2023, the year of transformation

Pluto in Aquarius symbols


So far in 2023, I’m discovering that a lot of people are already feeling the transformative energy baked into this year. I did more annual astrology reports in December/January than in the lead-up to 2020. I’ve asked clients for the specific thing they’d like me to look for. The answers are all over the place – a move, a marriage, a baby, a career change, a foreign trip, a parents’ health…You get the idea. People are feeling…well, something.

In 2020-2021, we felt this same transformative energy due to COVID, shutdowns, little or no travel, masks or no masks, vaccines or no vaccines, the schisms in families, among friends. J 6 happened, then a committee about J6 held hearings and issued their report. It sure looked like trump was in charge of the insurrection.

On February 2, 2023, the NY Times published an article about the number of mass shootings so far this year. “As of early February, the Gun Violence Archive has counted 54 mass shootings in the United States this year. Six of them involved four or more fatalities.” The article is here.

Then there’s the continual drip of information about just how corrupt trump is – and was while he was president. And he’s still walking around free. So are most of the guys who were in his inner circle. You know – Meadows, Guilliani, Eastman…So, if 2023 is the year of transformation, does that mean trump and his cronies will be indicted? Trump already has  been compared to mobster John Gotti.

In his book People vs. Donald Trump: An inside Account, prosecutor and defense attorney Mark Pomerantz alleges that trump got rich “through a pattern of criminal activity. He demanded absolute loyalty and would go after anyone who crossed him. He seemed always to stay one step ahead of the law,” Pomerantz wrote.“In my career as a lawyer, I had encountered only one other person who touched all of these bases: John Gotti, the head of the Gambino organized crime family.”

This whole saga exemplifies what Pluto’s transit into Aquarius is about.

So does the 7.8 quake in Turkey & Syria that already has killed more than 15,000 people as of tonight, February 8.

Biden’s state of the union speech is another example of Pluto’s transformation. The speech was powerful and the way he turned the social security/medicare issue around on the Republicans was brilliant. So we all agree? Biden said at one point. No cuts to social security, medicare, medicaid?

Republicans couldn’t exactly contradict him with more than 27 million people – voters – watching. Yet, Biden went on and focused on optimism, bipartisanship, and how far the country had come since he’d become president.

At one point, the cameras found Marjorie Taylor Green in the audience. She wore some weird white coat with a fur collar and cupped her hands at the sides of her mouth and shouted, LIAR. At various times, there were jeers from the republican side. That’s also Pluto transiting Aquarius.

The actual transit doesn’t begin until March 23. But on a collective level, I think some of these themes are evident. For nearly 3 months, until June 11, Pluto travels through Aquarius. It changes us from the inside out – or at least starts that process before it slips back into Capricorn on June 11.

In January 2024, Pluto enters Aquarius again and this time sticks around for 20 years, until 2044. So think of these 10 weeks or so as a glimpse of your personal future – and our collective future as a democracy. My hope is that the transit will be like the Broadway musical Hair:

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

But if this is the beginning of the Aquarian age, it doesn’t have much to do with the moon in the 7th house or Jupiter aligning with Mars.

It has Pluto, a planet demoted to an asteroid by astronomers, turning on the light and love in our personal and collective lives by transforming us from the inside out. But what do we have to experience to get to that point?

It’s going to be an intriguing journey.

PS A week after Pluto entered Aquarius, trump was indicted. Nice beginning to this transit!

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This movie was made in 2017, was released for a week, and only made $422.00. I find this  shocking.

Rob and I were looking for something to watch tonight and he chose this randomly.  Ha. It’s the best movie I’ve ever seen that shows how synchronicity works. In this story, the synchronicities begin  through repeating patterns. Coincidence is mentioned a couple of times, but the word synchronicity is never used.

The other part of this movie that’s intriguing is the past life theme, an undercurrent  that runs through it.

The description from IMDB: A man’s life is derailed when an ominous pattern of events repeats itself in exactly the same manner every day, ending at precisely 2:22 p.m.



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A Clockwork Orange


This evening, Rob and I went to our local Barnes & Noble to see what was what. I was pleased to see that it wasn’t empty, that there were people actually perusing the shelves. I was also happy to see that in the new non-fiction section, there weren’t any books that were blatantly pro-trump.

