Abraham/Hicks Workshop, Dolphins, & All the Rest of It


from Megan’s website

At the recent Abraham/Hicks workshop that Megan and I attended, Abraham suggested several techniques for raising your feelings of well being. “The better you feel, the more you allow.”  So I’ve been trying these techniques for three days now and have enjoyed the results.

Here’s the technique:

Meditate for 15 minutes each day

Go outside in appreciation of the plant life and talk to them. Vocalize your appreciation.  

In a notebook,  write down what you appreciate about five different areas of your life.

Look upward and outward and acknowledge and acknowledge that there are universal forces watching over you, helping and guiding you, inspiring you.  

In a notebook, jot down what you will do today and what you would like the universe to do today. 

Since I have trouble sitting still for longer than five minutes, unless I’m in a meditation class, my meditation consists of moving around our backyard, appreciating the beauty of the plants and trees. I talk to them. Abraham noted that Esther walks through her garden daily, talking to every plants and flower and stone. “You’re my favorite flower, my favorite stone, my favorite tree…”

This morning, Nika followed me.

I then sit for a few minutes and think about what I would like to accomplish today – and what I would like the universe to do for me today. I write it down. And here’s where it’s gotten interesting.  On three consecutive days, under the universe column, I’ve asked for unexpected money to arrive; for positive surprises for Rob, Megan, and I; for strong sales for our books. I don’t know how these requests will unfold, but feel that reality around me, as if it’s already happened.

Here’s what has unfolded: we received unexpected checks, got royalty statements for our e-books that show healthy sales; Aliens in the Backyard continues to show strong sales; and Megan sold her most recent painting, featured in the above photo, for $500! Here’s her website.

As Abraham said during the workshop, Treat every day as a buffet.


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27 Responses to Abraham/Hicks Workshop, Dolphins, & All the Rest of It

  1. Momwithwings says:

    Megan’s dolphin is beautiful and those puzzle type paintings for a wall are very popular now! She might want to alert some interior designers to her work.

    Nikka looked like she was meditating on nature!

    I will have to try these methods and try to understand my Fibro more. I believe it is somehow Karmick (sp?) .

  2. Becky says:

    Coincidently over the last two weeks I have read Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power Of Positive Thinking and have revisited The Abraham/Hick’s teachings. I have discovered that all these teaching’s stem from the Spiritualist movement that started in the late 1800’s in the states.

    Napolian Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking, Abraham/Hick’s The Law of Atrrack all convey the same message, quiet the mind, know what you want, be grateful for what you have, feel and know that what you want will come.

    Easy for them to say 🙂

    Last week I started to do the Abraham/Hick’s guided meditations. I have never meditated in my life. I thought I wouldn’t be able to sit through it without thinking about how weird it was. To my surprise I actually was able to sit and just softly focus upon Esther’s words. It went so fast that I thought I was ripped off. I didn’t want it to end. I felt like weights had been lifted off me. I felt totally refreshed.

    In less than a week’s time many manifestation of my refocused thinking have appeared. I have received a check in the mail I didn’t expect. I gave a coworker a scratch off lottery ticket that she won 20 bucks on, the same day my husband won 40 dollars on a scratch off. It also seem’s that my refocused attention on Abraham/Hick’s has led to these synchronicities on this blog.

    All these teaching’s in a nutshell prove to be true, change your thinking and the rest will follow but it is important not to focus on the specifics.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      A bit of synchronicity, the cryptoquote today when unraveled, reads: “Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. Norman Vincent Peale

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Yes, my Dad attended Dale Carnegie workshops. I agree about the difference between Seth and Abraham. The Seth material can be difficult to translate into our real world. Abraham is more grounded. In my opinion.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      My dad taught dale carnegie. I went to the workshops, too. Even Jane Roberts, who had access to all the info seth provided, died of complications of rheumatoid arthritis. All the deleted personal information from the seth sessions – which related to jane’s health challenges – are now compiled in 7 volumes. They’re compelling reading….and, ultimately, rather depressing. She just couldn’t move beyond some stuff that had happened to her in her life, that apparently took root in her body, her cells, her very being, and that caused her immune system to essentially collapse. At the end of her life, she had been bedridden for a year – and the last seth book was channeled during that year.

