The Trickster, the Colorado Massacre, and Planetary Empaths

This morning (July 20) when I checked my usual news sites, the headlines in Huffington Post were shocking: Movie Theater Massacre.  During the midnight premier of the new Batman movie, Dark Knight Rises, a 24-year-old man, James Holmes, entered a theater in Aurora, Colorado, wearing a gas mask and armed with an assault rifle, a Remington shotgun, and two Glock handguns,  and opened fire.   A dozen people were killed,  58 were wounded, and 11 are still in critical condition.

Holmes entered about 20 minutes into the movie, threw a tear gas canister and then started shooting. The survivors initially thought it was a stunt for the movie. In one harrowing account  a survivor in the line of fire describes the scene in the theater as “pure mass chaos.”

According to Huffington Post, this massacre was the worst mass shooting in the U.S. since the November 5, 2009 attack at Fort Hood, Texas, when an Army psychiatrist killed 13 soldiers and civilians and wounded more than two dozen others. “In Colorado, it was the deadliest since the Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999, when two students opened fire in the Denver suburb of Littleton, killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 26 others before killing themselves. Columbine High is about 12 miles from the theater.”

This tragedy has dark trickster written all over it. The character of the Joker has often been referred to as the trickster. Holmes, in fact, was dressed entirely in black, wore tactical gear, a gas mask,  and had dyed his hair red, just like the Joker. He is supposedly a doctoral student in neuroscience at the University of Colorado, but was in the process of dropping out, according to recent reports. He was  arrested behind the theater.

There’s another dark trickster twist to this story. In early June, Jessica Ghawi, an aspiring sportscaster, narrowly escaped a mall shooting in Toronto, and tweeted  about what she had seen and experienced during that event. She was in the theater in Aurora and while she waited,  tweeted a friend that the movie wasn’t starting for another 20 minutes. She was one of the victims.

When I initially read the story, I wondered if any of the planetary empaths had picked up on this before it happened.We wrote our first post on these individuals on March 11, 2010, and have posted other stories about them in the years since. These individuals often exhibit physical symptoms hours or days before a natural or man-made disasters.  I was about to email Math  when one from her appeared in our inbox.

Just for reference, the police in Aurora began receiving 911 calls at 12:39 AM mountain daylight time (July 20) so on the east coast of the U.S., it was 2:39 AM.

Re: Dark Knight theater Colorado killings

I experienced severe symptoms not long before this manifested. At 7:20 pm EDT on July 20, I  was sitting quietly downstairs in my chair watching TV. Suddenly, I had a “seizure-type” episode of some kind, and I don’t have seizure disorder. I felt “knocked out of my chair” but wasn’t.

Everything went black around me but I didn’t lose consciousness; I “heard” very loud “pops” in the air over my head; held onto arms of my chair to keep myself from falling; was afraid to open my eyes; I had several moments of feeling on the edge of hysteria but there was no reason for that; I felt intense terror but didn’t know from what. Pain in my cheek.

This episode lasted about fifteen minutes. Immediately afterwards I came to bed and went into a deep unmedicated sleep. Woke up this morning and saw the massacre on my computer news page. I had thought it was a natural disaster until I read about the shootings, etc. Knew that was what the symptoms were about.

In a later email, Math explained how she is gradually learning to decipher her symptoms:

I seem to pick up on man-made catastrophes in a different way than natural disasters. What I experienced prior to this event was very similar to what I experienced 72 hours prior to the 9-11 attack, but last night was on a much smaller scale and ended much more quickly.

I finally have been able to distinguish, most of the time, what will be a natural disaster and what will be a man-made one. Also, I apparently somehow remotely “connect” with a person who is injured or killed during the manifestation, and experience what that person is going to be experiencing. In this case, it must have been the child who was shot in the cheek. When I read that this morning, it instantly resonated with what I’d felt. Before 9-11, I experienced a woman burning to death, and her final thoughts, and I had similar symptoms to those I had last night. With the 9-11 event I spent the prior 72 hours in bed, feeling “dead”, until the impact of the first plane was shown, then it was as if nothing had happened in my own body. Last night, the symptoms put me to bed and into a deep sleep.

