The Guy from the Past

illustration from center for touch drawing


This synchro comes from a long-time friend who asked that we not use her real name. It’s one of those stories that illustrates the law of attraction – focused concentration – and  how synchronicity plays out in our lives, often in unexpected ways.


A few months ago we were looking online for something and came across a particular production company based in NYC, so we started reading the website.  I can’t remember if we were trying to find someone on Facebook to see a picture and it led us to the website or if we were looking for something else and just came across it.  Anyway, on the biography page, there was a very familiar name – to me.

This guy was someone I went to college with and wasn’t quite involved with but there definitely a connection. He moved away (had a sick mother and also went to join his brother in making a film) and I continued with my life.  We just fell out of touch, mostly because both of us were nervously shy around each other in a weird way.  Never left my mind, really.  This was a person I have pages and pages about in my journals. Husband even teases me about it sometimes.

Once I learned he was in the same city, I couldn’t stop thinking about it for a little while, so I looked at the website again and then found some pictures of the production.  Pretty sure it was him.  That was months ago.  Then last week, my husband and I were in a restaurant for our anniversary (the day after) and who walks in?  That person. I was so shocked I told husband we had to just get going to the theater to make the show and left.

This guy and I did see each other. I am pretty sure he knew exactly who I was.


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5 Responses to The Guy from the Past

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    It never ceases to amaze me, Gyps, how parallel our life journeys have been and continue to be, including the names and ages and similar physical appearances, arriving at the same time in our lives, of significant people who even had the same names. Separated at birth? Or sent out from the same sould family cluster, most certainly! These synchronicities are very meaningful.

  2. gypsy says:

    yes, definitely a neat story of disconnect and reconnect – and not surprisingly, cj’s story is very close to one of my own not so long ago – over the years, i had at different times searched for a long ago friend – a “what if” friend – and could never locate him even though i knew where he last lived, etc etc – nothing ever came up on the net – then i went a while without searching until he came to mind again very intensely – and i sat down to google him – and there found that he had just died recently –

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    I love this story. It truly resonates with me and a recent experience I had. When my Dad was transferred from Alabama to Southern California, I was going steady with my genuine first love, JF. I had to leave him permanently and move thouands of miles away. I never really recovered from that “break”, that loss, and over the years JF would come to mind, along with the question, “what if….” Then not too long ago, while looking for someone else on a people search site, lo and behold, his name appeared! I began to search for him. It took two years, then I learned he lived in MY state, several hundred miles south of me, and he worked for our State Game and Fish Commission. I immediately phoned our local tourist attraction that involves game, fish, birds, etc, (less than one mile from our home!), and asked if they knew him. Indeed they did, and they gave me his home address. However, as it turned out, my JF had died barely TWO WEEKS before I located him! I discovered this by sending a snailmail letter to his address, and it was answered via computer by his daughter Dawn….a lovely letter from her, with photos, and she regretted to inform me that her Dad has died fourteen days earlier. I was devastated, and wondered why I had spent more than two years obsessively searching for him, found him, only to learn that he had died a few days before I made contact. Who of us can explain such synchronicities?? that I would stumble upon his name, finally find him, and learn that he had actually been many, many times to my city, to the game and wildlife attraction less than a mile from my home! I wonder if we may have passed each other on the street, or in a grocery store, or sat at a near table in a restaurant. We lived in Alabama when we were a couple. But we both ultimately moved to this state. There has to be a reason why I found him; why I learned he’s now on The Other Side; and why I didn’t make contact until a few days after his passing. A mystery of synchronicities. This woman’s story reminds me. Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Shadow says:

    this happens! one day you speak of someone long, long ago, next minute (s)he’s next to you at the bakery…

  5. I wonder if she and ‘that person’ had spoken in the restaurant (along with her husband) there would have been a current reason or meaning for the connection? Sometimes we have to follow synchros through to discover why they are meaningful or their purpose.

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