Henry Comes to Say Good-bye

Recently, we posted a spirit communication story involving a red cardinal that was sent by Sharon Catley of Canada. Here’s another one of her stories, but this one involves a cat.


I’ve had a lot of cats in my life and although they were all special in their own way there was one cat with whom I had a very special bond. I had always wanted a brown tabby and we got Henry (named after my paternal grandfather) when he was just a tiny kitten.

He was scared of everything and I spent a lot of time trying to comfort him and make him feel safe. Over the years we became great friends. I loved the feel of his fat little body and his fur. Henry loved to eat and got very fat. He also was not that good with his grooming and had his own smell – not unpleasant just different. I loved Henry so much I wrote a song about him.

Henry was about 10 years old when tragedy struck our household. Unbeknownst to us at the time, the dry cat food we were feeding our cats was laced with melamine. You may remember this from the news. Several of our cats became sick and the vet couldn’t figure out what was wrong with them. He thought maybe a virus.  We lost four cats in all but they did not die at the same time. Two others got very sick but survived.

I held out hope for Henry as he was younger than the others and, of course, robust. He took to staying under the bed and we had to put food and water there for him. At this time I was staying in the city during the week and coming home on weekends.

My husband and I always had a goodnight call at 10 pm then I would get ready for bed. This particular night (a Thursday) I had just settled down to sleep when all of a sudden I smelled the Henry smell and felt his presence. He just was there (not visually) sitting on my chest just in front of my face. I can still remember what his fur felt like. Then he was gone.

I got up and called John, asking if Henry was okay because I thought he had just come to see me to say goodbye.  John said he was still in the same shape but alive.

The next day when John came to pick me up and take me home for the weekend he gave me a big hug and said,  “Last night when you called back at 11 pm Henry had just died. I did not want to tell you because you were alone so I waited until today.”

We both held each other crying. I said, “He came to say good-bye.”

Since then other cats have passed on and before or since Henry no one else came to say good-bye – only him. God Bless you, fat little tab!


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7 Responses to Henry Comes to Say Good-bye

  1. Melissa says:

    What a sweet story. It made me cry yesterday when I read it the first time and again just now!

  2. DJan says:

    Oh, how sad and wonderful at the same time! He came to say goodbye. What a tragedy that it was contaminated food that did in so many animals. I remember it well. 🙁

  3. Momwithwings says:

    What a beautiful story, and to be blessed with a final visit.
    I remember how when one of our little dogs Zachary passed on that he would sleep on my daughters bed most nights. She was so little and I sat on her bed and she said “No! that is where Zachary sleeps when he comes to visit me!” And sure enough you could see an impression on that corner of her bed.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    I mourn your loss with you! But how wonderful….such a confirmation that our beloved animal companions live on, just as we do, and that they wait for us on the other Side! Henry sounds like such a dear little (fat) fellow! Scents are one of the most common ways in which souls in spirit contact us, so you’ll always know when Henry is visiting! Again, my heart truly goes out to you. We lose a precious family member when we lose our canine and feline and bird, etc, companions. You’ll see Henry again, no doubt! he may reincarnate and come back to you in an undeniable way, or it may be when you go Over There, but you will most definitely hug him again!

  5. Lovely story. I seem to be seeing a lot about cats at the moment ever since I wrote a post about our cat Bonzo a couple of days ago. On the same day, unbeknown to me, my son’s cat Poppy had to be put to sleep, so lots of tears from my daughter-in-law. She says she has ‘seen’ Poppy since then – and this is someone who doesn’t (didn’t?) believe in ghosts, spirits or even life after death.

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