
An intriguing insight:

“I base my life on synchronicity. I get nervous when I don’t see synchronicity around me.” – Julian Winter, screenwriter

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One Response to Insights

  1. Vivian Ortiz says:

    In the eighties I began traveling to Key Largo to swim with dolphins. I loved a little bookstore there which had a great section on Florida mysteries. I discovered an author named T.J. Macgregor. I bought several books and loved the characters. They were married private eyes. Each year I would look forward to the next book in the series. One year the bookstore was under new ownership and the new owners had no Macgregor books. I was adamant that they see if they could get some. They told me they thought the author had died. I was devastated. I went back to home to Georgia and was grieving the loss of the characters I had come to love. Some months later I stopped by a local library to pick up a book for a friend. Next to her book was a new book by TJ Macgregor. I was ecstatic. I took the time to write the author through the publisher. She wrote me back. I had no idea the author was a woman. She was writing a book with dolphins in it and I became a good source of material for the book. And we became the best of friends….

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