Black Swan: Hurricane Sandy and the Election

Megan and Rob with a black swan

A black swan is an event or occurrence that deviates from what is normally expected of a situation, surprises the observer, has a major impact, and is difficult to predict. And Hurricane Sandy is the election season’s black swan. Here’s why:

Hurricane Sandy has broken all sorts of records. It’s barometric pressure is now 940 millibars, the strongest to ever hit the North Atlantic. By comparison, the pressure of Hurricane Wilma, the strongest pressure on record, was between 882-888. Hurricane Andrew, which devastated Miami-Dade County in 1992, had an internal pressure of 922. It created a storm surge of nearly 17 feet and caused $27 billion of damage.

Sandy brought high storm surges to New Jersey and New York City, coinciding with a full moon and high tide. It has merged with a nor’easter to become a huge, hybrid storm impacting 60 million people in seven states. Millions will lose power. And it’s all happening 7-8 days before the presidential election.  Millions of people will lose electrical power and some places may not have power for weeks, which is surely going to impact the presidential election on November 6.

Most meteorologists agree  this storm is a result of global warming, an issue neither presidential candidate has addressed during this campaign. “The irony is that the two presidential candidates decided not to speak about climate change, and now they are seeing the climate speak to them,” said Mike Tidwell, director of Maryland’s Chesapeake Climate Action Network. “That’s really what’s happening here. The climate is now speaking to them — and to everyone else.”

Ironic? We call this synchronicity.  

An unprecedented natural disaster, this black swan that’s shutting down the northeast, is rapidly clarifying the stark differences between Romney and Obama.

Romney has stated that FEMA –the Federal Emergency Management Administration that moves in after any disaster with food and supplies and rescue missions – should be relegated to the states or, better yet, privatized. Can you imagine? Privatized.   That means that  companies like Halliburton, who are contracted and paid by the U.S. government, who work for profit, move in.

When asked in June during a GOP debate if he would favor cutting off federal disaster relief, he said:

“We cannot — we cannot afford to do those things without jeopardizing the future for our kids. It is simply immoral, in my view, for us to continue to rack up larger and larger debts and pass them on to our kids, knowing full well that we’ll all be dead and gone before it’s paid off. It makes no sense at all.”

Federal disaster relief is immoral? Huh?  Romney is already distancing him from that comment. He suddenly thinks that FEMA is not so bad.

Obama, on the other hand, thinks that federal disaster relief is a moral duty. When asked what effect he thought Hurricane Sandy would have on the election he replied, “I’m not worried about the effect on the election. I’m worried about the effect on families, on our first responders, on our economy and on transportation.” He understands that only the federal government has the resources to cope with widespread devastation in the wake of natural disasters.  No one should have to pay to be rescued from a rooftop.

Kevin Trenberth, head of the Climate Analysis Section at the USA National Center for Atmospheric Research and one of the world’s foremost experts on changes to global energy and water cycles, called Hurricane Sandy  the “new normal.”

“Climate change is changing the weather,” Trenberth said. “The past few years have been marked by unusually severe extreme weather characteristic of climate change. The oceans are warmer and the atmosphere above the oceans is warmer and wetter. This new normal changes the environment for all storms and makes them more intense…”

How many more national disasters will it take before climate change becomes part of the national discourse?  How many more black swans? How many more in-your-face synchros will it take?


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31 Responses to Black Swan: Hurricane Sandy and the Election

  1. We have a Black Swan’s event in New York again. The consequences are unpredictable for the financial markets, the political elections and many people are suffering the damage. This natural phenomenon “Sandy” can change the way of developing the world model of coexistence…

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Sansego, you are correct that the election date is set in the Constitution. However, the president’s news secretary spoke last night and mentioned that depending upon the electrical grid being out of service in such a huge, unprecedented area and for more than eight million potential “voters”, the election day may…..MAY… “delayed” out of necessity, to afford every American citizen an equal right to cast his or her vote. Sometimes the guidelines in the Constitution must be adjusted in catastrophic circumstances, which this certainly is. As you know, we’re in a new time, and new uncharted territory in so many ways. The old ways , even the American Consitution, unfortunately no longer can always carry on as in the past. In this current situation, I personally think it would be a wise and prudent thing to do because it would speak to the millions whose lives have been decimated by this situation and would let them know that the government CARES about their opinions. To say to those folks who are devastated and can’t vote on the 6th, “Too bad, Better luck next time!” would be a hard slap in the face, and cruel and thoughtless. It wouldn’t be the first time the Consititution has been tweaked a little bit, and in this case to do so would seem to be in the best interests of Americans who are already suffering such loss.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Darren, the very first in my lengthy series of precog dreams about Sandy had NOAH Wyle as the central character in my dream. (You may recall that.)It wasn’t until the storm manifested that I was able to connect the dots from the dreams with complete and indisputable clarity. I’m not alone. Others have had precog dreams about this life-altering storm. I have no doubt her coming birth and devastation was in our mass consciousness long before she actually manifested into our reality.

