The Fearless Journey

Lauren Raines pointed out an old post of ours that helped her define the nature of synchronicity. So, with a little editing, we’re reposting it.


Synchronicity is a kind of twilight zone of magic. It ís the border where our inner and outer worlds meet, the language of the unconscious. It’s certainly not something to be feared. In fact, the more frequently you experience it, the less fragmented you are as a human being–and that’s from Jung.

For centuries, man has recognized signs and symbols as meaningful. In the fourth century B.C., Greek philosopher Heraclitus saw all things as inter-related or following ëcosmic reason.í He believed that events were not isolated happenings, but had repercussions across the entire fabric of existence, that all things were linked by a web of organization created by Logos.

Hippocrates, born twenty years after Heraclitus died, expressed similar thoughts. ìThere is one common flow, a common breathing. Everything is in sympathy. The whole organism and each one of its parts are working together for the same purpose. The great principle extends to the most extreme part, and from the extremest part returns again to the great principle.î

The Roman scholar Agrippa referred to a Fifth Essence, something beyond earth, air, fire and water that held existence together. He also called it the World Soul, which penetrates all things and is a thing in itself. Agrippaís contemporary, Plotinus, wrote, ìChance has no place in life, but only harmony and order reign therein.î

In the Middle Ages, this idea was known as the unus mundus, one world, and referred to a collective knowledge that exists independently of us, yet is available to us. In this cosmology, the source of meaningful coincidence is separate from our conscious awareness and egos, but itís where our psyche and the external world touch.

For physicist and writer  F. David Peat ís, synchronicity is a bridge between mind and matter:  “Synchronicities open the floodgates of the deeper levels of consciousness and matter which, for a creative instant, sweep over the mind and heal the division between the internal and the external.”

Physicist David Bohm  referred to this inner world, this primal soup that births everything in the universe  ñ space, time, consciousness – as the implicate order.  “Every action starts from an intention in the implicate order,” he wrote. “The imagination is already the creation of the form.” In other words, imagination and reality are ultimately indistinguishable. Bohm called our external reality the explicate order because it unfolds from this deeper order of existence. In Bohmís view of the universe, everything is part of a continuum.

Robert Lanza, an M.D. and professor at Wake Forrest University School of Medicine, goes even farther than Bohm  in his book Biocentrism. Lanza makes a convincing argument that consciousness is everything. Remember the koan? If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? According to Lanza, it doesn’t. In his cosmology, neither the tree nor the forest exist if a consciousness isnít perceiving it.

This isn’t New Age happy talk about the unity of man and the universe. It’s science that begins at the quantum level.  So where do UFOs, aliens and abductions belong in these cosmologies? Well, in Lanza’s worldview, if you open that door in your consciousness, then these entities and experiences exist for you.

In the Jungian worldview, these experiences symbolize archetypes that have become active in your psyche. In Bohm’s worldview, these things may be a holographic phenomenon. Astrophysicist Jacques Vallee, one of the world’s most respected UFO researchers and model for the character La Combe in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, seems to agree. He said the behavior of UFOs is the behavior of an image, or a holographic projection.

Yet, as Michael Talbot addresses in his brilliant book, The Holographic Universe, UFOs and aliens can’t be just psychic projections of the unconscious, not with all the physical evidence left behind  ñ like the scars and incision marks of abductees. “Given that quantum physics has shown us that mind and matter are inextricably linked, I suggest that UFOs and related phenomena are further evidence of this ultimate lack of division between the psychological and physical worlds. They are indeed a product of the collect human psyche, but they are also quite real.” He theorized that the phenomenon wasn’t subjective or objective, but ‘omnijective,’ something humans haven’t yet learned to comprehend properly.

Physician and near-death researcher Kenneth Ring recognizes parallels between NDEs, abduction experiences, and the mythic realities through which shamans journey. Again, this is not a New Age belief system. It’s science, the study of consciousness and the nature of reality.  Whitley Strieber, author of a number of bestselling books about the abduction phenomenon and one of the most articulate voices among abductees, said that these encounters “may be our first true quantum discovery in the large-scale world: The very act of  observing it may be creating it as a concrete actuality, with sense, definition, and a consciousness of its own.”

All that said, some people are trapped in a fear of the unknown, who say that synchronicities cannot be trusted. That such experiences are manipulated by malignant forces that are controlling you and everything else in the universe, or that the aliens or the shadow people or some other hidden, terrifying forces are running the show. Fear and divisiveness have always been the favored weapons of petty tyrants. Hitler knew that. Mussolini knew it. Dick Cheney knows it.  Don’t fall for it. We write our scripts from the inside out, from the fabrics of our consciousness, from the fundamental tenets of our belief systems, whatever they are.

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8 Responses to The Fearless Journey

  1. Darren B says:

    It’s interesting that you posted this at the same time Mike Clelland interviewed Jonathan Talat Phillips about his book “The Electric Jesus” (which I am still reading)
    which deals with most of the subjects that you have written about above…and then some.
    Jonathan is one of the founding members of the website “Reality Sandwich”.
    Very interesting book and interview.

  2. Natalie Thomas says:

    Great post as ever.
    Just popping in to say Hi!

  3. gypsy says:

    loved this in-depth discussion before and love it now, editing and all – very well put together – thanks so much for reposting –

  4. karen says:

    So very true. With my new interest in using facebook…it puts me in touch with a lot of people of varying ideas…not all I subscribe to. But it is interesting to see the different ideas everyone has about the fabric of consciousness. Which solidifies for me that it truly is from the inside out. And I get to pick and choose which of the ideas resonate with me….without closing myself off from the collaboration of ideas, and using synchronicity as a tool to guide me along the way. Thanks for reposting this write up.

  5. I remember reading this excellent post. We are all a part of the whole, so everything has to be relevant.

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