Update Underwater Area 51

Another view of AUTEC

A week or ten days ago, we got a Google alert for AUTEC that led to a blog by an intern at the facility. The young woman, a college student from a university in Florida, had just arrived on Andros with another woman, who also was going to be interning there. The first blog entry was upbeat, excited, she was really anticipating getting into life on the base.

The second entry was dated on Mother’s Day, May 10. She was talking about how friendly everyone was and how she and her roommate were going to sell flowers in celebration of Mother’s Day. She went on about the fantastic food and how other women on the base jokingly warned her and the roommate “about the guys.”

The entries were innocuous, really, just the excited ramblings of a young college student who apparently was thrilled to be in the Bahamas. At the time, given AUTEC’s secrecy, I thought it was somewhat odd that the woman was allowed to blog about her internship.

After last night’s episode on UFO Hunters, I clicked on her blog and discovered:
Bahamas Internship

It’s no longer there.
– Trish

This entry was posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, blogs. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Update Underwater Area 51

  1. Anonymous says:

    Here is everything you need to know about AUTEC. They really are what they say they are. and no huge cover-ups about the triangle. I'm sorry to disappoint you. 🙂 If you google "AUTEC" one of the first links that comes up is to AUTEC's website. I know there's lots of crazy crap going on with our government these days and always has been, on that I can agree. But this isn't one of them. I worked there, I lived there, I met my first wife there. Please check out their site. It pretty much tells it all and that's all there is.

  2. Anonymous says:

    hmmm interesting that all the photos have been banned. Well they can remove the photos but a remote viewer can still access the base at will and check out whatever it is they are doing up there. Sounds like the ufo hunters must have pissed them off big time ;-(

  3. whipwarrior says:

    Remember the X-Files motto: The truth is out there…

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It looks as if AUTEC removed all their official websites. A wee bit paranoid, perhaps?

  5. whipwarrior says:

    Guess what? The AUTEC website page pictured on the History Channel program is no longer active: https://www.npt.nuwc.navy.mil/autec/

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I've never seen an alien, although I did see a UFO many years ago. Back in the late 1980s, Rob and I spent a weekend with Betty Hill. We were covering a UFO conference for OMNI Magazine. At that point in her life, Betty was pretty burned out. Everything she saw was a UFO. But in talking to her, you sensed that something traumatic had happened to her, that she'd lost her husband because of it, & that she probably would never recover from any of it.

    I felt sad at the end of that weekend – for her, for Barney, for anyone and everyone who has ever been victimized by such an experience. But most of all, I was angry that the gov't is so terrified of the truth that it just lies and lies some more.

  7. whipwarrior says:

    The whole UFO government conspiracy thing is SO old. I believe in aliens, and so do millions of other people who would not be surprised to find that they *do* exist. But the ‘powers-that-be’ think that it would rock everyone’s world, so they keep it under wraps. Newsflash: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Area 51 / AUTEC? The big secret isn’t much of a secret at all when you have a world full of believers who know the truth, if not necessarily the specifics. The only thing the government is trying to hide is their own ignorance.

  8. gypsywoman says:

    right on, rob and trish! – on all of the above – and, by the way, loved the underwater area 51 show!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hmm, torpedo testing. When was the last time the U.S. Navy fired a torpedo in combat…World War II?

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There were just a couple entries and it sounded as if she was setting in, getting to know people. You might be right about the orientation, Ray. Makes sense in an AUTEC sort of way!

  11. Ray says:

    I wonder if the blog was written while she was in orientation. Once she got her interim clearance and signed a confidentiality agreement that she was told to terminate the blog or her internship. I signed one of those agreements on a ship that would not confirm or deny there were “Special Weapons” aboard. Strange that we went through nuclear weapons drills one day a week and RADCON drills one day a week. Anyone caught even walking on the pier during the drills was subject to arrest.

    I wonder if something in Rob’s interview was not cut by the producers, but by the government.


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