The Energy of 12/21/12


I’ve been trying to figure out if the weird energy worldwide now is due to the approach of 12/21 and the end of the Mayan calendar. Or whether it’s due to an acceleration of time and an evolution of consciousness. Or if it’s because humanity has reached a significant tipping point where we realize the old ways are just that – old, they don’t work any longer. Or if it’s due to all of the above. Or none of the above.

Rob and I watched Obama’s speech this evening to the families of victims at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. There were more than 900 people in the audience and another 1,300 in a spillover area. His speech was moving, touching the right notes as commander in chief but also as the father of two young girls. He said something that gave us hope: this was the fourth time during his administration that he has comforted the families of the fallen, spoken at memorial services for the victims of mass shootings, and something, he says, has got to change.

“If there’s even one step we can take to save one child, or one parent, or one town from the grief that has visited Tucson, and Aurora and Oak Creek and Newtown and communities from Columbine to Blacksburg before that, then surely we have an obligation to try,” the president told the auditorium.

“In the coming weeks, I’ll use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens, from law enforcement to mental health professionals to parents and educators in an effort to prevent more tragedies like this,” he said. “Because what choice do we have?”

Does this portend, at the very least, a ban on assault weapons? Renewed funding for mental health facilities?

Twenty years ago, Adelita Chirino  and her husband produced  the video at the top of this post, about America’s love affair with guns. That, in itself, is shocking. 20 years. What has changed? Adelita, a dream student of Robert Moss, has called upon all Dreamers to change the status quo through heir dreams. A heady  challenge, for sure, but not impossible.

During one segment on MSNBC’s coverage this evening, an interview with the family of 27-year-old Vicki Soto, I heard what sounded like a synchro, communication with a loved one who has passed on. Vicki Soto used her body as a shield to protect her first-grade students. Her family talked about her love of teaching, of winter, Christmas, the color green, and snow. Her sister mentioned that when the snow started falling the day after her tragic death, everyone in the family felt it was a “signal” from Vicki that she was with them.

Is this akin to the white feathers that our blogger friend from the UK, Mike Perry, has  reported about communication with his deceased daughter? Is this similar to the red cardinal that Sharon Catley reported about what she felt was communication from her deceased father? Is snow going to be a communication motif for the Soto family?

In this community, Obama was – as far as we could see- the only person of color in a crowd of nearly a 1,000 people. If this is the tipping point, there’s a certain irony that the tipping point may have been reached because this is a wealthy, white suburb outside of NYC, where young kids were killed, and not some inner city gang war where young kids are killed daily.

You second amendment advocates? Fine. Keep your guns. But no more assault weapons that fire with a rapidity intended only for combat zones, for war. Personally, I would prefer to see the 2nd amendment die altogether. The amendment was created in a time of muskets and slaves and has no place in 21st century life. That probably won’t happen, but I can dream, right? I can dream of a time when we humans actually live in peace with each other despite our differences about religious and political differences and do what is right for the greater good of the American people.

But watch what’s going to happen if Obama signs an executive order for an assault weapons ban. Every 2nd amendment wacko will emerge from his or her dark cave and scream that Obama is trying to take away their weapons. Really? With more than 270 million guns in the hands of private citizens in this country, guns aren’t likely to vanish any time soon.

Even our neighbors, Christian folks who are nice people, head to a shooting  range on weekends with their two kids to shoot – doves.

Yeah. Doves. The birds that symbolize peace.


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25 Responses to The Energy of 12/21/12

  1. Trish, I think we have reached a tipping point. We interviewed two fabulous experts on violence prevention, Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith and Dr. James Garbarino for this documentary and they both predicted that what was then an urban problem of neighborhood and youth violence would soon be a suburban one. It’s uncanny to see it come to pass, but maybe it’s finally time to listen to them. Here’s Dr. Prothrow-Stith and I’ll share our third excerpt including Dr. Garbarino as soon as it’s posted.

