UFO Sighting 2 Hours before Quake in Japan

This daylight video was supposedly taken two hours before a 9.0 quake hit Japan on Friday, March 11, 2011.  Sightings in quake areas are not uncommon. This video is remarkably clear.




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20 Responses to UFO Sighting 2 Hours before Quake in Japan

  1. Natalie says:

    I thought carriers too. Straight away. 🙂

  2. Lauren Raine says:

    That’s amazing……..but this is a major disaster going on in one of the most heavily populated places on the earth. I feel this is a seminal event, a tragedy that is a wake up call. Perhaps the observers knew, as animals often seem to do, that an earthquake was coming. I feel such sorrow for the people of Japan – and I have to say it, with all that is going on, why on earth, are we getting ready to interfere in the civil war of yet another country? With so much going on, so much suffering – do we really need to spend what few young lives and resources we have left…..on yet another war that is not our concern?

    • rob and trish says:

      Why are we the world cop? We don’t need to intervene in Libya. I don’t get it. I don’t understand Obama’s thinking on this. It’s appalling.

      • Lauren Raine says:

        Forgive me for venting, but I’m very upset. The Japanese are in need of humanitarian help, and this nuclear disaster impacts all of us. And we need to spend our taxes on schools, and environment, and health care, and jobs, here at home…….interfering in the internal conflicts of Libya right now seems absolutely insane to me. We lost 5,000 lives in Iraq, and they lost millions. We’re going into 10 years in Afghanistan. Now Libya is having a revolution, and we have to get involved? Is this the will of the American people? I somehow doubt it.

        Thanks …….. I’m sure I’ll calm down sooner or later.

  3. After examining this video as a still photo for awhile, I notice the entire initial frame is filled with square boxes all over it, even the blue sky. Maybe it’s a photography thing. I’ll aks my photographer son to have a look.

  4. I’m just accustomed to the practice of observing the tinest details that might be significant. Watchers, maybe, but also I continue to consider the possibility of spiritual entities perhaps traveling in these orb-shaped UFOs s a means of assisting in the release of the souls from their physical bodies. Especially because they (UFO orbs, etc) do seem to appear frequently in the hours preceding disasters and catastrophes that result in huge losses of life. I understand this is a rather quirky idea, but I do have some evidential experiences that MIGHT support the theory. It’s only a theory, but is one I’ve carried for a while. Not to insinuate that spirit entities NEED such vehicles in order to assist in human transition, but considering that each soul goes to a specific dimension/plane/space, it’s conceivable to me that some may be traveling ElseWhere, outside our typical spiritual planes of existence. I like the thought that Friends may be in those UFOs and that they come to help, as well as to observe. It tells me, yet again, that we are not alone.

  5. That’s some video. Perhaps someone/thing is watching the world events unfold. So much is happening besides Japan – Libya for example, goodness knows what the outcome will be.

  6. OK. Me again. Here’s something else that is puzzling. Around each group of these orbs that appear against the backdrop of the cloud, but not near the ones out in the blue sky, there are very straight-sided square “boxes”. The orbs close to the left edge of the cloud have two boxes, or squares, one box on top of the other, that seem to be connected to them. (The orbs) The vague but visible group of orbs up at the indentation of the cloud also has a very clear, straight-sided box around them/adjacent to them. Anyone have any ideas what these “squares” might be? I’m stumped. Well. I just went and looked again, and down in the very lower right-hand edge of the video, there is a tiny patch of blue, and just to the left of that patch of blue is yet another group of three orbs against the cloud, also with a square. What the heck is this, I wonder?

  7. My count was in error. There are eleven and possibly twelve, because when I look with the m.glass really closely at the big one to the right of the arrow, it is accompanied by either one or two smaller ones, barely visible but there.

  8. Vicki D. says:

    Wow I have never seen anything like that.

  9. I was wrong. The orbs that appear at the edge of the top of the cloud where it is indented, are SIX, not three. Anyone with a high-powered magnifying glass can put it against the still video and see these orbs clearly. There are two larger ones, and four smaller ones, all grouped together. They’re difficult to see because they’re pretty much the color of the cloud, just more dense, and they are very distinct in shape, which differentiates them from the cloud. So essentially, in this video there are three to the left of the cloud, one large one just inside the left in front of the cloud, and six in the indention in front of the cloud. That makes ten in all that are visible. No telling how many may have been hidden inside or by the cloud itself.

  10. P.S. I’ve been looking at this video, before clicking it on, with a high-powered magnifying glass. Up at the very edge of the top of the cloud, where the cloud indents towards its middle, there is another set of three: one is larger, with two smaller ones. The larger one in this set in below the two smaller ones, but they seem to be touching each other, almost. These objects that appear on the cloud are not easy to see. You really have to study it, but they are quite visible if you look for them. I do want to note that these particular UFOs have the appearance of spirit orbs that we so often see in photographs. Makes me wonder, could they be some kind of “carriers” coming to pick up the soon-to-be departing souls? Sounds insane, yeah, I know. Still………..

  11. Do you see the orb-appearing circles that are almost invisible in front of the cloud itself? One is on the left side of the cloud, near the three-circled one on the left outside the cloud. The other is barely visible, on the right side of the cloud, just to the right of the arrow before you click the video on. That one also has the appearance of a three-sided orb, with a larger one in its middle and two smaller ones on the sides. Look very closely and you can’t miss these that are in front of the cloud. Not surprised to see unidentified flying objects near a planetary event of this magnitude, but wonder exactly what they are. The ones in front of the cloud are baffling. Any ideas?

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