Did anyone else experience physical symptoms before this tragedy occurred?

It’s certainly time to revisit the second amendment, the right to bear arms. This topic came up after the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, but nothing was ever done, not even a ban on assault weapons. The assault weapon that Holmes carried can shoot 50  rounds a second. Combined with his other weapons, he packed 6,000 rounds, much of which he purchased over the Internet. The weapons were purchased locally, legally; Colorado has liberal gun laws. The ammunition and tear gas canisters were also purchased legally.  Such is the nature of the second amendment in this country, you know, that amendment that guarantees the right to bear arms.

The NRA is a powerful lobby in the U.S.  and seems to have only gotten stronger since Michael Moore’s damning indictment in Bowling for Columbine, a documentary that won him an Oscar.

As one woman in the dark park lamented this afternoon, “We’ve become a country governed by the National Rifle Association and corporations.”

Is that the best we can do? Really?

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49 Responses to The Trickster, the Colorado Massacre, and Planetary Empaths

  1. Marv Miller says:

    High Rob and Trish,

    I dropped in on your site via a link from Katya Walter’s site.

    I have a “quote” on the wall of my office, I wrote it, but am not sure I can claim any credit…with the Akashic Record and all: “Bridging: Building an atmosphere for synchronicity.”

    Bridging seems to be my “calling”, and I have a skeleton web site deployed which will cover Numerology in many flavors, etc. It is, and the Numerology shell site is at

    A note about Math’s original entry on the Aurora thing: shouldn’t the date for the 7:20pm time frame be on the 19th in order to have been in advance of that yuky theater scene?

    Thanks for caretaking a very informative site…


  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Me, too, Gyps. Night before last I woke up at 1:10am EDT with my heart in hard atrial fibrillation. I took the meds, but nevertheless the episode lasted until 9:30 yesterday morning. It left me feeling s if I’d been running up a 45-degree hill at full speed all night. That’s typical of AFib. What ISN’T typical is that I’ve not had an episode in a very long time, and then suddenly had it all night long the night after the massacre. I have to say, all day yesterday and all day today I’ve had PE symptoms but haven’t wanted to mention them. I don’t know what’s coming. Only that whatever it is, is in process of “birthing” or “forming” and is “big”. I just hate being a “doomsday prophet”. Still, something is building and whatever it is is making me virtually non-funtional. I slept in my chair for four hours today. I don’t do that. Same thing yesterday. And when awake, am having the ear pulses, etc. Oh, how I wish these would not happen!

    • gypsy says:

      i know what you mean cj – which is why i sometimes for long periods of time, even, focus on “turning it off” as it is so burdensome – i’m in one of those places right now as i am trying to give all my energies to healing my own physical body – but a difficult thing when one is traumatically awakened in the middle of the night and/or other e/p physical symptoms – just as an aside while i’m on the subject which i don’t want to be on, i’ve been having nosebleeds in the night as well? never had one in my entire life until past few weeks – ever – ok – done with that now! 😉

  3. gypsy says:

    i’ve read this incredible post and all the comments – as i do your posts every day – anyway – because of my own personal situation and focus that day [my niece’s home had been destroyed by a storm earlier that day], i have not responded till now – but in terms of my own experience in light of this horrific tragedy, briefly, on friday night, i watched a movie and then went to bed well before midnight – at some point, i became very restless, tossing and turning, and even woke myself several times saying “no, don’t” – i mean, i was talking out loud and loudly – in my sleep – my thoughts during that time were that i had to “get away” to run away from something but the words which woke me most frequently were “no, don’t!” – i felt great fear and kept thinking i had to run to get away from “it” – when it became greater, i woke in a panic – i lay awake for some time unable to go back to sleep so i turned on the tv – and there was the story – and it was so upsetting to me that i could not watch it at all – nor have i watched any coverage of it since – and because of its ongoing negative impact upon me had decided not to respond here – but upon reconsideration i also very much believe that the sharing of information is vital and so there you have it – make of it what you may –

    cj – very neat story – and great post, macgregors –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Wow, Gypsy. You turned into it while asleep. Sharing information helps spread awareness, I think,