  2. whoot says:

    not the type of thing an individual can figure out,, time is not speeding up, it is a constant state of the PSYCHE, an effect due to the “REDUCING” percentage of ones life that each year is….. ???? how many arms does God grant a man???

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    I believe I noticed a few darker-skined folks in the congregation, here and there, and I’ve watched it because there are continual updates. Also, one of the babies who died was Japanese, as was one of the ministers who prayed at the podium. So certainly it was a congregation of various cultures as well as relions and spiritual paths. But I definitely understood your comment to be simply an observation and nothing more than that. You asked what if the laws don ‘t change. They won’t. But at least Spirit is attempting to raise the consciousness of the masses. quite literally in baby steps. If we lose hope, all is lost.

  4. KLM says:

    Haven’t been here in a while, but I have been checking out a lot of sites I haven’t been to in a while since last Friday. What this obviously sick, troubled young man did is beyond any words I can conjure. Somewhere along the line this guy experienced something that, at least to his mind, was unspeakable.

    I want to clarify something though.

    I have a shotgun I have used, though not lately, for shooting pigeons – CLAY pigeons that are loosed from a catapult; they are NOT live doves. They are clay targets. No shooting range I have ever been to, where I live, allows shooting live animals. This requires a hunting license, not a fishbowl situation on a shooting range. If the state of Florida allows that, that’s a local issue.

    I don’t believe race was ever mentioned anywhere I have read about this horrific event – except here. And I do not believe it has any place here. I for one never gave the race of these victims any iota of a thought. I’m really surprised to see it brought into this.

    Lastly, and from my heart, God Bless all the victims who fell, their families and the children who witnessed something that no one, of any age, should ever witness. I agree with Math on the soul’s of these angels, there was a purpose. What it is we may never know in this life.


  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    The only comfort I can find in this heinous tragedy, and it is small comfort, is my acceptance of the law of karma at work in all our lives. This acceptance doesn’t do anything at all to assuage the sorrorw the anger, the devastattion, but it DOES offer at least a tiny modicum of “perhaps”. In this situatuon, perhaps the magnificent souls of these 20 tiny babies and these six heroic adults agreed, on their highest soul levels, to sacrifice themselves in a sudden gory bloodbath that is unthinkable and totally insane, for the good of all; to sacrifice themselves as a means of helping to create massive changes in our system of laws. The tears still flow unceasingly, down my cheeks, yet my aching heart is tempered when I consider this as a possibility.
    And….my candles also burn.

  6. lauren raine says:

    Thanks as always for your thoughtful words. The last sentence about the doves was really pointed, and demonstrates the schizophenia of our time. I have never understood how Christianity could have at its center the “Prince of Peace”, and yet so many wars, Inquisitions, and decimations of native populations have been enacted in “His” name. I recently posted the Prayer of Saint Francis……..he spoke, truly, to the heart of what Christianity should be.

    The elephant in the room is that we never hear of women, or men over 50, grabbing assault weapons and shooting everyone. Beyond the monied interests of the NRA is a paradigm of violence, patriarchy, and the idealized “warrior”. Is there a movie anymore that doesn’t have a war, a video game that is about something other than killing someone or something else? Especially in the socialization of boys, they can hardly speak before they are given toy guns, ray guns, or swords, and set to playing war games or watching them on tv. Boys who are gentle are ridiculed, called “wimps” (which, interestingly, is an old English word that means “young woman”). Sadly, the message many boys may get is that being a successful man is being, essentially, a sociopathic brute.

    People talk about feminism as if it was “women’s problem”. But it’s not. Obviously something needs to be done about the availability of guns – as Michael Moore pointed out in his movie, Canada has gun control, and there is no evidence that they are any less ‘free” or “sissy” than we are, although they do have an astronomically lower murder rate. But it is my hope that the new Age will bring with it a change of paradigm, which I call the “return of the Goddess”, so we become a life valuing culture that frees our boys as well as our girls from a paradigm of war.

    opps, end of lecture!

