Testing your Weirdness

Here’s a little survey. See how many of these questions you answer positively, and we’ll tell you what that means…or might mean.

  • Do you remember ever seeing a ghost?
  • Do you remember feeling as if you left your body?
  • Do you remember seeing a UFO?
  • Do you remember waking up paralyzed with a sense of a strange person or presence or something else in the room?
  • Do you remember feeling that you were actually flying through the air although you didn’t know how or why?
  • Do you remember having seen unusual lights or balls of light in a room without knowing what was causing them?
  • Do you remember having seen, either as a child or adult, a terrifying figure– which might have been a monster, a witch, a devil, or some other evil figure– in your bedroom or closet or somewhere else?
  • Do you remember experiencing a period of time, an hour or more, in which you were lost, but could not remember why or where?
  • Do you remember having vivid dreams about UFO?
  • Do you remember finding puzzling scars on your body and neither you nor anyone else remembering how you received them or where you got them?
If you answered positively to all or most of those questions, the Roper Organization, which conducted a survey using these questions and similar ones, says that you fit the profile of an alien abductee. Considering the questions, especially the last several, their conclusion is not surprising.

What surprised the Roper Organization when they conducted this survey of 6,000 Americans in 1999 was the number of Americans who fit the profile, and because the positive answers cut across most demographic sub-groups.  Astonishingly, the Roper Organization found that 33 million Americans fit that profile. 
The report, called Unusual Personal Experiences, concluded that “It is clear that significant numbers of people do report that these unusual events occurred, independent of any factors in the survey that might increase responses.”
According to the survey results, abductees were selected across gender and ethnic lines, with a larger number than expected falling into the “influential” group. “The preference for people with higher education and social awareness may be coincidental, or it may reflect a concerted effort to examine the genetic potentials of these human characteristics.”
But wait, as a skeptic might naturally say: Let’s get real. 33 million Americans have been abductees? That’s one out of 10 Americans. How could that be? Why isn’t it a major crime, a top mystery? After all, if true, literally everyone would know people who have been abducted. Wouldn’t there be many witnesses to these abductions?
Yeah, fair questions. If you fit the profile, does it really mean that you’ve experienced at least one alien abduction? What exactly is an alien abduction? Are they physical experiences or out-of-body experiences? Could some of these ‘symptoms’ relate to sleep paralysis, a common explanation used by scientists to explain away alien abductions. Of course if you’re not sleeping when you’re abducted, that explanation doesn’t work.
Here’s how the Roper Organization attempts to explain the scenario.“The larger than anticipated number of Americans who fit the abductee profile is difficult to understand. For this figure (33 million) to be true, the frequency of abductions taking place would surely have resulted in more conspicuous activity on the part of the ‘abductors.’ We would expect that there would be more witnesses to these abductions. However, if this activity is being conducted by a non-human, superior life form, then its methods of covert action might escape detection.”
Since many abductees report surgical procedures, often seemingly related to reproduction or implants, it seems that the physical body is indeed involved. Yet, the numerous reports of being floated through walls and closed windows suggests something else altogether. Could it be that bodies are teleported through space similar to the way the Star Trek crew moved from their ship to planets? And visa-versa. Beam me up, Scotty! That explanation, still beyond human capability, might explain the dearth of witnesses to abductions.

Here’s more from the report. 

“The focus of attention on skin samples and reproductive organs seems to suggest an interest in human anatomy and reproduction. If the examinations are for the benefit of the human species, the methods of involuntary intrusion and the subsequent post-traumtic stress that many victims report, is suspicious. The effort to produce amnesia is largely successful, as this study has shown. This could support a theory that the abductors have a more comprehensive understanding of our minds than we have of ourselves. It could also indicate a genuine consideration for our well-being, similar to our use of tranquilizers when examining endangered animal species. It could well be that the abductors have a similar mission with our species.”

