both of us. “Uh-oh,” she said. “Dead frog in family room. “

And I thought: Yeah, someone in the family is going to die.

Some hours later Rob’s mother called to tell him his dad was in hospice. Rob flew to Minneapolis. His dad passed away three days after we’d found the dead frog.

On another note, in February of 2003, I found a live frog in my office, caught and released it. I knew good news was headed my way. Two days later, I received a call from a fellow writer, Glenn Meganck, who told me my novel, Out of Sight, had been nominated for an Edgar Alan Poe Award for best paperback original, by the Mystery Writers of America. I spent the next 3 months visualizing myself winning the award.

In early May, I was in New York at the awards dinner and I won. I already knew my acceptance speech by heart.

It’s been like this for decades. The frog, alive or dead or somewhere in between. In the house or outside. The state of the frog and where it’s found are intrinsic to what’s coming up. So on February 5 or 6, 2023, I was moving some stuff around in the family room, trying to make room for Rob so he could keep his leg elevated. He’d had knee replacement surgery. I pick up a plate with the frog on it and it cracked. It split in half.

For moments, I just stared at it, all sort of terrible things dancing around inside me. Bad luck, bad luck, plate with frog on it broke in half. BUT. It wasn’t a real frog, just an image, surely it didn’t mean anything, right? A couple days later I bought some super glue and fitted it back together. The next day, I had to take Nika to the emergency vet and ultimately she was euthanized.

On June 6, my sister, Mary, died suddenly. of a strep infection. I wrote about it here. But no frogs made a prior appearance. There was no warning symbol at all. Why not? What has changed? The fact that there was no warning was part of the total shock of her death.

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Mieke And Paul Benton: My Life Is A Mystery

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Mieke And Paul Benton…Have you ever experienced any unusual things? Maybe you call them miracles or unexplained mysteries, or things people do not talk about. My life has been a series of mysteries. Some of them were so unusual that I didn’t have any reference points to compare them. I kept those experiences in the back of my consciousness like a book I put back on the shelf to later pick up again.

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The Mysterious Plant

In South Florida, a lot of plants grow wild and we can’t always identify them. This evening, while doing yard work, Rob saw this one and didn’t know what it is. I’ve seen it too and figured it was just one more interesting weed. So when we find an unidentified plant, we used a Google trick,

On the Google home page, in the search bar on the right, you’ll se a microphone and what looks like a camera. Click the camera icon and bring the mysterious plant into focus. Google immediately starts search . It comes up with an identical image of the plant an identifies it.

Turns out this plant is coffee!

No one planted it.  It has tiny seed pods on it that presumably will produce coffee beans. Once we’ve got beans, we’ll pick them and grind them and try it out. Stay tuned!

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Wordle & Whales


On Saturday, July 23,  our daughter Megan is in the San Juan islands off the coast of Washington state- town of Friday -where she’s going to kayak with whales. We’ve been texting a lot, with her sending photos and her impressions of the place, which looks  gorgeous!

Last night, she stayed in  a hostel and the only other women in her room were two women in their 60s. This morning she reported that one woman’s name is Meg and she signed up to take the kayaking tour with Megan. Good synchro! But it doesn’t end there.


A little while after she told me about the woman named Meg, she wrote: “Do today’s wordle! It’s a sign!”

So I did wordle, and thanks to what she wrote, got it in one.

For her, I think this synchro portends a fantastic day and an experience she isn’t like to ever forget! Just think about the odds!

Interesting, too, is that their guide is a big Indiana Jones fan and has read Rob’s books!



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TMU – 0165 – Trish MacGregor – Star Power For August 2023

Join Trish for the August 2023 astrological forecast!

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A Song & a Heart

This You Tube video tells the story os an amazing synchronicity between these two women

From Yahoo Entertainment:

“When an Odessa, N.Y.-based high school theater director named Holly Campbell lost her 11-week-old son, Jake, a decade and a half ago, she could have never imagined that his tragic death would lead to a beautiful friendship with another mom who was living on the other side of the country in Oregon — or that one day she and that mother, Kim Scadlock, would be standing onstage together in Los Angeles, holding hands and singing for the America’s Got Talent judges.

“Back in 2007, my son unfortunately passed away and he became an organ donor, and his heart went to Kim’s son,” Campbell revealed. “And the last song I sang to Jake, to say goodbye to him, was ‘For Good’ from the musical Wicked.”

“My son was 16 days old at the time. He got the heart. We lived thousands of miles apart and had no idea who each other was ever met,” said Scadlock. However, the two women shared a musical bond even then, as Scadlock explained: “When [my son] Beckham was finished with his heart-transplant surgery, I wasn’t allowed to hold him. I could just kind of stroke his head. And the first thing I did when I stroked his head is I sang that song — ‘For Good,’ from Wicked.”

“We were blown away when we found out; it was really an amazing moment,” Campbell marveled.

Amazing, certainly, but also an incredible synchronicity.Watch the video. They performed together on America’s Got Talent  and were billed as 2 Moms United by One Heart.

Thanks to Carol Bowman for bringing this to my attentiom!

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Recently I’ve been adapting an award-winning  movie script called, Simon: Son of Star, into a novel. It’s an historical tale about an Israeli rebellion against the Roman Empire in the years 132-135 AD. Simon was a master swordsman who rose to power and led the rebellion. Rabbi Akiva, the chief rabbi of Israel at the time, declared that Simon was the long-awaited Jewish messiah. When Emperor Hadrian heard about the Simon and that he was declared the messiah, his response was: “What, another one!”