  7. Nancy says:

    Christians shooting doves for fun with their children? I guess that says it all.

  8. gypsy says:

    and of the mental health issue so clearly more than just a small issue in this country i didn’t even touch upon – but the mother link said it all – sadly so –

  9. gypsy says:

    ditto DJan, trish and rob –

    on the thing of assault weapons – the very fact that we as a nation have reached this point in the access of weaponry is so mind boggling to me as to be incomprehensible – totally – even if/when military assault type weapons are outlawed [and surely they will be – they must be], the issue of hand guns owned by every tom dick and harry and mary and alice and betty remains – how many children – and others – are killed accidently and on purpose every day in this country by hand guns left accessible to not just small children but to others as well – from whom do these weapons protect their owners? statistically, how many times have these same weapons actually been used against intruders [who are killed] as opposed to being used “by” children and others to kill another and/or themselves? anyway, i am against guns in the home for any reason period…….period. and as far as “target shooting”, if you don’t intend “target” another human, why “practice”? if one wants precision “practice”, use a softball or a nerfball – or whatever for goodness sake! – and just how many “doves” do these people eat that they “need” weapons to kill birds? do they go out and shoot the nearest cow when they want a hamburger or steak? now, i can just hear the naysayers having a hissyfit – guns don’t kill people – we have a constitutional right to bear arms – yada yada yada – well, that isn’t really true – guns DO kill people – but so do knives – so do bows and arrows they all say – so, that makes having guns ok, right? no – anything – anything MAY be used as a weapon – that’s true – but how many actually ARE??? OR – how many killings are done with GUNS? and that constitutional thing? the one that was enacted during those times so long ago – and not this century – i guess it wouldn’t have been enacted even then had we not invaded a country and begun killing the native inhabitants who had the audacity to attempt to protect their lives and their land – or had we not begun killing each other over whether or not slavery – the ownership of another human being – in all its horror should exist and those who owned the most fought the hardest to maintain that ownership of human beings –

    so sorry – i digress – the point is GUNS KILL –

    great post – all those connections with these events of late – thanks so much!

  10. Darren B says:

    ” Even our neighbors, Christian folks who are nice people, head to a shooting range on weekends with their two kids to shoot – doves.
    Yeah. Doves. The birds that symbolize peace. ”

    I just got my “SYNC Book 2” in the mail.The first thing I did was read your chapter.
    The next thing I did was read “Nexus of Sync” ‘s chapter (because we’ve been interacting on blogs over syncs at present) and the example “Nexus of Sync” uses in the chapter from the book is –
    “….it could start while being in a conversation with a friend who is talking in passing about doves.Alternatively,it could start with a dream of doves,a spontaneous idea about doves or a movie with a short appearance of doves.
    Actually,it doesn’t matter how or where it starts.Afterwards,many different references to doves could appear e.g. doves on the cover of a magazine being read by someone sitting in the subway,then on an ad banner at the next station,which also bares the name “Dove Street” as an intensification. By the accumulation of coincidences of similar type ,they sink in and are perceived as significant,emotional,touching –
    Syncs. ”
    And it goes on further about doves
    (you’ll have to read it in the book…it gets too long to write about here)

    Nexus of Sync’s conclusion –
    “Sync accompanies our life like an invisible adviser,who points out and guides us to what we need – which is not necessarily what we want at first sight.”

  11. DJan says:

    I am grateful for a few things this season, and one of them is you, Trish, you and Rob and your way of looking at the world we live in. I am hopeful that change is in the air regarding assault weapons, at the very least. Most of all I am glad to have a friend who spends every day writing, pondering, and trying to make sense of this time and place. You give me hope, and for that I thank you.

  12. Shadow says:

    the problem i have with the banning of weapons, is that the criminal element will still have access to weapons, whereas the (wo)man who wants a gun to protect his family and himself against criminals, can’t get one…

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