Apples to Apples and Alien Abductions

This is an odd synchro. On Thanksgiving day, our friend Rob Lockhart usually joins us for the festivities. We eat  and drink and are merry, as the saying goes, and usually play Scrabble or Monopoly or some other board game in the aftermath of dinner. On this Thanksgiving Rob and Rob went for a long bike ride while Megan and I took the dogs to the park. When we got back, Megan went door to see our neighbors and I sat outside and read Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls, by Nigel Kerner, a rather compelling look at UFOs, abductions, the entire weird field.

So after dinner we played this game called Apples to Apples. It’s Rob, Megan, me, Rob Lockhart (Tacayo) and Maddie, the 9-year-old girl who lives next door. The game is simple: each player chooses 7 cards from the red pile. There’s also a green pile and when it’s your turn you select a card from the green pack and the other players must select  one of their 7 cards that closely fits the word on the green cared.

Let’s say you chose a green card entitled  soft. Each of the other players must play a card they hold that aptly describes soft. Worm, brain, orange, grapefruit. The person who has chosen the green card must decide  which card  best describes  the word or phrase on the green card. The first person who wins eight rounds wins the game.

And I, who had two hours earlier been reading about abductees in Kerner’s book, which is so far a rather disturbing take on the alien agenda, pick a new card. Alien abduction. I burst out laughing. “Synchro,” I murmur, and snapped a photo of the card.

Not an earth-shattering synchro, just another tad of weirdness, and maybe a bit of the trickster tossed in.


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24 Responses to Apples to Apples and Alien Abductions

  1. gypsy says:

    have never played this little game but will have to try it now – sounds fun – this synchro reminds me of those days with word verifications on our blogs and all the times a related WV would pop up –

  2. I love Apples to Apples. The way I’ve learned to play it with others is that when you give a card to the person with the green card, you try to play to their interests in hopes that they will pick yours as the best card. Sometimes, you can go for the ironic definition. When I make the choice, I usually pick the card that made me laugh. For example, if the Green card was “Global Warming” and someone gave me a Rush Limbaugh card, I’d likely pick that one over the more common and expected cards.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      That’s exactly how we play! And one of us did get that global warming card and if I remember correctly, one of the possibilities was george w bush and that card won- about on a par with Limbaugh!

  3. whoot says:

    you know Rob I’ve got some belief’s,,,,, and want to know the truth,, want to know what synchronicity is all about,,,, yeah well,, I know… course someone did explain it to me,, well actually it wasn’t much of an explaination,, short comment,, but yeah,, then I saw!!! see…

    • whoot says:

      whoot gonna reply to his own reply,, he wasn’t stating that he wants to know the truth,,, that he wants to know what it is all about… cause in many respects he believes these things a bit cryptic in themselves….

      What he was doing was making the claim (errounness or not),, That he does,,, he was fishing and can admit… but maybe he does have a good idea.. it’s not my subject,,, just seems to have decided to have some fun with bozo… but point is …………….

  4. whoot says:

    line 2 “it was just” line 4 ,,, “now that is a……..” line 5 “what sounds like chit…..”

  5. whoot says:

    coment on coment from Dick Cavett day coment (it was easy for ’em),, NO?? rigth how would I know it (today not THEN) just a joke,, but truth is,, guess I’ll ask Woz, next time, if ther is one,,, doesn’t George know?? I only through out the dots!!! Why is that Rob,,, know that is a serius? which you should know the answer,,,, as much synch in a year as blah blah!! is it telling? sounds like chit is really frustration

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    The face In the Clouds Before Death was shown here in our city some time ago, on every channel. Brian Williams had a brief segment of it n his nightly news. This has been a good while back. I imagine it was a story that was seen worldwide when it initially hit the news, so that many hits aren’t at all surprising.

  7. whoot says:

    Apples to Apples,, and the video,, it’s only half the story…..

  8. whoot says:

    to MIke perry checking out your sight,, story of MJ,, yeah that date you tie with him,, have story about that date plus and minus 2 yr… blah blah…..

  9. whoot says:

    Bozo did comment towards ole Darren B’s.. roll icing “before” he read (saw paper) the comics yesterday (cico),, “Truth”,, Dilbert definetly one his top 3-5 comics,, gotta love Wally….

  10. As you have mentioned ‘apple’ and ‘aliens’ have you seen this video?
    It’s only 33 seconds long.

  11. I like these non-earth shattering style synchros. They always feel personal to the people concerned – in this case you.

  12. Darren B says:

    Personal sync here for me too.
    Today a post of mine which has laid fairly dormant since I posted it
    got a whopping 934 hits in the space of two hours rocketing it to the top of my all time hits beating “Man’s Face Seen In Clouds Before Death”which held the record with 837 hits,putting it now into second place.
    It was a post about life changing events coming from out of the sky as well.
    And my new post that I posted literally five minutes after your post here was on tricksters.

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