Category Archives: writers

Creativity and Synchronicity

This one comes from author Nancy Pickard: “A few months ago, I was at my local library, thinking about a plot that would involve a young woman on a solo driving trip along back roads. As I was thinking about … Continue reading

Posted in creativity, nancy pickard, writers | 2 Comments


Here’s a story from 1988 that has always fascinated me. Trish and I traveled to Venezuela, where she was born and raised, and visited the Gran Sabana, one of the most fascinating wilderness regions of the planet. I remember carrying … Continue reading

Posted in books, travel, writers | 2 Comments

Plum Pudding

Here’s one of my favorite crazy synchronicity stories as told by French writer M. Deschamps. As a boy in Orleans, France, he was presented with a piece of plum pudding by a guest of the family, M. de Fortgibu. Years … Continue reading

Posted in trickster, writers | 3 Comments