Twenty-seven. 2+7=9. Nine is about beginnings and endings. Many of us are just getting started in our careers at 27 after a few years of false starts. But for others, 27 is an ending.

The other evening, Megan was watching some Hollywood story about Kurt Cobain and we were sort of half-listening from the other room. We knew that Cobain was a suicide. But what we didn’t realize was that he – like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison – died at the age of 27.

What’s up with that?
This afternoon I opened up a book on my desk called Synchronicity and You: Understanding the Role of Meaningful Coincidence in Your Life, by Frank Joseph. It opened to pages 28-29, and here’s the first thing I read. “But the number nine also demonstrates the degree to which such symbolism is subjective and how susceptible it is to different, personal interpretations. Among some musicians it is regarded as death’s own number. This negative association began with Beethoven, who died after completing his ninth symphony.”

WOW! Nearly fell off my chair when I read that. This book, BTW, also plays into tomorrow’s synchronicity. Stay tuned.

Today marks the four-month anniversary of this blog. We’re enjoying it, and hope you are, too.
Rob & Trish

This entry was posted in 27, cobain, hendrix, janis joplin, morrison, musicians, Numbers. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to 27

  1. May says:

    … though, ‘nine’, from Latin ‘novem’, in origin meant ‘new’ (hence ‘novel’ and ‘nova’). Numbers (as do words) reflect the ancient beliefs of our ancestors who were fertility cult worshippers. The French word for ‘nine’ is ‘neuf’ which as you can see is similar to their word ‘oeuf’ (egg/ova). Nine relates to the Sacred Feminine half… and birth.
    There is something about what Gypsy Woman said that strikes a chord re: using 2012 as a marker for the shift in our collective unconsciousness.
    Certainly, the sensation that I experienced at 27 was horrific… but in hindsight, I realize now that I was undergoing a metamorphosis within … the ‘utter despair’ was a result of my panic with a confusing ‘new’ situation. As an analogy: just imagine what it would have been like for the ancient creature who would be the first to give birth to live young … probably panic and despair. Awareness will prevent this and create hope.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Musing Egret – love that phrase, BTW. I returned to hill country hippie's blog and recall it. I hope you'll share some of your synchronicities with us!

    Gypsy woman – we'll check out that link. Chopra seems to be everywhere, doesn't he? I often wonder if he's cloned!

    – Trish

  3. gypsywoman says:

    oh – and lest i forget – congratulations rob and trish on your four month blog anniversary – thanks for sharing with us all – jenean

  4. gypsywoman says:

    wow! very interesting!! i just discovered an interesting dialogue that took place last year between chopra and grant morrision at the comic-con international held in san diego – anyway, a very interesting discussion of the power, the "spirit of the super-hero", the connectivity of the past, present and future – and using 2012 as a marker for a shift in our collective unconsciousness – a few words don't do the discussion justice but check it out at comicbookresources.com – jenean

  5. musingegret says:

    Dear Trish and Rob: Just wanted to de-lurk to tell you how very much I enjoy this site. I found it by clicking on a comment y'all left a couple months ago on the Hill Country Hippie's "Seasonality" blog.


    She was writing about a synchronicity I'd experienced and emailed her about involving a book I'd won as a giveaway from her site. Anyway, since then I've started my own personal 'sync' journal and I'm amazed at the growing frequency of these meaningful coincidences. Thank you also for the growing blog links list you've compiled as readers have contacted you. Keep up the good work!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    In case you read this entry earlier today, please take a look at the UPDATE. Quite incredible.

  7. Lover of Life says:

    Very interesting. My mother died at 27. I married at 27. I'm going to watch my daughter next year as she turns 27.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I wondered about that, too, an act of the collective unconscious. & clever pup – you've got some connections with Libras!
    – Trish

  9. May says:

    Perhaps these suicides are a collective unconsciousness act. There are synchronicities that can be explored, like 2+7 … and the individuals being musicians (artistic 3+3=8 kinda’ thinkers).

    2+7 means something to me. Our Alphabet divided equally gives 13 letters for ‘A-M’ and ‘N-Z'. The 7th letter of each are ‘G’ and ‘T', with both beginning the words ‘God’ and ‘Theos’. The English use God while the French use Dieu (modified from original Theos). Theos was once the ultimate sacred feminine—Goddess who, with the emergence of Patriarchy would become masculinised… she has submerged.

    From my perspective, many people are unable to withstand the pressures of their inner world—the battle between heart and mind—to conform to the world (4+4=8) or be true to one creative self (3+3=8).

    When I was 27 I survived a battle with utter despair. I hung on… and I learned to give room to my subconscious— ‘other’ self. The struggles within diminished and now difficulties I encounter are an easier cross to bear. Significance lies also with the total 9- nine. Note the word ‘masculine’ with suffix ‘ine’ (meaning ‘one’ in origin)… and ‘feminine’ with suffix ‘nine’ ‡.

  10. The Clever Pup says:

    Apropo of nothing, in the space of a year between 1980 and 81 I met three young men who were born on June 4, and whose fathers were firemen.

    In 1983 I dated a fellow for about 6 months whose birthday was October 12, 1963. I moved away and my subsequent boyfriend's birthday was October 12, 1961.

  11. Natalie says:

    I had my first child at 27. A beginning of a new life, and an ending of the one I knew before. Very cool.

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