  4. Nancy says:

    Romney wants to do away with FEMA but give larger, than asked for, contributions to the military. That says it all.

  5. gypsy says:

    great thought-provoking post, as usual – love the black swan part – the first thing i thought of in terms of the “black swan” – aside from the obvious in the story – is a connection to President Obama’s ethnic heritage and election and/or re-election – your descriptive words: “an event or occurrence that deviates from what is normally expected of a situation, surprises the observer, has a major impact, and is difficult to predict” – which certainly seems to describe his sweeping first victory – and hopefully, his second victory –

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Something popped into my memory today. Many months ago, around the first of 2012, a person on one of the conspiracy sites who believes 9-11 was a “false flag” event, (I don’t agree), remarked, “Watch what happens within a month or so of the elections. Some kind of major catastrophe will occur that will turn Obama into a national hero!” OK. Do I believe this. No. Just sayin……..we’ll likely be hearing and reading a lot of this type of hype in the coming days. I DO think it’s a synchro, although one that was long in coming, and even though I put no truth to it, I nevertheless find it interesting and yes, again, synchronistic in a dismal (dark trickster??) way.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Starlight news – an astrology blog – had put up a post about a week ago about an event of national importance that would occur around the election. She is predicting that obama will win…but that it will be close.

  7. Kevin L. says:

    On a synchronicity note, “Black Swan” is a song on Thom Yorke of Radiohead fame’s solo album The Eraser, a 2006 album all about climate change, government duplicity and an apocalyptic flood that graces the cover and in the song And It Rained All Night “washed the filth away, Down New York airconditioned drains”.

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    I also think it’s an advantage for Obama, especially if he steps up and really gets immediately involved in the aftermath process. It will be especially advantageous if the election date is pushed back by a few days, which may be unavoidable, depending upon the power grids getting back online.

  9. Have seen the devastation on our lunch time news – horrific. I wish everyone well.

    As for the election UK news analysts seem to think this is an advantage to Obama.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hope the UK press is right?

      • I think it will be an advantage to Obama, too, simply because it reminds Americans that Obama has been a consistent and steady leader, even if people are upset that he’s not the Superman action hero that people thought he was in 2008. Romney’s inconsistency and flip flopping will likely be viewed as too risky to entrust with power.

        But, if Americans do get stupid on election day and decide to reward the pathological liar with the White House, our country will deserve every calamity that might befall us on December 21, 2012 or afterwards.

        Monday night, I actually dreamed I was in Costa Rica! I’ve never been there, but it will be looking good if Romney wins the election.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    I think Kevin is making a valid point in his comment. There is always the possibility that any weather abberation has been engineered by TPTB or even other-dimensional entities, who possess capabilities of which we have not the slightest clue. There could be many reasons, if that happened to be case with Sandy, mostly politically motivated, and the reasons are too far under-the-radar, too black ops, to be revealed. Time will tell about the election and the election date. There are almost eight million folks without power now, and it’s not expected to be back on anytime soon. ConED had no choice but to shut down its grid, and God only knows when it will be safe to turn all of it on again, with so many lines down in so many states. New Jersey today lookes like Haiti looked after the tsunami. Utter devastation, and not just New Jersey. The snow, rain, and wind continues to inundate an entire large area, and even Sandy is far from finished with her wrath, according to the experts. How all this affects the presidential eleaction and its immediate preceding days remain to be seen, but it won’t be “normal”, under any circumstances.

  11. lauren raine says:

    So well said……thank you for posting it.

    “The irony is that the two presidential candidates decided not to speak about climate change, and now they are seeing the climate speak to them,” said Mike Tidwell, director of Maryland’s Chesapeake Climate Action Network. “That’s really what’s happening here. The climate is now speaking to them — and to everyone else.”