I paused at a display table with a sign on it that said: Books you should have read but probably didn’t. I glanced at the titles: To Kill a Mockingbird and A Clockwork Orange leaped out at me. I’d read Harper Lee’s 1960 book and had seen the movie adaptation with Gregory Peck. I remembered reading the book when I was in boarding school in Massachusetts.

The second book, by Anthony Burgess, was published in 1962 and in 1971, Stanley Kubrick made the movie. I remember seeing the movie, was pretty sure I’d read the book, but have no specific memory of doing that, so I picked I up and opened it to the copyright page, 1962, 1986, 2019.

I Googled Burgess. He was born feb 25 1917 in Manchester, England, a Pisces. But that’s another post. He died on Nov 22, 1993, in London, 30 years to the day of Kennedy’s assassination.

I opened the book to the first page, an introduction from 1986

A Clockwork Orange Resucked

“I first published the novella A Clockwork Orange in 1962, which ought to be far enough in the past for it to be erased fro the world’s literary memory. It refuses to be erased, however, and for this the film version of the book by Stanley Kubeick may be held chiefly responsible.”

His intro to this edition, written 7 years before his death is 1993, captivated me. Here’s why. The original manuscript had 21 chapters. “The number of chapters is never arbitrary,” Burgess wrote. “Just as a musical composer starts off with an image of bulk and duration, so a novelist begins with an image of length, and this image is expressed in the number of sections and the number of chapters into which the work will be disposed. There twenty-one chapters were important to me. “

But his New York publisher thought otherwise. He eliminated chapter 21 and bought the book with 20 chapters. Burgess explains that he needed money back in 1961 – “even the pittance I was being offered as an advance” – and if the condition of the book’s acceptance was also its truncation – well, so be it.”

The result? This American edition includes Chapter 21, which Kubrick also included in his film. Burgess remarks that people wrote and asked why why Kubrick had left out the denouement. So what happens in the 21st chapter? As Burgess himself wrote in 1986: Readers of the twenty-first chapter must decide for themselves whether it enhances the book they presumably know or is really a discardable limb.”

So, stay tuned…

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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For April 2023

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For April 2023”:

Join Trish for the April 2023 astrological forecast!

The written version is in the masthead on the blog.

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What’s an Abraham/Hicks Cruise?


At some point last fall, Megan and I started talking about taking an Abraham/Hicks cruise. There was one on the Celebrity Equinox that would leave from Fort Lauderdale on March 9. It would visit Grand Cayman, Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire, and last until March 18. There would be 4 Abraham workshops – the days we were at sea.

In December, I started researching it – price, the layout of the ship, etc – and we convinced Rob to join us.

I started reading the Hicks books at some point after watching The Secret years ago. The material seemed strikingly similar to that of Seth, channeled by medium and author Jane Roberts. Here’s what Amazon says:

In 1963, Jane Roberts began to receive messages from a wise, non-physical being who identified himself as Seth. In regular sessions, Seth spoke through Roberts, offering lessons on the nature of reality and human potential. The Seth Material is a foundational collection of spiritual guidance and practical advice from Jane Roberts, the leader who launched the New Age and has influenced readers for decades.

I don’t think Roberts single-handedly launched the New Age. But she certainly contributed to it in a huge way. In fact, I remember reading that Jerry and Esther Hicks,when they were first starting out, wanted to attend one of Roberts’ ESP classes in Elmira. Then they discovered she had died – 1984.

In the many years since then, Abraham and Esther Hicks have published bestselling books and amassed a large following. The Celebrity Equinox can carry over 2800 passengers and has 1250 staff. The ship is huge. In the auditorium for the workshops, there were probably – at the very least – 1000 people who paid $450 just to attend. The workshops were advertised as 12 hours, while the ship was at sea. They were worth every penny.

In the first workshop, Abraham talked briefly about the law of attraction and the general nature of reality.The he opened himself to questions – if you raised your hand – if your arm wagged and glowed! – you might be picked for the “hot seat,” where Abraham takes personal questions. Some of the people who were chosen had been in that chair on previous cruises. One of those men hurried eagerly to the stage when Abraham pointed at him.

