Triangles Over Michigan

This video is fascinating. Lights in the shapes of triangles have been spotted all over the Detroit area. One observer said he was able to see a black triangular-shaped object within the lights. A local Fox channel reported on it and they didn’t snicker and joke about it as they were reporting. In fact, at the end, one of the anchors says, “Well, we know it’s not  weather balloons.”

However, there’s one odd thing about this video – besides the lights. The skeptical point of view comes from a spokesman for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network. The guy talks about how these lights might be experimental aircrafts and carries on for some time. At no time, does he say that these low-flying, slow-moving silent black triangles have been seen since at least the 1980s over our skies and around the world, and remain a major mystery.

Sometime believers, especially those associated with an organization lie MUFON, will take on a skeptical point of view in an attempt to show that they are legitimate and knowledgeable, and not just gullible believers. That’s fine, but the MUFON spokesman should’ve also brought in the history of black triangular UFOs.

Of course, there’s the possibility that he did, and it was cut. If that’s the case, then it was poor editing by the FOX station.

It’s very doubtful that these black triangles are experimental crafts. If they were, we would know it by now. The Stealth bomber (B-2) is triangular-shaped but flies at high altitudes. It is not soundless, and it doesn’t glide slowly at several hundred feet.



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11 Responses to Triangles Over Michigan

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Today I wondered if the double-winged bi-plane (two wings on each side) may have been one coming into this current timeline from the past, as in a “Time’Traveler” kind of thing. Or, it may have been just another cloaked alien craft. Gypsy, as I read your description, it was really familiar. And, it reminded me of the scenes in Close Encounters when the Mother Ship is slowly emerging into sight over the top of the Wyoming mountain. Possibly the extremely loud noise of that aircraft you could hear but not see was also cloaked. Breaking some type of barrier through the dimensions…heard but not seen. You know, to most folks who might stumble onto this blog, lots of us sound insane. But these incidents are as real as it gets, and they ARE scary because they take us into areas where we aren’t able to determine reasonable and/or logical explanations within this world as we know it. And that can be pretty mind-shattering at times. Especially when we know that the experiences are real and not figments of imagination. Those booms….we’ve had several in N. FL recently. No agency claims responsibility for them or awareness of them, yet thousands of ordinarfy folks are hearing and feeling them. What’s up with THAT!!!

  2. Momwithwings says:

    Gypsy, I have heard those exact military jet sounds. It literally sounds like it is going to hit the house, then nothing.

    Trish; I think some sounds in my house are paranormal but some don’t make sense and these are newer.

  3. gypsy says:

    well, just to add to the drama and curiosity of this bunch of “planes” stories, i’ll tell my own that happened just yesterday – i was sitting at my desk which faces directly west – my desk sits in front of a large expanse of almost floor to ceiling windows – as on most days, i had the sheers pulled back and so had an unobstructed view out into the large area on that side of the house, including to the tops and above of some of the trees now barren of leaves – the wall to my right as i sit at my desk is about 8′ away and directly opposite me is the door onto the large glass-walled sunroom – across the road from us is a large expanse of open fields with no obstructions – which means i have a clear visual field directly north – and again, i will mention that we are in a “no-fly” zone – the only planes basically coming/going from this state are those old elephant cargo planes to dover afb about 20 miles north – anyway, i’m at my desk when just totally out of the blue – as in there was no “leading up” sounds – there is the sound of a large fighter jet engine – not the engine of a cargo – there is really no other sound quite like that of a mean fightin’ machine jet plane – sorry, i digress – the sound is directly overhead – and i mean it sounds as if it’s going to land in the yard out my west window – it’s just so loud i stand up to get the heck out of the house as i’m sure it’s going to hit – literally, i stand up and push my chair back to get out of the house – and i hear the engine make a “gearing down” sound – i’m looking out the west window and the northern one as i’m moving toward the back door – and i see nothing – no thing – but there’s the sound of the engine directly overhead – and then, right after the gearing down sound, there is the sound of increased speed – i mean drastically increased speed – and then it’s gone – just gone – i never saw it – it wasn’t visible out either window but i could tell by the sound it was coming from the east and going west – so there’s that little event –

    then, this past thursday morning, i was driving up to dover – about 10am i was just passing the gate at dover afb which usually [95% of the time] is closed – but thursday morning, it was open in full force with enough military personnel going in that civilian traffic going both directions was tied up – never ever seen that happen at that gate in the years i’ve been here –

    that night, in the middle of the night – close to 1am or so – i was awakened by the feeling of the earth trembling – i looked out the north window and saw nothing out of the ordinary anywhere – the trembling lasted a couple of minutes before subsiding – between then and saturday/sunday, there were numerous 911 calls of loud booms and earth tremblings in the dover area – of course, the media came out saying that dover afb was doing explosives exercises but even the state emergency agency had no information as to when they might end – interesting and implying that they had no prior knowledge that the detonations were even scheduled in order for the public to be informed – then a local newspaper came out with an article that the “sounds were louder and more palpable because of the weather” – of course, that got a lot of sneering comments online –

    so – i’ve no idea what all this is about – or even if it’s related at all – however, based upon my own experiences, i would go with it all being related – we all know that thing about “coincidence” – just sayin’…

  4. Momwithwings says:

    Interesting story.
    Math that would totally freak me out.
    On the one year anniversary of 9/11 we had a triangular craft fly and hover directly over my house. It did not make any noise. I remember going out to look at it and I remember seeing lots of lights on the underside. I also remember that when I first saw it I went back inside, told my family that “a military jet was flying over our house”. I was calm and we all accepted that an went on with our evening. It was later that we all remembered that and realized that that was not how we would all normally react. They would have all come running outside to see this yet they didn’t, and I remember clearly how it hovered and moved. I no longer believe it was a military craft, especially because of how we all acted.
    As of late there has been a lot more activity in my house and rumbling noises coming from the ground, often late at night.
    One last thing, in the summer I’m outside more often so I notice them more then, but over the past few years we have seen several completely black helicopters over our house. They have no markings on them.
    As I’ve said before, something is going on!!!

  5. Can’t see these being ‘experimental aircraft’ – it’s interesting as to how many people have seen them and, it appears, in differing parts of the US. Keep watching!

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Please overlook my typos! I didn’t go back to correct. before clicking Send.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Methinks we are being visited, watched, monitored. Who know by what or by whom.
    I had a new expereince over the weekend that I shared in an email with T & R. I’ve been visited by black helicopters over the years, which is another story. This past weekend, beginning on Friday, in the daytime, a solid black bi-plane….one of those ancient single-engine craft from the early part of the last century….flew several times over our neighborhood. Each time it passed my house, the alarm system on my SUV went off and I had to rush to get my keys to turn it off. It happened every day. No one else had the issue with their car alarm. I wondered if there might be something mechanical or electrical in the bi-plane itself that caused the trip of the alarm, but why just mine? And the plane flew relatively low…sufficiently for us to note there were black windows, not the usual clear ones. Totally creeped me out, and I wasn’t alone so knew I wasn’t hallucinating. And why a bi-plane? Those are relics; antiques from decades ago. This one had no marks of any kind on it. Just plain freaky.

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