Harmonic Divergence

With all the hoopla of the upcoming end to the Mayan Calendar, it’s not surprising that the ‘end-of-the-world’ scenario has turned up in Doonesbury. In doing so, Gary Trudeau has exposed readers to a bit of knowledge about the Mayan calendar and today (Tuesday) he mentions the Harmonic Convergence, the last major dates of significance in the calendar – Aug. 16-17, 1987.  On those two mornings, millions of people worldwide – including Trish and me – showed up at sacred sites and places in nature – from beaches to mountaintops – at sunrise for the two-day celebration – an awakening with the promise of great changes in the offing for the world.

Those days marked  a planetary alignment with the Sun, Moon and six out of eight planets – a grand trine – as well as the culmination of 22 cycles of 52 years each in the Mayan Calendar. In Trudeau’s strip, he jokes about the H.C. – it’s a comic, after all. Yet, he is so wrong in his denigrating what followed this event.

Change typically doesn’t happen in one day, but unfolds over time. For example, if assault weapons are banned in the U.S. as a result of the recent devastating school shooting, it will take weeks, months, maybe years for all the necessary changes to take effect. So in the aftermath of the Harmonic Convergence – that promise of great change – what took place?

Oh, how about the collapse of the Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the instigation of democratic institutions in Eastern Europe, the merging of the two Germanys into one nation. And, probably most amazing of it,  it was all done without firing a single weapon. No war, no violence. It just happened. Although skeptics, of course, quickly dismiss any connection between those dramatic world-changing events and the Mayan Calendar, they can’t deny that indeed astonishing changes took place in the months following the Harmonic Convergence.

This bit of mystical history, though, seems to have happened in an alternative universe, because most people don’t recognize it – or even know that it occurred. I was astonished on one recent Sunday morning while listening to a public radio puzzle program that included a question of the relationship between 1987 and 2012. (I mentioned this in an earlier post.) There is some numeric relationship between the two years, which I can’t remember, and several hundred listeners wrote in with the right answer. But a couple of dozen people provided an alternative answer – the significant link in those years related to the Mayan Calendar. Surprisingly, neither of the hosts – smart people – had ever heard of the Harmonic Convergence. So, of course, they would not have a clue about any link between the celebration and ensuing events that aligned directly with the promise foretold.

Seeing the Doonesbury mention of the Harmonic Convergence was a synchronicity for me because  – besides reading the comic page – I’m editing and rewriting my first novel, Crystal Skull, which will be coming out as an e-book through Crossroad Press. In the novel, the Harmonic Convergence is the ticking clock in events leading to the reunion of two sacred crystal skulls and the battle to possess them.

It’s actually a mystery novel with a private detective as protagonist, but it veers away from traditional mysteries, as you can see by this summary that will be used to describe the book.

Possessed by a myth, a killer will stop at nothing to re-unite two ancient crystal skulls at a momentous date in the Mayan calendar — the Harmonic Convergence. He intends to complete his quest, at whatever cost, to seal his quest to achieve immortality. But Nicholas Pierce, a private detective, is just as determined to find out who killed his client, the caretaker of one of the skulls. 

So, of course, taking a break from editing the final chapters of a story taking place in 1987 that focuses on the H.C., I couldn’t help but see a meaningful coincidence in the Doonesbury strip today.

I also noticed that Australian futurist-mystic Marcus Anthony, who has been a denier of the significance of 12-21-2012, has changed his mind in a new post. He offers an interesting perspective from Down Under.

I have to say I’m looking forward to the ‘end of the world’ and hoping it will bring a new vision for humanity in the days, weeks, months and years to follow with concrete results even more ambitious than the massive changes for the better that followed the Harmonic Convergence.