“A year ago when I was on this cruise and in this hot seat, I met the love of my life. We’re now married and bought a wolf sanctuary in Sedona, Arizona.” He then went on to explain that people who had suffered some kind of trauma came to the sanctuary to be healed by going into the area with the wolves.

auditorium before workshop started

Abraham talked about this, how wolves perceive the world and reality and why people find healing when they’re interacting with them. Right now, they have three wolves. We really wanted to talk with him about this at greater length and ended up sitting with him and his wife on the bus ride back to the parking garage safter the ship docked. That sanctuary is now on our bucket list.

When the video for these workshops go up for sale or appear in 15 minute segments on You Tube, check them out. At our last workshop, Abraham chose a man who said he’d written a song with Mick Jagger and would like to sing it. Abraham invited him to sing.
Turns out he rewrote Can’t Get No Satisfaction while listening to Jagger. The title and chorus became I CAN NOW GET SATISFACTION… Much more positive than the original!

They don’t allow videos at these workshops, but Abraham invited people to videotape it. I captured 18 seconds of it but am hesitant to post it here because it undoubtedly will be on the videos they sell. But the pic at the top gives you some idea of the auditorium and the size of the crowd.

Another man sat down and blurted that his grandson had decided he should be a granddaughter. Abraham’s take on transgenders was beautiful.

For dinner on Deck 3, the Abraham/Hicks people had their own area of the dining room, which gave us a chance to interact. We met an artist who studied under Normal Rockwell when she was 14 and her art is gorgeous.  Meryl Ann Butler.

We met a Belgian couple who were abducted and have agreed to come on the podcast and tell their story.

We met two business partners who are forming a business geared to corporate employees who want to escape the corporate world but are hesitant to do so.

We met a writer and his Panamanian wife who live just down the road from us.

In fact, there were a number of writers in this Hicks group.

The cruise docked at Grand Cayman, Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire. Rob has written a post about Aruba and all the synchronicities. In retrospect, there were a lot of synchronicities on this trip.

Since this was my first cruise, I didn’t know what to expect. But what I found was that the ship’s processes – from check in to meals and shows and check out – is extremely well organized. Given the ship’s size, I walked more than 5-6 miles a day. There’s a gym, a running track on deck 14, a spa on deck 12, a movie night on deck 15 where you can spread a blanket on grass. The ship is a moving city.

In Bonaire, our excursion was to windsurf on land, in racing cars with sails. It was strange and exhilarating. On Grand Cayman, we visited a tortoise sanctuary. On Aruba, I’d booked an excursion for a 3-hour catamaran cruise around Aruba. It turned out to be a 2 hour bus ride and a 40-minute ride on a diesel boat. I told the guest relations that the description had been inaccurate. The woman at the desk told me to talk to the excursion manager after 6 pm. So I did – and offered to rewrite the description. But they’d already refunded 50 percent of the excursion’s cost.

The shows were great – a musical, a mind reading performance, a voice mimic who could sing in the voice of other singers.

Cruises are pampered travel. All you have to do is pay and show up. And that pampering is what these cruises are all about. Unpack in your room and get ready and then dive in!

But the one element cruises lack? Animals. Nigel would love that grassy area and all the people.

The workshops were terrific. What I personally took away from them was that I need time to work on my own books and that any ghostwriting projects I take on will be for topics/stories that excite me and not just for the money.

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Ah, Pluto

Today, March 23, Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius.This is an astro biggie.

I suspect that most astrologers learn interpretations by working with their own charts and the charts of family members and friends. For years, I wondered what might happen when Pluto conjuncted my natal moon at 29 degrees and 56 minutes of Capricorn close to the cusp of my 4th house.

Pluto rules the deep stuff – life, death, life after death, transformation, the psychic realm. It’s the snail of the zodiac, sticking around in a single sign for anywhere from 15 to 20 years, so it impacts generations. It rules the 8th house.

The moon represents intuition, Mom or the nurturing parent, our emotions, and rules the 4th house of home, family, our personal environments. It also rules how we nurture ourselves and others.

Since I have Scorpio rising, Pluto rules my chart because it rules Scorpio. So I wondered whether I would die during that conjunction. Or if someone I loved would die. Or if there would be some Dystopian event that would determine my future or that of humanity.