      • gypsy says:

        dreams have always been the major vehicle for me in terms of precognitive events/natural disasters – they are often accompanied with ear tingling – palpitations – etc – and even at times “hearing” and “feeling” the earth tremors/quakes prior to and/or at the same time as the actual event –

  4. Jo Sterey says:

    It didn’t take long for the gun control lobbyists to politicize this tragedy. While I agree that no one needs to own an assault rifle, this maniac broke a number of laws before he even pulled the trigger – does anyone really think he would have been discouraged by the illegality of owning an assault rifle?

    Imagine how different it would have been if just one person in that theater had been carrying a gun that night. Unfortunately, none of the law-abiding citizens were carrying one, because the theater has a sign in the lobby designating it as a “Gun Free Zone.” When the Good Guys follow the rules and the Bad Guys don’t, you end up with a theater full of defenseless victims.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Actually, Jo, the politicians are very quiet, following the rules that we don’t talk about changing gun laws after a tragedy, because that would be taking advantage of the victims. But that’s a bogus argument. After a flood disaster do we keep our mouths shut about the weak dikes because it would be taking advantage of the victims? Of course not. After a terrible hurricane or tornado, do we keep quiet about a delayed response or a lack of warning because it would be taking advantage of the victims? No of course not. But if there’s a gun-related tragedy with a nut using an assault rifle with 100-bullet clips, the NRA tells us we can’t talk about it because it would be taking advantage of the victims. I say, nonsense. Let’s act now while the tragedy is on our minds. We don’t need to take away all the handguns, but we need to get rid of automatic and semi-automatic weapons and large clips that serve no purpose but to kill large numbers of people. But the NRA and their ardent supporters immediately cry foul and accuse those of making any attempt to create sane gun laws as trying to take away all the guns. Again, nonsense.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Several of the national news networks interviewed the young neighbor woman from down the hall. She is a well-developed girl wearing a red shirt during the interview, lives in the building with her boyfriend. Told the news people she and others became very annoyed by the sudden unbearably loud “music” coming out of his apartment.
    She finally went to his door and after knocking hard on it, she actually put her hand on the doorknob, it turned, wasn’t locked, and she said “something told me to just leave it alone and I did”. She walked away and the music continued to scream. If she had opened the door, goodbye apartment complex and everyone in it. Like you, I’m waiting to hear what happened to him a few months ago that made him unravel. He certainly had unquestionable access to a great deal of deadly weapons of mass destruction. So scary for our kids, you know?? It happens in their schools, where they should be safe. It happens everywhere. We live in dangerous times with a lot of unstable people who appear surprisingly harmless until they create their chaos. But we can’t exist in fear. That gives victory to the Dark Side, and I refuse to go there!!

