Category Archives: synchronicity
The Synchros of Hellier
Recently, we began watching a somewhat spooky documentary series called Hellier, which features a group of paranormal investigators who decide to look into reports of “goblins” appearing on a rural homestead in Hellier, Kentucky. There are numerous old mines in … Continue reading
Our animal buddies A favorite house spot ++ Some years ago, my sister, Mary, rescued three feral cats in her neighborhood. They’ve moved with her from house to … Continue reading
Marching Toward Gilead
Several days ago, State Rep. Jean Schmidt, who represents Ohio’s 65ht district, was questioned by fellow legislators about a bill she sponsored – House Bill 598 or The Human Life Protection Act. Her bill would make performing an abortion in … Continue reading
On May 3, we’re in for a treat. The documentary Alien Abductions will be available to stream from Amazon prime. Take a look at the trailer. It’s compelling.
Our first solar eclipse this year is on April 30, at 10 degrees Taurus. These eclipses are like double new moons – double the new opportunities. To find out how this eclipse impacts your sign, look in the masthead … Continue reading
A Cluster Synchronicity
Here’s a cluster synchronicity that happened today. I’m currently ghostwriting a novel that involves a woman whose memories of an abusive past life are bleeding through into her current life and causing her problems. She is Baker Acted at … Continue reading
The New Normal
In a world of – what? 7.9 billion people? – what would constitute critical mass for a paradigm shift? Half of that figure? Two-thirds? Seventy-five percent? Since we started our podcast, The Mystical Underground, in February 2020, the consensus of … Continue reading
Pound Sand, DeSantis
At one time in my life, I taught Spanish to middle school kids in a private school in Vero Beach, Florida. I also taught English to Cuban refugees after the Mariel boat lift in 1980-81. The middle school kids … Continue reading
Movie Theaters
Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, Rob and I have been inside movie theaters twice. The first time was in Orlando, at the Enzian. It’s beautiful theater, with an outdoor restaurant, and shows mostly independent films. The … Continue reading
White Crows
Available on May 24 or for pre-order now on Amazon.