Back in  February, with  Pluto edging toward a change of signs on March 23, from Capricorn into Aquarius, I’ve been keeping tabs on Pluto’s excruciatingly slow movements. But the past couple of weeks had  been hectic and I hadn’t been as diligent about checking.

So this morning (Feb 12) when I got up, I noticed that Nika wasn’t her usual buoyant self. I went outside with Nigel, expecting to see Nika right behind me, but she was moving so slowly she looked like she was in pain. Once outside, she just stood in the sunlight, seemingly confused.

I got her back into the house and settled on a little bed I’d made for her in the family room. I went into my office to check my email and checked the day’s transits, too. Pluto stood at 29 degrees and two minutes Capricorn. My moon is 29 degrees 56 minutes Capricorn. The conjunction was here. It had sneaked in.

My birth time of 3 p.m. always has been in doubt. People are rarely born on the hour, it seems, and I was born in Venezuela, where time is an odd commodity. Mañana, mañana – tomorrow, tomorrow – is the usual litany. For all I know the actual time was 3:03 or 3:05 but whoever recorded the time on my birth certificate figured 3 p.m. would do. A minute later than three would have given me an Aquarian moon.

But today I discovered that the 3 p.m. birth time might be correct. There was a death – Nika’s. I wrote about the particulars here –  So if you have a copy of your birth chart and there’re any planets in the late degrees of Capricorn – from 26-30 degrees – pay close attention to events that unfold between now and March 23, when Pluto enters Aquarius.

Nika’s death impacted my home and family and personal environment in a huge way. She was the dependable dog, the wise one, the center of any animal pack that included two cats and any dogs who visited. She was the undisputed leader who refused to squabble over anything, unless you were a dog who sneaked up behind her to sniff her butt. She didn’t like that and set you straight real quick.

So now I understand the kinds of experiences I may have while Pluto is conjunct my natal moon. This aspect will happen again once Pluto turns retro on June 11 and slips back into Capricorn. June 11 is the repeat date. I’d like to say I’ll be ready. But the truth is that with this kind of aspect in the final degrees of Capricorn, I’ll be feeling anxious, waiting for some horror to surface.

My hope is that once Pluto enters Aquarius in early January 2024, we’ll be moving toward the age of Aquarius that was captured in the Broadway musical Hair.

When the moon is in the 7th house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

But for me, the jury on that one is still  out.



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Aruba Encounter

A couple of weeks before we were to leave for a 9-day Caribbean cruise, I was contacted by a woman through an agency that brings us clients who need help with their writing projects. Claudia had a somewhat curious request. She’d completed a science-fiction-fantasy novel that involves some sort of alien contact or intervention, and she wanted me to re-write two of her chapters that take place in Russia. She said  she didn’t want Russia in her novel after what has happened in Ukraine and she had written the chapters before the Russian invasion.

I wasn’t really interested in getting involved in the project because I was trying to wrap up another one before the cruise. So I told her a story of how when I was adapting the script of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, I was contacted by George Lucas’ assistant and told that I must remove all references to Turkey from the novel. I responded by saying nearly a third of the book takes place in Turkey. Doesn’t matter, I was told. The Turkish government contacted the American Embassy and registered an official protest. They did not want an Indiana Jones movie or novel using Turkey as a location, because it would insult the people of Turkey. As it turned out, I found out that Turkey – or part of Turkey – was called Hatay in 1938-39. Amazingly, the story takes place in 1938. So Hatay it was.

Claudia was impressed with that story and I told her all she had to do was change the name of the country. She was grateful for my help, maybe because she was used to people charging her for their services and I was not asking any money. I just wanted to move on, and besides she didn’t really need my help. She told me if I was ever in Aruba where she lived, I could stay for free in her beach house-cottage. I responded that actually I would be in Aruba in less than two weeks – but only for a day as part of the cruise Trish and I and daughter Megan would be on. That resulted in an invitation to take us to lunch and later to dinner at her house. We had no idea what to expect.

Once getting off the ship, we were met by the head of Aruba tourism and his assistant, given packaged gifts and when Claudia, arrived she had bouquets of flowers for Trish and Megan. Megan writes for a popular travel blog and that was the reason Claudia asked the tourist folks to meet us. We had a great lunch at the Ritz-Carlton, then were given a tour of an old gold mine and a natural pool in a cave  where adventurous Megan took the 15-foot leap into the pool not once, but three times. Very typical of her. Here’s a link to her leap.