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    But remember, T and R, according to his neighbors, he was a very quiet and shy person. But, BUT, at the exact moment he began his killing spree in the theater, excruciatingly loud, weird heavy-metal music started playing from inside his apartment, and one of the neighbor girls went to the door finally, to ask him to tone it down. She said she actually had her hand on the doorknob, which did turn, but “something inside her told her not to open the door”, so she left, and the music played on. I see two things operating here: 1)a young woman with powerful protective intuition, and 2) Holmes had the music set to scream level when his shooting started in the theater as a means of getting SOMEONE to go to his apt and complain, (he left his door unlocked for just that purpose), and the very second that apt door was opened, his apartment building and everyone in it would have been blasted into kingdom come by all the incendiary devices and bombs he had rigged to a control panel. It probably wouldn’t have been police who were called to make him quiet the music, but an innocent neighbor, which is precisely what happened. That’s MY theory, because according to his neighbors, until that night, they had never heard so much as a peep out of his place, much less blaring heavy-metal music that was so intrusively loud a person went to ask him to shut it down. Thank the heavens for that young lady’s powerful intuition, or the death toll would have been drastically higher than it is! His plan was foiled, obviously, because the neighbor girl didn’t open the door as he had planned, nor did anyone call the police to have one come and ask him to turn it down. So why did he immediately confess to the authorities that his apt was rigged? Maybe he wanted the world to see how “brilliant” he is….his professors have stated that he is a genius, as have police who have been unraveling the sophisticated
    devices. The police chief stated that some of those devices were very simple, and some were highly complicated. I think he told them about it because he wanted his
    “brilliance” to be recognized when they went to dismantle everything when he must have realized no one had opened his apt door to shut down the music at the same time that he was attacking the theater. Could be wrong, but that’s my sense of it.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I think he was afraid of what might happen to him in custody if a cop were killed. I didn’t know about the loud music. News to me. Regardless, the event was an end-play for him. He would never return to the apartment. I’m waiting to hear about a relationship gone sour for him about 4 mo. ago when he started creating his armory.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Watching the evening news (Saturday) which is giving more and more details on the massacre, the police have now destroyed or moved all the untenable numbers of various explosives from Holmes apartment. Altho their work is on-going, they can now enter the place. They stated Holmes had stocked 6,000 rounds of ammunition for assault weapons. 6,000 ROUNDS! God! I have a theory, because he booby-trapped the door to his apt to kill whoever entered there, thinking it would be police, who knows, and the whole interior was rigged with all kinds of bombs and deadly explosives. Based on these discoveries, I believe this psychopath had planned to do his Dark KNIGHT movie kill, not get caught, and get back to his apartment building in time to see the building and everyone in it go off like an atomic blast. Whose mind can conceive such nightmare scenarios, plan each tiny portion for over a month, then carry it out? They say he isn’t insane. I agree. I don’t believe in an entity called Satan, but I do accept the premise of a Satanic frequency, and without a doubt this young man must surely have been spawned from that hellish frequency. Speaking of gun control, our military armory downtown here has a gun show and sale going on as we speak, open for sales to the public!!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      But if he got away, Math, the police wouldn’t know who did it. Therefore, they wouldn’t go to his apartment. No fireworks to watch unless he cued the cops himself. I still favor the after-death revenge explanation. When the arresting officers didn’t kill him or beat him up, he rewarded them with a warning. He’s negotiating. The Joker would not be so easily co-opted, IMO.

  8. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    Sometimes it’s frustrating listening to commentators ask questions over and over when the answer should be obvious. This evening for example on CNN, Wolf Blitzer kept asking how an unemployed graduate student was able to afford to buy all the expensive assault weapons, ammunitions, Kevlar protection, etc. Every time he asked that question, I offered the TV screen the obvious answer.

    C’mon, Wolf. That’s an easy one. He didn’t pay for it. He charged everything on credit cards, most of it being order through the Internet. The question he should be asking is why can someone order 6,000 rounds of ammo and not attract any attention.? I guess that’s what the NRA calls freedom.

    Wolf also wondered why the perp, James Holmes, told police that his apartment was booby trapped. Why did he go to the trouble of rigging the place and then simply warn the cops? No one seemed to be able to offer an explanation. I’ve got one.

    Holmes rigged his apartment as a revenge factor in the event he was killed by police. The first officers inside would die or be seriously injured. When they didn’t kill him, he warned them about the weaponized apartment. It might not be the right explanation, but it makes sense to me. -R

    • Nancy says:

      I think you are right, Rob. Also, if he killed police officers responding to his home and he wasn’t dead – he soon would be. Maybe an “accident” on his way to prision…

    • They should have consulted you, Rob! Figures that it would take a novelist to clue in to what makes the most logical sense about the way this killer operates. This is why I don’t like watching the news: the stupid questions reporters ask and how they always seem to focus on the wrong things.

