The Nebraska Trip

This story comes from Lauren at Threads of the Spiderwoman. We read it on her blog and loved it. You’ll see!


I ran across this story in my files, and felt like sharing it.

In 2005 I was driving across Nebraska from an east coast residency, and stopped in tiny Cozad to visit the Robert Henri Museum, and the 100th Meridian Museum, which I just couldn’t resist.   The founder of the “Ash Can” school of American realism, Robert Henri was born there, and apparently never went back,  preferring New York City and Paris to Nebraska.  Cozad forgives him.

I remember, afterwards, sitting in a diner and fretting as usual about what to do with my life.  I know I was doing this, because I have it on paper in my journal.  I also remember looking up at a flashing sign on the bank across the street.

That got my attention.


Pretty cool, huh?? Talk about direct, literal messages from the universe.





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16 Responses to The Nebraska Trip

  1. Darren B says:

    “The Celestine Prophecy” .
    I read that book years ago and found it disappointing.
    But,I do like James Redfield , and I think he is doing a good job putting the idea of
    Synchronicity into the public sphere.
    I must say,though,that I found “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron a great book (I still have it on my bookshelf…and intend to read it again,soon).
    But,a book that I really hated,that people seem to love is “Anastasia” by Vladimir Megre.It is the biggest pile of rubbish I have ever read
    (no,sorry…that would be “Bear Speaks: The Story of 7 Sacred Lessons Learned from a Montana Grizzly”) (no sorry again,they are about equal,but at least Laura Carpini’s heart is in the right place…she’s just not a good writer) , and I know people that I respect,who think “Anastasia” is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
    Sorry,but “Anastasia” is one of the biggest cons going around (next to man-made global warming,and carbon taxes) , as far as I’m concerned.

  2. Just found your new site after I learned that your old site is gone. What a shame that crazy person did with your other blog.

    Anyhow, I was pleased to learn that a companion synchronicity journal is being published along with your book in paperback. When will it be available to purchase? I can’t wait to get one so I can have a place to keep track of my synchronicity experiences.

    Speaking of which, I finally met James Redfield on Saturday. He was instrumental in “rescuing” me from a scientific atheist view of the world when I discovered his novel “The Celestine Prophecy” in 1994 and realized that all the coincidences I had between 1991 and 1994 actually had meaning. It was great to meet him after all these years and to thank him for writing that book.

    • rob and trish says:

      Hey Sansego, great to hear from you. Wow, so what was redfield like? Would love to hear about your new synchros. The paperback and journal are supposed to be out in July. Once we get the hang of this new format, we’ll be back in action. Taking a few days off here
      to finish straightening out the damage. -Trish

  3. Debra says:

    When I try to reply to this blog, I get and error message saying it’s a duplicate, yet the post isn’t there???

  4. Debra says:

    I love this story!

  5. karena says:

    That’s awesome! And a synchro for me today…as I was reading the Artist’s Way this morning she was talking synchronicity and opening our eyes to it….and it was once again…as is this post….a signal to open my eyes to the synchronicity in my life. Although there have been some lately that aren’t what I really want to see….like the post you did with the house in foreclosure….and then reading healing mudras take on finding a favorite book, going to page 56, and reading the first ten lines when dealing with an issue at hand. In my case , I chose Cameron’s book…and on that page one line reads …”I remember her pointing down the steep slope from the home she was about to lose” . Yikes!!! Thanks for the photos on this new post….I think I’ll focus on this more positive synchro! Love you guys!!

  6. Yes, Friend Of Nica…I once again quote an old Bible verse from my childhood that has stuck with me all my life: “Let he who has eyes, see. Let he who has ears, hear.”
    Words to the Disciples from the Master Jesus as He was teaching in parables. I think our journeys are filled to the brim with parables that are “hidden” just under the surface, and like Lauren, if we only pay attention…….

  7. friend of nica says:

    and the universe speaks….

    all we have to do to hear is listen…
    all we have to do to see is to look….

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