We took a pre-planned catamaran ride from the cruise ship, then were picked up again by the tourism folks and taken to Claudia’s house for dinner. Well, I should say mansion. She and her family apparently are one of the wealthiest families on the island. She had hired the best chef on Aruba and her staff of two served us and kept our wine glasses full. We ate outside at a long table by their pool with his husband, extended family and the tourist people. We were, of course, impressed.

The entire day was a synchronicity. The invitation, the fact that we would actually be in Aruba, that Megan had an assignment to write about Aruba, but also one other thing. The cruise was an Abraham-Hicks event that included four days of workshops featuring Esther Hicks channeling the entity Abraham, as she has done for more than two decades. If you’re not familiar with the Abraham-Hicks journey, the central message is about the law of attraction. Another way of looking at synchronicity. So we had experienced our own law of attraction-synchronicity while cruising the Caribbean on a cruise dedicated to that very experience.

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The Mystical Underground: TMU Time Machine: Adam Stokes: Ancient Giants Of North America

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU Time Machine: Adam Stokes: Ancient Giants Of North America”:

Revisit Trish and Rob’s September 12, 2021 conversation with…

Adam Stokes. Professor Stokes has degrees in religion from Duke University and Yale Divinity School. He is the author of from Egypt to Ohio: a Semitic Origin for the Giants of North America and The Latin Scrolls: Selections from the five Megillah translated from the Latin Vulgate. His work has been featured in various magazines and podcasts including Ancient American magazine, Earth Ancients, Expanded Perspectives, Forbidden Knowledge News, Broadcast Team Alpha and She’s All Over the Place. He teaches high school Latin and a college course on the Old Testament.


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The Mystical Underground: TMU Time Machine: Philip Merry: The 9 Keys Of Synchronicity

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU Time Machine: Philip Merry: The 9 Keys Of Synchronicity”:

Revisit Trish and Rob’s March 13th, 2022 conversation with…

Philip Merry is the author of The 9 Keys of Synchronicity, a book that grew out of his Ph.D. research. Dr. Merry is a British native, who lives in Singapore. He has led workshops in leadership training for more than four decades and has addressed major world organizations in 61 countries. Philip is the only person with a grounded theory Ph.D. in synchronicity and leadership.


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Nika, Tyler, and the humans left behind

Nika and Noah at the dog beach

Two days  before we recorded our episode with animal communicator Heather Bristol, Heather gave Trish a reading about Nika’s death. Jon Posey, our producer, asked if I could record a tribute to Nika, who was initially Megan’s dog and eventually became the family dog. She lived sometimes in Orlando with Megan and the dogs she cared for as a dog sitter, and sometimes here in South Florida with us, Nigel, and the cats. During the pandemic, she moved down here with us and we kidded (sort of) that she was in retirement.

As I said in my tribute at the end of Heather’s episode, Nika was very much a human friend. That’s how we all felt about her, but it was especially true for me because the day she got so sick, neither Rob nor Megan were at the emergency clinic with me. Megan was in Orlando and Rob just had a knee replacement surgery and couldn’t walk. It was just me and Nika in that room at the end. And she did a very human thing. I brought my face down close to hers and she touched her nose to mine, as if in a final good-bye, I love you, thank you, and I felt my heart breaking.

Jon  heard the tribute, of course, as he put together the episode. The day after he posted it, he called to tell me he knew exactly how I felt. That he’d been in that place with his dog, Tyler.

This was the Instagram photo Jon posted after Tyler’s death and said he just had lost his best friend. Now take a look at the words under the picture.

“Of my friend, I can only say this: Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most…human.”

Captain Kirk said this of Spock – half-human, half-vulcan – after he died.

Jon also was in a room with Tyler when he was euthanized. Tyler had been sick for awhile and in care of a vet, but when the end came, Jon was there. The epitaph he used was exactly how I felt in the moment Nika touched her nose to mine. Very much a synchronicity, through empathy. I know what you’re feeling. I’ve been there.

Dogs and our love for them connects us as human beings.

Jon also included this photo, which was the last walk he and Tyler took together. It may  be oddly precognitive.

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