Plum Pudding

Here’s one of my favorite crazy synchronicity stories as told by French writer M. Deschamps. As a boy in Orleans, France, he was presented with a piece of plum pudding by a guest of the family, M. de Fortgibu. Years later, Deschamps, now a young man, ordered plum pudding in a Paris restaurant, only to find that the last piece had just been taken. The waiter discretely indicated the direction of the guilty patron who, it turned out, was none other than de Fortgibu. Many years later,at a dinner party where Deschamps was again offered plum pudding, he recounted the above events concerning de Fortgibu. Finishing his tale, and still eating his plum pudding, he remarked that all that was missing was de Fortgibu. Soon the door burst open and in came de Fortgibu himself, now a disoriented old man who had gotten the wrong address, and had entered the restaurant by mistake.

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3 Responses to Plum Pudding

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i love this story – i'd heard it before and was spellbound by it – and still am reading it now! what an incredible synchronicity!

  2. Trish & Rob MacGregor says:

    Hey, Nancy! Can we use your story on here? It’s a wonderful synchronicity!

  3. Nancy P says:

    Cool new blog! May meaningful coincidences abound here. 🙂

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