Objects in Chinese Sky

This object was photographed in China and there were supposedly multiple witnesses. I’m fascinated by these photos and videos of unknown objects. There are so many of them these days. Or perhaps there were always a lot of them and the current technology simply makes it easier to share them. Here’s the related story.

In July 2010, another object in China skies forced an airport to cease operations. That incident made the news in the U.S.

On August 18, 2011, another object in China’s sky prompted authorities to close Jiangbei International, a major airport in the country.

What’s interesting is that when you click onto the above links and scroll down to the comments, you’ll find a comment by someone called bjdcharlie. Ole Charlie, whoever he is, says these photos are “totally not amazing.” One is an insect, the other is a camera with a flash at close range. OK, Charlie. Please. That’s the best you can do? No mention of Photoshop? No sense of curiosity? No WTF moment? Maybe they’re just genuine anomalies. You know, U(nidentified) F(lying) O(bjects) – UFOs.

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8 Responses to Objects in Chinese Sky

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    We all seem pretty much in agreement here! 🙂

  2. Dale Dassel says:

    The first pic looks like a hummingbird or locust caught in mid-flight by the camera flash. The other two shots appear genuine. I kinda wish Photoshop didn’t exist so we could take that element out of the equation.

  3. I saw these photos yesterday and was going to do a post about them, but for some reason changed my mind – now I know why!

    The top photo I thought looked a little too white. I enlarged it and couldn’t see anything to decide for sure. The other two are more realistic. China – or any country – wouldn’t close an airport on a whim, there must have been a good reason.

  4. gypsy says:

    for me, the bottom line is that i really cannot imagine a country such as china – any country, really – shutting down airports if there was not overwhelming evidence of some sort of [perceived or real] threat – known or unknown – great images –

  5. karen says:

    These photos ARE totally amazing! Charlie needs new glasses… I wonder if the folks actually saw the streak begin to come out from the object or was the streak already part of the object when they first saw it. Great photo…what’s the chances of having a professional photographer there?!! Lucky and …pretty cool.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    My humble opinion, and you know I’m an experiencer: the top pic looks photoshopped. The image in the sky looks fake, as if it has been super-imposed on a picture. The two that closed the airports look genuine to me. This is just, as said, my humble opinion. The one on the top simply doesn’t appear “real”. The others do, at least to me. Hard to know. I don’t think airports close when there isn’t a true threat in the skies.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I felt the top one was phony. The other two are good. What’s amazing is that China admitted closing the airports. Here in the U.S., no admission would be made.

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