Weird Radio Show Synchro


We’ve done several radio shows for Aliens in the Backyard, and have more shows scheduled. It’s an often overlooked publicity for books, with its own peculiar pace and texture, and you can do the show in your pajamas and who’s going to know? Radio even lends itself to synchros. But before we go there, a bit of background is in order.

Over the years, Rob and I have done our share of radio shows. We loved doing Coast to Coast with Art Bell back in the late 90s. He was an engaging host, with a genuine passion for the topics he discussed. Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland has also been fun and enjoyable. We’ve done that show twice, for our first two synchronicity books.  Whitley and his wife, Anne, are knowledgeable about the topics they take on, and understand the art of conversation. With them, you’re free to speculate, theorize, and you don’t have to hold back. We enjoyed the interview we did with Mike Clelland on one of the synchro books.  Mike engages, drills, asks unexpected questions.

We LOVED David Schrader’s show, Darkness Radio, that we did on February 14. He has a great sense of humor and that Midwestern affability that invites you to have a beer with him at the local watering hole after the show. He also knows his field – the paranormal –   and the questions he asks, the points he raises, are valid and insightful.

At one point in the show, we were talking about Charles Fontaine’s experience after he’d left the graveyard – and nine days before his encounter – when he found his pants filled with blood. His first thought was that he was going to die. His father had been diagnosed with colon cancer twenty years earlier and Charles believed it was now his turn. Before we could finish telling the story, the show  went to break.

One of the first subsequent commercials to air was a public service announcement about the importance of colon/rectal cancer screenings. Rob hurries into my office the phone at his ear, and says, “A synchro. Let’s pick up there!”

Wow, I thought, okay. A colon/rectal synchro. Not exactly elevated stuff, but okay, it’s a synchro, all right. Rob pointed it out to David when we went back on air and none of us really knew what it might mean… rectal alien probes?


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9 Responses to Weird Radio Show Synchro

  1. Darren B says:

    There is a radio show on RadioOutThere from this week called,
    “Gerard Aartsen – UFOs & The Space Brothers”
    you can listen to here –
    You may find it interesting.

  2. Nancy says:

    Love listening to radio! I can do other things and stay tuned into my favorite topics while I do them. I have bought a million books that way. I find an interesting topic, author, and spend an hour or so listening to their story and oftentimes I end up buying their book. It is really the only way I buy books anymore.

  3. Darren B says:

    Listening to the Darkness Radio show you guys were on…very good,so far.

  4. gypsy says:

    yes – what mike said! neat synchro!

  5. Maybe it was to enforce the message of the importance of colon/rectal screenings for listeners. This could have helped save someone’s life.

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