      On Coast to Coast AM, they were already speculating that this guy might be a CIA trained or recruit drop out or possible “Manchurian Candidate”. I don’t buy into that scenario.

      Isn’t the penalty even more severe if a law enforcement official is killed?

      What I wish is that this guy would be called a “terrorist” because that is exactly what terrorists do: they violate the public space, where people do everyday things with no fear or suspicion that they will be attacked. Shooters like this create terror.

      A part of me wonders what the reaction would have been if the shooter had been a Muslim from Pakistan. Would we start bombing somebody?

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Terrorists always win. Look at where we are after 9-11. It’s okay for perfect strangers to grope you in an airport. It’s even legal. And if you resist, you nay end up on the no fly list, you terrorirt, you. Coming to a theater near you:
        the Movie TSA. What fun huh?

        • The news is reporting that the shooter would have killed more people if his gun didn’t jam up. And besides, if someone did have a gun and a shoot out happened, even more could have died in the cross-fire, as you said (I don’t know why gun enthusiasts never consider this as a real possibility). Also, if the shooter was killed, we will never understand the “why?” Also, if he was killed, the police would have went to his apartment and set off his explosive booby trap, so even more people would have died.

      • Rob and Trish says:

        An ironic twist: We were at a Cuban bakery ordering cafe con leche when I noticed a card on the counter with an eagle logo. I looked closer and saw that it was the logo for the National Rifle Association. The guy’s e-mail was shootrightflorida, his name was Arabic. An interesting cross-cultural reference, the NRA being predominantly a hang out of old white guys, like the GOP.

        We had just come from the gym where I had asked a conservative Delta pilot what he thought about the Colorado slaughter. His response was right out of the NRA guidebook. He said, “We need more guns. If someone was armed in the theater, he wouldn’t have killed so many.” Except maybe for those caught in the cross-fire. So I wrote on the NRA card: MORE GUNS!! and left it there for others to consider. I should’ve said: GUNS ARE US. Us as in us and as in U.S.

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    Regarding Dan Mitchell, I stopped reading his blog because I found his material to be black. It wasn’t “avoidance” on my part. I’m fully aware that we live in a world of black and white with many shades of gray between those two energy poles. But I personally choose to try to keep my thoughts from delving into the type of darkness that was prevalent on Mitchell’s blog. Sorry for the critique. I tend to think when a person focuses on such darkness, the person becomes dark. (I’ve watched it happen.) I have discovered within myself a deep need for balance, and his blog posts contained constant destruction, hopelessness, helplessness, and especially essays on entities who prey on our most subtle fears. Sorry, DM, that’s just my own individual need for LIGHT.

    • I totally believe in the idea that “thought becomes things” and what you focus on becomes your reality. Thus, a person who focuses too much on the darkness will be consumed by it. I’ve seen this happen too. One guy who tormented me in the Boy Scouts was always into the dark side of things. He listened to heavy metal music, he was obsessed with drugs. I learned later that he had fried his brain on drug usage in college.

      I can now tell when I meet someone if they have a “dark disposition” and I try to avoid those people.

      • Rob and Trish says:

        This might be the worst SPAM we’re received. It came this morning, Sunday, two days after the tragedy in Aurora. This person had to come on the blog and click I AM HUMAN to post this:
        I’m no longer sure where you are getting your information, however good topic. I must spend some time studying much more or understanding more. Thank you for excellent info I used to be searching for this info for my mission. I wish all the best to your project! Btw, it seems that you like movies, so you must know that The Dark Knight Rises has just been released to the big screen.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    Just a brief correction for the post, guys. My “precognitive PE symptoms” occurred about 7:20pmEDT on the night BEFORE the massacre, which manifested a few hours later, after midnight on the 20th. My symptoms hit me like a sledgehammer about five hours (EDT) before the event happened a few minutes after midnight. I went to sleep and didn’t know about the horror until I awakened yesterday a.m. and came to my computer. Then I knew without a doubt where the symptoms had originated, before it actually took place. Makes me wonder, as a planetary empath, how many events are in the ether before they become tangible realities. I was born an empath, but have never been able to understand how we are so aware of something before it manifests….whatever it may be.