    • Nancy says:

      I think the posts I did while reading Seth Speaks for the second time was some of the most difficult material to translate into easy to understand language that I have ever worked with. I finally had to stop as it was taking an enormous amount of time to do each chapter and I was in the process of moving. I may have to pick it back up as it was great writing practice.

  4. whoot says:

    bascially jack acknowledgememnt from T + (especially) R,, more of the CHIT then I’ve read,,,, ridicule from famil… but in the boy’s BULLSHIT messed up opinion,,,,, REAl NICE work (and you guys should know the CRAZY low paying CHIT to boy been doing for the last week),, unless your able to enhance through some photo chop mentod…….

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Many, many years ago, an author and speaker by the name of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale was an innovative pioneer in presenting us with THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING, THE POWER OF VISUALIZATIONS, etc. Amazon has several of his wonderful guide-texts on these subjects, and are well worth investing the time and money to learn his methods. There was a time when he, like Abraham/Hicks, gave workshops and seminars, but he wasn’t a channel for disembodied entities. He was just a very wise, wise man. I highly recommend his material to anyone who sincerely desires to bring positive results through the use of the Mind.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Dale Carnegie did pretty much the same thing. Abraham/Hicks built on the Seth material, channeled by Jane Roberts back in the 70s and 80s, till her death in 1984, and for me, that’s what makes it so unusual and profound. Seth was always a bit short on practicalities; Abraham makes it incredibly practical.

  6. Darren B says:

    Maybe Megan could do a coffee table type book of her art and call it something like
    “Windows in Water” ?
    Like this type of book –

  7. The ‘magic’ is beginning to work! I think one of the secrets is continuity, which can be the difficult bit for many. Good luck.

  8. Nancy says:

    I totally agree that this is not only the key to abundance, but is also the key to happiness. We know that thoughts are the building blocks of what we manifest – good thoughts, thoughts of appreciation/gratitude, draws that frequency to us and with it comes all of the things we want to have happen.

    I have a great story about a ring that my husband wanted. It was a design we found in a silver ring in Hawaii a couple of years ago. My husband does not wear jewelry – other than a wedding ring, so when he said he wanted this ring (in the shape of waves) I started looking for one in his size. Over the course of the last two years we found several that looked similar to the one he had originally found, but something was always wrong with it. Either too big, too small, too feminine, materials were cheap, etc. I tried to find the artist that made the original ring, but was unable to find a website in Ohau, etc. This last visit we found the perfect ring in a jewelry store in Maui. Unfortunately, it was too big, and while talking I suggested he have one made in gold since it would go better with the gold wedding band on his other hand. He agreed, and the jeweler measured his finger, which was 81/2, and said she would contact the artist and see if she would work in gold. We got a call back just two days later! The artist said she does not usually work in gold because it is too expensive, nor does she work in half sizes, but had a gold ring in that very design in his size! I believe that once he knew his size, and had focused on exactly what he wanted – the universe delivered. In only two days! This stuff works. It really does.

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    I wonder if the Hicks followed this “prescription” when Jerry Hicks was battling leukemia…….
    Megan has a genius for art. Her perspective is unique and glorious, and her insights into these spectacular creatures speaks to the soul as well as being a feast for the eyes and hearts of the beholder! How wonderful that she will be having a show! Her palette of colors and textures, well, what else can be said? Such a rare gift she is sharing with the world, and how proud of her you both must be.

  10. gypsy says:

    great tips for everyone! and wonderful news [but who’s surprised?] about your book –
    when i went over to megan’s website, i kept thinking how incredible her work, how she should have absolutely NO problem selling it – and above all, how she should begin having her own shows –
    she really is very very artistically talented – but more than that even, is how her use of color and shape speak so clearly to these magnificent creatures and their lives among their human cousins – incredible work at a level few will ever know let alone accomplish! brava for her!

  11. Love that back yard. And Megan’s paintings are impressive.
    About Abraham Hicks, I attended two of those sessions in San Rafael, CA back in the 90’s when I was living in the Bay area. Those were the days . . . sigh . . .
    Congratulations to Megan.

  12. DJan says:

    What wonderful ideas for increasing my happiness, Trish. Thank you for sharing these insights, and I’ll begin some of them today and see what happens. My first thoughts were that I have to figure out WHAT I want to happen, rather than just going with the flow. Already I’ve got some ideas. Thank you!! 🙂

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