The Badger from Wisconsin


For more than three weeks now, state workers in Wisconsin – known as the badger state –  have been protesting the governor’s intent to bust workers’ unions. Even though the union agreed to pay cuts, that wasn’t enough for Governor Walker and his Tea Party cronies. They wanted to kill workers’ rights to collective bargaining. And this evening, they were successful.

The Republicans used a nuclear option to ram legislation through the state senate by removing the collective bargaining facet from the budget bill – even though the whole issue was supposedly about the budget. Here’s the full story.

So as we were watching the news tonight, we kept thinking there had to be a global synchro here. After all, this protest has gotten extensive coverage in the media and seems to reflect a growing trend in a number of states.  Sure enough, on MSNBCs The Last Word, one of Lawrence O’Donnell’s guests was a Wisconsin union leader – Rick Badger, a Wisconsin native.


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3 Responses to The Badger from Wisconsin

  1. In times of recessions there is often union bashing – and we are told it’s for the good of the country. Just as in times of war (even against terorists) our freedoms are gradually curtailed – for the good of the country / world, of course. Sometimes it’s almost possible to think that recessions and wars are created on purpose …

    So there are real Badgers in the Badger state (never knew it was called that).

    • rob and trish says:

      You have to wonder about the intentionality of wars/recessions.
      We really got a kick out of this badger synchro!

      • friend of nica says:

        yeah, well, you know it’s really really time to be worried when one of TPTB tells us it’s all for our own good – makes my skin crawl! reminds me of all those male ob-gyns that…….sorry, i digress…..

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