  11. Horrific, it’s the main story on the UK news. I was reading that a US film critic, who was ‘underwhelmed’ by the film, was inundated with death threats online from irate ‘fans’. Why are so many people so angry with trivialities?

    I was also reading that 47% of Americans own guns. Is this right? I find the thought frightening but, according to the UK news, Obama and Romney are avoiding the the subject – again, I don’t know if this is true. Sorry, I don’t like to criticise another country, each to their own laws – and the UK is hardly perfect – but I don’t understand why it’s so easy to purchase a gun in the US. Didn’t anyone query why a PhD student would want the guns?

    Some interesting comments.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      The gun laws in this country, Mike, are abominable. No one should be able to buy an assault rifle.
      I hadn’t heard about the film critic. It seems that anger and rage are as rampant here these days.

      • We saw on Marcus’ blog just how nasty people can be if you write anything that is less than glowing about someone’s favorite movie or personal hero. People don’t seem to understand that it simply reflects the writer’s point of view. Nothing more.

        I loved “Batman Begins”, but I couldn’t understand why everyone seemed to love “The Dark Knight” a lot better. Aside from Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker, the film wasn’t all that great. I liked this concluding film, but I still think the first one in Nolan’s trilogy is the best (because of how it covered the theme of fear).

        “The Dark Knight Rises” does have a great quote, though. Commissioner Gordon tells one of his police officers: “You’re a detective now, which means that you should now know that there are no coincidences.” I guess we’re all detectives on here! 😉

    • Rob and Trish says:

      And that 47 percent figure? It’s probably MUCH higher.

  12. Momwithwings says:

    For a week prior to the shooting I have had severe fatigue, usually a part of my fibromyalgia, but yesterday I had none! This reminds me of 9/11, where I had all sorts of foreboding and headaches yet that morning I awoke feeling great and took a long walk only to come home to the horror of it all.

    The past few weeks though I have wanted to see various movies and for one reason or another we never made it to any of them. I even made the comment ” Is something keeping me away?” I don’t know.

    The comment about masks falling is I think a very good one. You cannot trust the media with their fake masks on, and all of the recent violence everywhere, I ask myself often, what is going on?!?!

    My youngest started something and I have joined her in it and I have seen a difference. I smile more at people, I engage them with eye contact. If I am at A store I always say have a nice day and make sure we have eye contact. I did it last night with our waitress. You see and feel a difference in the energy. We need to see each other, don’t let people become anonymous.

    Lastly, these people chose to be there, there is a lesson here, I just don’t know what it is.

    The idea of

    • Nancy says:

      There is definitely a lesson here. Violence begets violence. Maybe it’s time to turn it off. We can vote with our wallet. Hollywood will quite making these insanely violent and sick movies if we quit paying to go to them. I also believe these people chose to be there for a reason – maybe to wake the rest of us out of stupor. On another note, much like your eye contact and smile, I have adopted the question to myself every day – “What did you put into the Matrix today?” In other words – what did my actions/words/thoughts do to either make the world a better place – or a worse place – on the only level I have any control over – myself.

      • Laurence Zankowski says:


        The hard part to all of this is the contract SONY, Disney and Marvel comics have set up to keep producing this super hero crap. Voting with the pocket book will not matter.

        The kids of todays world have no relationship with death. The funerals for the vietnam soldiers, the life celebrations for the AIDS victims, those are now over generation ago. My brother and I Talked about high school reunions and the noticies of those who passed. It was vietnam that was the bringer sorrow for us. For him later it hit again with AIDS.

        When was the last time any one saw a coffin rolling down a conveyor from a military transport on the so called major netowrks?

