They Come in Threes

On March 10, I was interviewed for an hour by Anne Strieber for her and Whitley’s Dreamland radio show and for their subscriber section. During the first half hour, we talked about 7 Secrets of Synchronicity – what the secrets are, with stories that illustrate them.  We probably spent the longest period of time on the trickster – especially the dark trickster, the archetype that can be the most puzzling. The dark trickster is often a warning. Here’s an example of a dark trickster.

During the second half hour, Anne began with a question: do we have free will? She says that after she emerged from her coma six years ago, synchronicities proliferated in her life. They seemed to be part of some greater complex puzzle that prompted her to question whether someone or something else is actually pulling the strings. Think: The Matrix. Or, a movie I haven’t seen yet but which she has – The Adjustment Bureau. I feel that synchronicity is the language of the unconscious and supports the premise of free will.

This led into a discussion about the grays. They may be a kind of dark trickster, who awaken us to a greater reality beneath our daily lives, just as synchros do. Anne has read the 250,000 letters that her husband received from contactees and abductees and is in a unique position to recognize patterns consistent with these events. She says that contactees and abductees always experience grays in threes. “Two short, one taller.” If someone tells her they experienced contact or an abduction with four or five grays, then she knows the experience wasn’t genuine.

I realized that she had identified an archetype associated with these experiences – threes. She added that many of these experiences occur at 3:33, and we talked a bit about the significance of the number. Then I thought back to an experience I had in 2001, when I attended a workshop taught by Eric Pearl, author of The Reconnection.

Pearl teaches a form of healing that uses certain hand movements over the body to promote healing. No physical touch is involved. As we learned these hand movements, we practiced on each other. I paired up with a woman standing next to me – whom I didn’t know. As she performed these hand movements, a beam of light suddenly shot out of the top of my skull. I could see it. The beam extended upward through the ceiling, the roof, similar to these beams in the photo above, but there was just  single pillar of light, a perfect column. At the end of it, I saw entities peering down at me.

Anne immediately jumped in and asked me what the entities looked like.  The question threw me. I’d never wanted to think about this before. I blurted, “They looked like aliens and there were three of them.”

I explained that I never felt threatened, that my sense of these entities was that they were curious and, in some odd way, protective. They crowded around the top of the light column, sort of jostling each other like kids eager for a better view.

Skip ahead three years. In June 2004, Hurricane Frances hit our area. It was a large, sloppy storm that, at one point, covered most of the Florida peninsula. It dumped more than a  foot of rain on our area, water began seeping under our front door early on,  and during the long hours it pounded away at our neighborhood,  I worried about our skylights leaking. Everyone in Florida knows that if your roof is compromised in a hurricane, your house is pretty much history.

We were bunked in the bedroom with our daughter, a dog, three cats, and a bird, and around five that morning, I was the only one awake. The rain pounded relentlessly at the hurricane shutters. I could hear the skylights vibrating in the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom.  I considered getting up to check the skylights, but was so exhausted I lay there for another moment. And suddenly, the beam of light shot out of my head gain – my forehead this time – and there were those three entities at the very end of it, peering down at me.

I suddenly knew the house would come through the storm intact. I immediately fell asleep. When I woke hours later, the storm had moved on and the house was fine. “They weren’t hostile in any way,” I remarked to Anne.

“They never are,” she replied. “People who say otherwise are experiencing their own projections, not the grays.”

So now I’m waiting for these three to drop by again and offer some reassurance about the global situation.



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17 Responses to They Come in Threes

  1. Jen says:

    How interesting. I don’t think I would mind so much if the grays wanted to contact me in this way- however I do not fancy being abducted THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

  2. Hellseher says:

    With this blog site post you could have support me to find the facts which I need to get far more info. Thank you for that!

  3. That’s more than reasonable, guys. I just don’t want to see folks afraid to report their encounters. I suppose working in other areas of research throughout my adult life has really screamed at me that patterns have variables. No offense at all aimed at the Striebers. They have devoted many years to the subjects of UFOs and ETs, and their opinions are valuable… are the opinions of any reputable researcher….so long as they are presented as opinions. I think Anne gained lots of credible insights in other matters during her very serious illness a few years ago. I’ve long suspected she had more than one NDE, and perhaps like Dannion Brinkley, brought back much to share. Her comments on are always inspiring.

  4. What a great post, never had any experience of grays so was good to read your experiences. Have to agree with mathaddict when she writes that she doesn’t accept … if an experiencer’s incidents don’t fall into that criteria it isn’t real. I don’t feel we can ever generalise, on anything, even if there are apparent regular patterns.

