‘Set your intention’

yoga studio in Costa Rica


About once a week I take a yoga class at a studio about ten minutes away. It’s a studio where I teach a 6-week meditation course 3 or 4 times a year. Often times, the teacher begins the class by suggesting that we set an intention for the class.

Sometimes my intention is just to make it through the class without too much trouble. I usually take advanced vinyasa flow classes and typically the other students are 20-25 years younger than me. Other times, I focus on a project I’m working on and getting through a block. But on one recent morning–the morning after I’d paid a bunch of holiday bills –I said to myself ‘Bring in money, bring it in soon.’ Not exactly a spiritual intention, by any means, but a practical one.

The class with this particular teacher was as challenging as usual with a lot of tricky arm balance poses and twisting postures that require a flexible spine. When the class was over, I reminded everyone of my upcoming meditation course and headed for the door.

As I put on my shoes, one of the students tapped me on the shoulder and handed me an envelope with my name on it. “What’s this?” I asked.

“Oh, it’s a Christmas card from some of the students. I noticed you hadn’t picked it up.” I thanked her and walked out my car with my mid-January Christmas card. I slid behind the wheel and opened the envelope to find $30 in cash, a total surprise.

Then I remembered the intention I’d set for the class and laughed. That certainly was a quick response from the Universe. Cash handed to me before I’d even left the studio. Not quite the quantity I was thinking of, but I decided Β to look at it as symbolic. After all, it had seemingly manifested out of thin air.

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10 Responses to ‘Set your intention’

  1. Melissa says:

    Law of attraction?

  2. whoot says:

    Bozo (S L no O) does it by “working” like a mad dog,, geuss he has to since his shining personality definitely wins FEW over,, like when James R was forced to shuss him as his (JR’s) wife tried to put a 1,000 into a trance,, thought he had heard ti so many times before……

  3. I don’t see there is anything wrong with practical intention (at times). As that old saying goes ‘f you don’t ask you don’t get’. After all, it is similar to what Jesus taught (about asking and receiving) and he was pretty spiritual!

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    With the economy in the shape it’s in, maybe all of us should collectively set an intention to create a postivie shift in the economic aspects of life! Wouldn’t THAT be a grand thing, as this gift to Rob was a grand little gift. Doesn’t take something huge to be significant, and this example is just right!!

  5. gypsy says:

    well, you asked and you received! what a neat story – loved the part of it being a late xmas card/gift – but given on the day of your intention! fabulous!

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Wonderful! And the “3” is very significant, as it it the frequency representing all things creative: writing, art, music, self-expression, and communication with others through the arts! What better synchro than this little message to you from Universe?! πŸ˜‰ Also, remember that a zero added to any frequency exponentionally intensifies the manifestation of its purpose, depending upon the number of added zeroes, so the “$30.00” is even more significant.

  7. DJan says:

    I think I will set an intention for my walk this morning: to enjoy the sunshine and not mind the cold! πŸ™‚ That was indeed a quick turnaround for your intention, Trish. πŸ™‚

    • Rob and Trish says:

      That was rob’s post, not mine!

      • Rob MACGREGOR says:

        I hesitated using my own pic on this post, but it seemed to fit and I didn’t want to take the time to look for another. Still, I was thinking that maybe it was a bit egotistical to do so. Well, Djan took care of that right away this morning by assuming it was Trish’s post and that was just some random guy doing the tree pose in a yoga studio in Costa Rica. lol

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