Hadrian thought Simon and the rebels could be quickly defeated but he was wrong. The rebels first took over a series of Roman-held villages, then the capital city Jerusalem and Hebron. Simon freed the Judeans, as they were then called, for three years before Hadrian sent most of his military – legion and legion of soldiers- and surrounded the fortress  village of Beitar, where Simon and his army took their last stand and went down in defeat in a massive slaughter.

I (Rob) was working on the novel when an email popped up for a new disc golf disc, synchronistically called ROMAN EMPIRE as depicted above. When I’m not at my desk writing, I’m a disc golf player, playing a game or two a week with a group of friends. So it’s not surprising that I would get an email from Infinite Discs about a new disc on the market. But the name of it was clearly a meaningful coincidence for me. And BTW, I played today…and got slaughtered!


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Jude Currivan and Andrew MacPhearson: The Mystical And The Physical

Rob & I were delighted to spend part of our 40th anniversary with Jude Currivan, Andrew MacPherson, and Jon Posey! This mind-blowing episode is one you don’t want to miss.

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Jude Currivan, Ph.D., is a cosmologist, futurist, planetary healer, member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and previously one of the most senior businesswomen in the UK. She has a master’s degree in physics from Oxford University and a doctorate in archaeology from the University of Reading. She has traveled extensively, worked with wisdom keepers from many traditions and is a lifelong researcher into the nature of reality. She is the author of 6 books, including The Cosmic Hologram, and her newest book is The Story of Gaia: The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of our Conscious Planet.


Andrew Macpherson, a world-renowned photographer. He has worked for top fashion magazines such as Vogue and Bazaar. His work has regularly appeared on album and magazine covers and movie posters. He is also the author of A QUESTION OF SPIRIT, about his exploration of the spirit world. While he had some mystical experiences as a child, it was after he turned 26 when a floodgate of experiences and dreams and wild synchronicities opened his eyes to the mystery of spirit.

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We’ve been writing this blog since February 4, 2009. For more than 14 years. Periodically, I go back to see some of our earlier blog posts. It gives me a good idea of the kind of synchros we were writing about, what was going on in the world and in the U.S. at.the time. Politically, it was a different world, that’s for sure. Back then, trump was just some real estate guy in New York and periodically appeared on TV with his stupid business predictions. This from the guy reputed to not pay the people he hired for various johs. Obama was president then, Biden was VP.and the country was recovering from the 2008 financial crisis that Obama had inherited from George Bush.

One of the posts I found from 2009 was from September 28, about the death of my former editor at Kensington Books, Kate Duffy. I adored this woman. Here is the post I wrote about her, I enjoyed remembering all these experiences I describe.

She was an original, an Aquarian with a Cancer moon who had a biting wit and a raucous laugh. She rescued my fiction career in February 1997, when she bought one of my paranormal thrillers, The Hanged Man. We did a total of 12 books together and during that time, I came to appreciate how rare she was as an editor. She understood that novelists do their best work when they write about what they love and always gave me complete creative freedom. She was also a relentless cheerleader for my books.

But more than this, Kate understood the terrain of the human heart. When my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimers and my dad moved in with us, she called frequently to find out how we were doing. In May of 2000, Kate called when I was sitting at my desk, sobbing, and I told her I would have to call her back. She wouldn’t let me get off the phone until I told her what had happened. I had just been told by my mother’s doctor that she wasn’t a candidate for hip replacement surgery because of the Alzheimer’s and that she was now doomed to live out the remainder of her life on morphine. Kate talked me through it.

When my mother died, when my father passed on several years later, she was there to talk.
When her dad was ill, I remember looking at her birth chart – and his – and telling her about a challenging period that was coming up. A few months later, I felt something had happened to her and called her cell – which I’d never done before. She was on the train, her father had just died.

During a trip to New York, Kate took Megan and I out to lunch and asked Megan, then 15, about the time travel novel she was writing. She listened as though Megan were one of her authors and then gave her some advice about it. This is the kind of person she was.

Her time and expertise were always available to me and I used both liberally. I could give her a single paragraph of an idea and she would know immediately whether it would work. When I was nominated for an Edgar Allan Poe award, Kate sent roses. When I won, I sent roses to her.

At a romance conference in Orlando in 2005, the last time I saw Kate, she and I stole away at nine PM one night to watch Lost, a show we both loved. We drank wine and laughed, talked life and politics. On my way home the next day, I had a weird feeling that I wouldn’t ever see Kate again. Fifteen minutes later, I got a flat tire. At the time, I didn’t associate the thought with the flat tire. (In  retrospect, it’s a stunning synchro!)

The relationship between novelists and their editors is often complex. You may be friends, but you’re always aware the editor has the final say on what you write. So in April 2008, when I learned from my agent that Kensington wouldn’t be renewing my contract, I was hurt. I had sensed it might happen ,but here it was. Real.

Kate called me later that afternoon – something she certainly didn’t have to do – and told me how much she had enjoyed working with me. I understood it was business, so it didn’t feel like a dismissal. It felt like what it was – Kate reaching out one last time to offer encouragement, options.

We were both big Obama supporters, so it seems fitting that the last email we exchanged was right after Obama had won the election.

Me: We’re watching the birth of a whole new paradigm! Yahoo!!!

Kate: Went to bed in tears.

I’d say, rest in peace, Kate, except that you probably aren’t. I figure you’re starting your own publishing house on the other side and writers are already flocking to you. I’m sure I’ll see you around or hear that booming laugh in some unexpected place. Take care, Kate, and thanks for everything.

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