  5. Hhhhmmmmmm. I personally concur about the Grays and threes. Three crafts, three men in black, three black helicopters. My own experiences of an entire lifetime certainly substantiate that, including the time: 3:30 or 3:33, always. However, throwing a wrench into the cogs of this wheel, I do not accept that there is any UFO/ET researcher, regardless of patterns from 250,000 letters, who can state with absolute definitive positivity that such-and-such is this or that. UFOs and ETs continue to remain a provocative and mysterious unknown. Even though specific patterns exists, such as the threes with the Grays, I have an issue with anyone, no matter who that person may be, stating that if an experiencer’s incidents don’t fall into that criteria it isn’t real. Patterns have exceptions, and to make the statement she made is precisely the kind of attitude that prevents many experiencers from reporting the events that have happened in their lives. My own experiences are definitely with the threes, but I’m aware of some experiencers whose incidents are just as real and just as tangible, who do not fit that pattern. No researcher, including Strieber, Jacobs, Hopkins, Mack, in my humble opinion, has sufficient data to allow such a broad and all-encompassing statement that if a person’s experiences don’t fit into the pattern, they aren’t real. That’s a damaging statement, and may not be correct in spite of their vast library of material. I don’t mean to sound argumentative here, but Anne Strieber made an arbitrary statement as a fact based on their research, which may or may not be supported by the research of others; a statement which has the impact, as I mentioned, of preventing many experiencers from reporting their encounters because they don’t fit the program or profile established by two researchers in the field. The word “pattern”, in and of itself, is open-ended, and patterns have exceptions. For this reason, I would caution against accepting the Strieber statement as a reason to prevent someone from sharing their experiences whose encounters don’t fall into that pattern. I enjoyed the post. I enjoy the Striebers….to a point. My issue is with Anne’s creating a “fact” from a “pattern”, thus having the ripple effect of causing many people to think they are crazy or delusional or are having hallucinations. What if a craft landed in the middle of Times Square and fifty Grays descended from inside that craft? Would the event not be considered “genuine”? No, that hasn’t happened, but it COULD, and it MIGHT. Just remember: a pattern is just that: a Pattern. Nothing more and nothing less. A pattern doesn’t constitute established fact. It consitutes a sound basis for an opinion which may or may not be accurate or complete and which may not be applicable in all situations. OK. I’m now off my soapbox.

    • rob and trish says:

      You make great points, math. But I think Anne was saying that she found these patterns based on her and Whitley’s research.

  6. Lauren Raine says:

    Fascinating story and reassuring ……..thanks for the telling! I’ve always had a thing for the number 3 – so much so that when I was younger and more superstitious, I always put things on lists in groups of 3’s.

  7. Natalie says:

    Hmmm………plenty to think about today.
    I think it is cool to have a friend with lights coming out of her head! Can you show me how to do it?

  8. Debra says:

    Thanks for sharing you experiences with us, Trish.
    I have also had experiences with the grays. I wasn’t always happy to have the experiences. For me there were three, with the tall one in the middle. I always felt that there was busyness going on all around us, so I felt like there were many. But I only saw at a time. I once witnessed a small one shapeshifting into a human form. I also felt their minds were all connected telepathically.
    One particular experience stands out for me: At the time, i was working at a lighthouse with many stairs to climb. Mt left knee was giving me a very hard time. I was going to make an appointment to see a Dr. One night I woke up in a brightly lighted room with the 3 grays. They were operating on my knee. I was a little startled, but decided not to panic. I was diagnosed with an auto immune disorder 13 years before this. I said to them ” Since you are fixing mt knee, why don’t you cure my disease. The tall one answered me telepathically: “This (the knee) is a mechanical problem. The disease is karmic. We can’t change karma.” Then I passed out. I awoke the next morning and looked at my knee. There were 2 tiny almost healed cuts, a little bruising. I went to work that day, walking up the long flights of stairs. My knee never bothered me again from that day. I did show my boss the knee. She had always been fascinated by my dreams & experiences. We laughed about it.

    • rob and trish says:

      I remember you’re relating this experience with your knee and the rest of us. It’s remarkable. Anne S told me a similar story about a mother and daughter who had been abducted. Afterward, the little girl said tht the grays apologized to her because they “couldn’t heal the bugs in her body.” Not long afterward, the girl was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently died. The woman never spoke to anyone about the experience she and her daughter had. Some months later, though, the woman’s friend had a dream or a vision in which the roof of her house opened up and the little girl appeared with three grays. She asked the friend to tell her mother that she (daughter) was fine, that the grays had waned to cure her, but couldn’t. Wonder if this was karmic, as in your story. The friend didn’t know about the experience, but when this happened to her, she drove 200 miles to the girl’s mother’s home and told her what had happened.

      • Debra says:

        I hadn’t another story similar to mine! Thanks for sharing that.
        Now I don’t feel so weird. 🙂

  9. Nancy says:

    Wow, many synchronicities here for me. We just watched The Adjustment Bureau last night, and have been talking about it today. I just ordered and received Eric Pearl’s book, The Reconnection, and feel I’ve had some kind of encounter of a UFO nature, so you’ve left me with plenty to think about here.

    • rob and trish says:

      Two synchros, Nancy! What did you think of the adjustment bureau? You’ll love pearl’s book!

  10. friend of nica says:

    incredible and intriguing story/post – and especially the proposition that the grays might be us in the future, in some parallel dimension – what a thought! only have a minute online right now but will be back to read others’ comments on this great subject!

  11. karena says:

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us Trish. Do you think the grays might be just another form of us? Acting as our guides? Did you get that sense about them? I must check out Eric Pearls book…thanks .
    This had to be a freaky experience for you.

    • rob and trish says:

      My sense of these grays – can’t speak for all of them – was that they may be us in the future in some parallel dimension. It only happened twice. Next time, I’ll ask them!

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