    We just created a shrine for the extinct and endangered, which includes everything on this beautiful planet from polar bears to the Great Coral Reef. For that matter, it includes New York City and Los Angeles as well.

    About time Mother Nature was included in the polls! I think She is putting forth Her vote!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      We don’t assume anything about a storm like this. My question, though, is that if it was engineered, what was the motive?

      • Kevin L. says:

        Well, I’m not on their mailing list, but most of the time events that inspire chaos and destruction leave fear and an embrace of the Father Figure in their wake. Hard to Occupy Wall Street prior to an election when it’s under water, and hard to be mad at the government or researching reasons for war and economic duplicity when you need FEMA to rescue you from your roof.

      • Kevin L. says:

        Danny Boyle went out and blatantly showed the world how The Powers That Be keep us in a terrified mesmerized state in order that we cling to them in his Olympics Opening Ceremony tribute to the victims of the London Bombing earlier this year. Of course, NBC declined to broadcast it.

  12. mathaddict2233 says:

    This post hits a powerful synchronicity for me, having nothing to do with politics, but I’ll share anyway. The BLACK SWAN has been and is my “familiar”, my “Totem animal”, since I was a child. I wear a very small one on a chain around my neck and in fact, not too long ago I wrote a story based on a profound past-life recall. The epilogue at the end of my story reads:

    ‘Day is done.

    This final hours brings blessed peace and breathes
    a misty cloud upon the trees,
    A whispered sigh the Dusk that slowly falls
    and wraps the earth in sleep.

    Oh, welcome friend, the Night!

    Its widespread wings like softest featherdown;
    A great Black Swan who comes to life me up
    and fly with me behind the twilight veil! ‘

    For me, the Black Swan represents beautiful mysteries revealed. But, I do understand that its tradional interpretation as a symbol is all that you say. It simply speaks a different language in my Spirit. I love the photo above the post! What a gorgeous creature, that Black Swan, and what a great picture of Rob and Megan. Black Swans are rare. To see one usually portends an omen of good fortune. So, if we turn the Black Swan of Sandy’s unprecedented storm presence and enormous proportions as a positive omen for Obama, perhaps it will mean victory in the face of truly strange and mystical odds….because this storm , due to multiple power failures all over the NE, can potentially demand that the day of the election be postponed, and that would be VERY auspicious for our sitting president. Why?
    The frequency of November 6, election day, resonates to 11-6, (2-6) or its counterpart 44, and this frequency is the most karmically negative of all universal frequencies. I would like to see the election day shifted to a few days later for the benefit of Obama, preferably to Thursday, 11-8, (1), because that brings us into a new and much more
    positive frequency of Beginning. Perhaps this may be a manifestation of Universal Consciousness at work. I’d like to think so, and hope so!

    • They won’t switch the election day because it’s Constitutionally set and there is no language indicating that in case of a natural disaster, it’s okay to delay the election. To do so would set a bad precedence. For better or for worse, the election will be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Those who are able to vote, will do so. Those who are unable, better luck next time. It’s not ideal, but breaking with the Constitution would be bad.

  13. Darren B says:

    “The past few years have been marked by unusually severe extreme weather characteristic of climate change. The oceans are warmer and the atmosphere above the oceans is warmer and wetter. This new normal changes the environment for all storms and makes them more intense…”

    We are heading into summer in Oz,which means storm season,and I don’t know about the Black Swan,but living near the coast,I’m starting to realize what a sitting duck feels like.

  14. Obama might not be concerned about the election, but I am. A conservative “friend” on my Facebook list actually posted on Sunday that with Hawaii issuing a Tsunami warning and this Frankenstorm hitting the blue states of the mid-Atlantic and New England, he claimed that God was sending a message that Obama’s day of reckoning is coming.

    If there is any “message” to derive from the storm, I believe it’s these two: 1) Global Warming is REAL; and 2) Democrats do disaster relief better because they don’t appoint horse traders with no disaster relief experience to head FEMA. Republicans run on the platform that government is bad and to reinforce that view, when they are in office, they appoint incompetent people in government positions who thereby prove their belief true. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy! It doesn’t make sense to vote Republican if you view government as the only thing between you and the corporate greed.

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