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19 Responses to Harmonic Divergence

  1. Darren B says:

    Well,it’s 11:11 am in Brisbane and I’m still waiting.
    Look’s like I better get the lawn mowed,it look’s overcast.-)

  2. Dale Dassel says:

    From the moment I woke up on New Year’s Day, I calmly anticipated the year of extraterrestrial contact rather than fret over the 2012 doomsday forecasted by the popular media. Not once have I felt an inkling of concern at the prospect that our world could truly end this year. Apocalypse? The notion is absurd, unreal, virtually impossible. In fact, as the date nears I feel incredibly calm. My nonchalance stems from the fact that we’re helpless to prevent any impending catastrophe regardless, so why panic? Take one day at a time, treat others with kindness and respect, and enjoy the gift of living on this beautiful blue marble that we call home. 🙂

  3. Thanks for posting the link to my blog, Trish and Rob. However the term “denier” does not accurately reflect my perspective on 2012, not even as originally posted 18 months ago. I simply took a critical perspective about doomsday and paradise predictions, and how they tend to emerge from the human mind’s fear of death or desire to escape. I like to make fun of myself from time to time, so I was, in part, just having fun when I wrote the beginning bit of that post. Despite being a futurist, I tend not to worry about ‘the future’ too much, and I have taken the same attitude about 2012. What needs to be known will be made known, as long as you keep yourself aware to what is going on around you. In my case, some more ‘information’ came round about a month ago, so that is when I began to address it. My actual attitude towards things like 2012 has always been one of ‘not knowing’, which is the most open-minded and rational way to deal with such things in the absence of genuine knowledge (and I didn’t have any genuine knowledge till recently). Marcus

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Sorry for calling you a denier, Marcus. I guess that’s too strong a term, since it has gotten a derogatory connotation linked to low information people, like ‘climate change deniers.’

  4. Rob and Trish says:

    Well put, Nancy. Eyes are opening. They can’t get away with calling for billions more for the Pentagon – billions beyond what they requested – and at the same time express concerns about the national debt and demand cuts in services for the poor, Medicare and social security.

  5. Nancy says:

    Although I did not celebrate the Convergence in 1987 (it was a big year for me – new baby at the same time I lost my father) I was aware of what was happening. I do believe it was a tipping point for what came after, just as 2012 is a tipping point for a new way of seeing and being in the world. Revelations is all about revealing what is behind the masks. Energy has shifted already. People like Romney are not able to fool the populace as they once were able to do. We are beginning to see what is behind companies like Monsanto, Big Pharma, Wall Street. The Pentagon is under a microscope. People are not so easily fooled anymore. That is what 2012 is all about. A new way of being and seeing behind the veil of illusion.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    I also remember the H.C. I admit that the main reason I remember it so vividly is because I had had very major, life-altering cancer surgery on July 23, just three weeks prior to the H.C. And virtually every aspect of my entire life changed during that time frame, in the most positive ways imaginable, yet inexplicably indescribable. For a very long time I thought I had expereinced a Walk-In soul exchange even though I didn’t accept the theory of Walk-Ins, but as time passed, I realized my soul was still my soul, not a Walk-In, and that I had instead exprienced overwhelming, simultaneously inner and outer shifts and was essentially a diferent person but with the same soul. I recognized that I had experienced a rare, ecstatic spiritual awakening, or re-awakening, as my body was deeply asleep on that surgical table. I never looked back. The shifts remain today. I honored the Harmonic Convergence as a participant in my own personal, individual soul shifting. And I tend to think that the day after tomorrow will bring such individual shifts to millions in some ways that affect only themselves. I would be extremely interested in hearing what everyone on the blog is thinking and feeling today, Wednesday, December 19, 2012, EST, as we approach midnight tomorrow night? It is certainly a memorable and momentous space and time on this planet and in this universe.

  7. Interesting that the 19th of October 1987 was Black Monday (the largest one day market crash in history) when the stock market levels fell sharply on Wall Street and around the world. Time Magzine’s cover stated: “THE CRASH After a wild week on Wall Street, the world is different”

  8. DJan says:

    I do remember the Harmonic Convergence. I think I was also doing something to commemorate it, but I am embarrassed to say I don’t remember what. Things have begun to fall out of my memory banks, maybe because they are so full. I did celebrate all sorts of happenings in Boulder where I lived at the time, hanging out with some very powerful women. I had forgotten about it completely until I saw that same cartoon.

    • If you were living in Boulder at the time maybe you knew José Argüelles. He was living there then. I have seen a number of his video tapes, made of course, before he died, and not once did he talk about the end of the world, but of an expansion of love and synchronicity – big changes, yes, but not the end of the world. I keep wondering – is he “aware” now?

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