        To be a Warrior Of Light is a hard battle, I know, I fight my demons every night.

        Be well


  13. mathaddict2233 says:

    During the early years of my spiritual journey, (which continues and will continue forever, no doubt), one of my teachers was a Buddhist whose teachings appeared in a series of special books that are no longer available but which I own. He wrote that everything which exists in our dimension exists in its own reflected, twin dimension on the astral planes. Each thought we think, each character in a book or movie or even a cartoon, has its own tangible manifestation on one of the myriad astral dimensions. Every hero and heroine exists, as does the opposite, every villain, however heinous. This resonated within me a deep and abiding truth, and that truth has seemed to be re-enforced over the decades.

    Hollywood has had its share of peculiar, inexplicable incidents. Several cast members from the movie POLTERGEIST died later under strange circumstances, as did several cast members from the movie THE EXORCIST. There are others. There are also incidents where actors have played roles into which they have immersed themselves totally, and have subsequently died from the very illness experienced by the fictional character they played in the movie. Susan Hayward is an example. She played the role of a woman with a deady brain tumor in the re-make of the movie DARK VICTORY, and Hayward died from a brain tumor. I think we somehow must begin to comprehend that we are creators, and that as a species we are creating monsters that come in many disguises; hide behind many facades. This Colorado killer is just such a creation.

    I have a VERY dear friend who has suddenly, for the last several years, become completely absorbed past the point of absolute obsession with weapons of mass destruction, with war, with killings, maimings, blood and gore of war, etc, and he is suffering now from horrendous physical ailments that are literally killing him by degrees. And he WAS a spiritual teacher, counselor and minister, licensed to perform weddings and funerals in all denominations except Catholic and Jewish. But he recently allowed his licenses to expire, which troubles me even more. What is happening to us?
    We must, we MUST, find a way to turn this shift into darkness around towards the Light. One by one, on a personal level, we must find the way.

    • Nancy says:

      I couldn’t agree more, Math. We are at a turning point.

    • Momwithwings says:

      So true Math, we must turn the darkness towards the light.

    • Laurence Zankowski says:


      It makes Dan Mitchell’s postings all the more prescient. As most of us here that post we seem to be connected with our mirror world ( look of David Gelernter). As one reaches the light of post human self, the darkness fights with all its energy to keep its hold on the blind.

      Be well


      p.s. for me all i heard was helicopters here in Colorado Springs, i do not know if this was a dream state or the wounded came to penrose….

      • Rob and Trish says:

        I stopped reading Mitchell after he kept taking down his blog, then putting it up again. So, I’m not sure what you’re referring to in terms of prescience.

  14. Another synchro…before the midnight screening, there was a trailer shown for the upcoming “Gangsta Squad” movie that features a scene where gangsters open fire on people watching a movie. The trailer is on YouTube. Theaters have pulled the trailer from being shown. This has happened a few times before where real life events happened just as a movie with similar events was released: “Phone Booth” and the D.C. Sniper; “Wag the Dog” and the Monica Lewinsky scandal. I can’t remember other examples, but I remember that there were quite a few. It always makes me wonder if psychics rule in Hollywood or do these ideas manifest themselves into reality.

    There’s another moving coming out about a writer who actually manifests a woman into his life that resembles the character in his novel. That sounds intriguing.

    Oh…and FYI, Eastern Daylight / Standard Time is two hours ahead of Mountain Time Zone…so the events happened at 2:30 a.m. on the East Coast.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks, Nicholas, I fixed it. I heard about that trailer.