The survey was sponsored by Robert Bigelow, a billionaire space pioneer, who is fascinated by UFOs and other unexplained phenomenon. He submitted the survey findings to members of an organization for psychiatrists. Unfortunately, the survey probably did more to damper the belief in alien abductions than support it, solely by the enormous numbers of abductees generated by the survey.

For more on this survey, look here. Since this survey, the Roper Organization has divided into the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, a non-profit organization, and a the for-profit Roper Poll. Both organizations were created by Elmo Roper. 

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11 Responses to Testing your Weirdness

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Thank you, MomWithWings, for your kindness. Although my encounters and abductions have certainly been harrowing and terrifying, I have also had just a handful of encounters with Beings, Aliens, who emanate Love. This has led me to the conviction that there are several species of these entities round and about, but I don’t embrace the old “Space Brothers” concept as put forth during the birthing of the New Age movement, which referred to all alien contacts as benevolent. That hasn’t been my experience. I tend more to think that just as there are dark and evil humans, and loving and healing humans, there are mirror images of these in the alien entities, and their agendas differ significantly in terms of their interactions with our species.

  2. D. Page says:

    The paranormal investigation group I am a part of, Pacific Paranormal Investigations (https://www.pacificparanormal.com/), receives requests from the public. Often , there are complaints of paralysis. It’s one of the most common complaints. In folklore, it’s called The Night Hag. It is usually caused by not being fully awake, but still trying to move around. I have experienced this myself.
    According to the Roper poll, I am an abductee. I have also experienced the paralysis that mathaddict describes. During one encounter, they were gathered around my baby daughter. I was just about to go into a rage and take her from them. I was pumped full of adrenaline…. and I couldn’t move. I was distraught and struggling. One of the beings took my hand, and I lost consciousness. I woke up 2 hours later and everything was “back to normal”. This was not a “Night Hag”experience!

    For me, it’s what they do to our “free will”, our minds, that is the most disturbing. In interacting with them you discover you don’t own your own mind.

  3. Momwithwings says:

    Scored an 8. My experiences haven’t been all that negative. Although I don’t recall greys but very tall gentle beings.
    They kept saying “it is time to start remembering”.
    I always feel so badly for Math, she has had terrifying experiences.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    This is how the “paralysis” experience has been for me: waking up in a surgical recovery room following deep sedation or anesthesia. My nose itches. My mind tells me that my nose itches, and a message goes from my mind to my brain, and my brain sends a signal to lift my arm, hand, and fingers, bring them to my nose, and scratch the itch. But the signal doesn’t work. No matter how hard I try, I am unable to move my arm, hand, and fingers. Nothing moves even though my brain continues to send its signals for body movement. My body will not move. THAT is the paralysis as I’ve experienced it, and believe me, it ain’t fun to recognize that I have no control over my body’s functions. In my humble opinion, this isn’t a “benevolent” kind of encounter or contact.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Goes without saying, all of them for me. No exceptions. And I was being as truthful as possible in my answers.

  6. Interesting, even though I don’t qualify as having been abducted. If we forget limitations that we seem to want to associate with everything, perhaps 33 million Americans is a possibility. Going a step further: maybe everyone had been abducted, it might be part of what sleep is all about – who knows … sometimes we have to dare to think differently (though probably best not in public!)

    • Rob MACGREGOR says:

      Right, Mike. And, maybe we are all hybrids as well, engineered in the deep past by aliens, who have often inferred as much with comments such as: ‘We own you,’ as one abductee recently commented in an e-mail.

  7. Three from the list (not including a fireball or something), but I wasn’t really awake at that time. We have a name Karakondzula for those creatures (note the bottle: https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5046/5247653919_1e793b6893_z.jpg). Vampir(e) is apparently a Serbian word.

  8. Darren B says:

    I only scored a 2,so it looks like no little green visitors for me 🙁
    Although two questions could have almost been a yes,but that would still not be enough.

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