      • Darren B says:

        ” Oh…and FYI, Eastern Daylight / Standard Time is two hours ahead of Mountain Time Zone…so the events happened at 2:30 a.m. on the East Coast. ”

        I’m aware of that Nicholas.It was even the next day in Australia when I posted it time wise.I’m just saying as an eerie coincidence to look at the time the comment was posted on “The Secret Sun” (12:25 am). The fact that it wouldn’t happen for another 2 hours was not my point.I responded to Christopher’s comment because he was down playing this movie and the Olympics and I feel/felt very unsettled by both of them.Obviously with some justification on the movie in hindsight now,but I hope that I’m wrong about the Olympics.
        The fact that it didn’t happen for two hours after posting my comment at least proves that I had no way of knowing the event was happening.
        I only used the analogy
        ” The best way to scare an audience is to lull them into a nice relaxed state…then BOO !!! ” because I was thinking about an audience watching “The Dark Knight Rises” all being lulled into a calm complacent state (as all horror movies do) then BOOM.
        My point being that society is being lulled into a false sense of security,by bankers,politicians,corporations and military men.
        Most people are acting like everything is rosy,like 911 is a thing of the past and event like that could never happen again,like the financial crisis is over and it going to be OK.
        I’m not trying to play “Chicken Little” here,but as I look up at the sky I do see a storm beginning to form.

  15. Nancy says:

    I have the feeling that there is something otherworldly going on. All of the face-chewing and brutality around the world – it just seems so exaggerated. The Dark Knight is supposed to be unbelievably violent. As we were cleaning out a box of movies the other night I asked my husband if he wanted to keep any of the Batman movies or the one with Heath Ledger and he said no – they were no longer any fun – just violent for violence sake. Maybe that’s the lesson here – as with many things that are losing their appeal – politician’s wives that refer to their constituency as “you people”, football coaches that cover up the rape of young children, banks that continue to cheat ala LIBOR rate fixing. All the masks are falling, and we are beginning to see our ever-expanding desire for violence played out in a movie theater where it is considered entertainment. Our reality is a product of our thoughts and intentions. Maybe it’s time to revisit what we allow into our psyche. Maybe it’s time to not only revisit our gun laws, but hold Hollywood and video game creators responsible for the pathology they are creating, as well. And most of all, maybe it’s time to take responsibility for what we allow our children to watch, read, play. These monsters were once innocent little children. What happened to them?

  16. Darren B says:

    Whilst I didn’t see this shooting coming,I’ve had bad feelings about this movie’s release for quite a while.
    Chris Knowles at “The Secret Sun” had written a post about the London Olympics and “The Dark Knight Rises” here;
    Where he said,
    ” From what I’ve seen and read about the Dark Knight, it seems as if the fascism has been cranked up to 11 and shoved in your face in three dimensions, but we’re all so hungry for spectacle that even the most cloying liberals are giving it a pass. I wonder if it will be the same as the first two; hypnotizing spectacles that fade from memory like the DTs. ”

    I felt I had to respond because this movie and the London Olympics have been giving me the creeps,on a gut level.

    ” Brizdaz (Darren) said…
    “I know I’ll get my Super Illuminati-Fighter secret decoder ring repossessed for saying so, but right now I don’t see anything happening in London but dreary, obsolete sporting events and sogginess.”

    I hope that you are right Chris,but the time is ripe for a last desperate lunge at the line by the Military Industrial Complex.
    I’m sure their sights are set on the Iranian oil fields.
    It would only take one more big event.And don’t forget that old saying
    “all is quiet before a storm”.
    The best way to scare an audience is to lull them into a nice relaxed state…then BOO !!!
    But I hope the event turns out as dreary as the weather that they are having at the moment…and that we don’t see a false flag flying among the real ones. ”

    I was going to end it by saying something in regards to, lets hope a Dark Knight is not rising over the Olympics,but decided not to,as I didn’t want the comment to be too gloomy.
    But if you look at the time the comment was posted (12:25 am) it turns out to be a rather dark sync.
    I didn’t hear about the shooting over this side of the world for another couple of hours…then I went back to checkout my comment at “The Secret Sun” and found it quite a chilling comment in hindsight.
    Not all syncs are good,that’s for sure.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I’m beginning to think that dark trickster synchros are part of what Nancy refers to as “masks falling away.” Thanks for the links, Daz. Off to take a look.

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