Disclosure Redux

The issue of disclosure of UFO secrets is a hot topic among the UFO/exo-political enthusiasts and researchers. There’s Disclosure Day coming up in July and also a Disclosure Hearing set for the same month at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. We’ll talk more about those events as they approach, but the question of the day is this: Which U.S. president actually urged disclosure and demanded a congressional hearing to investigate what the military knows about UFOs?

You’ll be surprised. It was Gerald Ford. The mild-mannered moderate Republican is known more for his clumsy pitfalls, such as hitting a bystander with a golf ball, than his UFO interest. Yet, when Ford was a leader in the House of Representatives before he became vice-president (when Spiro Agnew resigned), then president (when Richard Nixon resigned), the congressman was a strong advocate for disclosure.

Prior to becoming a bumbling placeholder, who filled in for corrupt leaders as they fell, a younger aggressive Gerald Ford challenged J. Allen Hynek, advisor to the Air Force’s Blue Book Project, when the astronomer made his notorious comment about the nature of UFOs that were repeatedly seen dancing in the skies above Ford’s congressional district in Michigan. Hynek called them ‘swamp gas,’ and Ford reacted swiftly calling for a congressional hearing.

“In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment of the subject.”

Ford didn’t stop there. He continued: “I have taken special interest in these (UFO) accounts because many of the latest reported sightings have been made in my home state of Michigan…Because I think there may be substance to some of these reports and because I believe the American people are entitled to a more thorough explanation than has been given them by the Air force to date, I am proposing either the Science and Astronautics Committee or the Armed services Committee of the House, schedule hearings on the subject of UFOs and invite testimony from both the executive branch of the Government and some of the persons who claim to have seen UFOs…In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject.”

Ford’s letters were passed on to the House Armed Services committee and the House Science and Astronautics Committee. Neither group was interested.  One member of the Science and technology Committee explained that as he knew the Air Force didn’t come under his jurisdiction. Ford then asked the committee if flying saucers were under their jurisdiction and received no reply. The Armed Services Committee, meanwhile, thought the subject was too troublesome to hold a hearing.

Finally, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs took up the issue in response to Ford. It was not the  full hearings that Ford had asked for but an airing of the issue in public. Not much was revealed or accomplished. Unfortunately, as president Ford was silent about UFOs. After leaving office, he would tell a researcher, “During my public career in Congress, as Vice President and President, I made various requests for information on UFOs. The official authorities always denied the UFO allegations. As a result I have no information that may be helpful to you.”

Possibly Ford’s actions while in congress were politically motivated, as some have said. However, motivation aside, Gerald Ford’s actions were far superior to say, George W. Bush, who ignored all such inquiries during his two term tenure.


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10 Responses to Disclosure Redux

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Yes, I’ve read that about Truman and Eisenhower. Their terms weren’t long after The Roswell Incident, so it makes sense.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    I agree, Nancy, and it’s not just the American gov’t that is behind the cover-up. Nations all over the world have people cloistered within the Secret Government. I honesly believe that the majority of U.S. presidents have never been given the entire scope of this situation. It seems they are in a “need to know” space, and the hidden Powers BEHIND the overt Powers don’t consider the POTUS to be in a Need To Know position. I also think the move Ind. Day had a great deal of truth hidden in its dialogue, especially when the sec of defense told the prez that he wasn’t told about Area 51 due to “plausible deniability”. Seems to be a lot of “plausible deniabiltiy” happening.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      UFO researchers generally contend that Truman and Eisenhower were in the ‘know’ regarding UFOs. They knew the secrets, followed related events, and kept everything secret. After that, others controlled the information and kept the presidents in the dark.

  3. gypsy says:

    i remember parts of the ford deal during that period of time – this was just a couple of years before my experience on the bus – anyway – it certainly will be interesting to see how all this unfolds with “disclosure” this summer – of course, i’m not sure exactly “what” will be disclosed – i mean, ufos have been around forever and seen/experienced by many many people – it isn’t as if they’ve been in a closet – anyway, i just came across this video and thought it might be interesting here – great post, as usual.


  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Just want to add that Disclosure regarding Alien presence and UFOs in not a political or partisan subject, but a humanitarian concern. In this situation, I think we are all in agreement that it doesn’t matter who finally is able to open up this Pandora’s Box for all to see and know. That opportunity may have already passed, however, if the recent proliferation of sightings all over the global skies is any indication. Either “they”, ( the alien entities), are growing much prepared for ultimate revelation that they are here, or thousands more people are lifting their eyes to the anomalies in the heavens.

  5. Nancy says:

    The government is not going to disclose – to do so would implicate them in the biggest coverup in history. If disclosure happens – it will be because they have no choice – the skys will be full.

  6. Very interesting, who’d have thought that Gerald Ford would have been the one for disclosure. Of course any info wouldn’t just be for “the American public” – maybe this is the reasoning behind cover ups.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Stephen Greer, in his video recently played here on the blog, made a blanket statement that there are 40 to 50 different species of Aliens currently visiting our planet, and that NONE of them is hostile. He went on to add that if they were hostile, he and his audience wouldn’t be there. By now, everyone here knows how strongly I disagree with that blanket statement. My personal opinion, derived from too many years of intimate encounters with at least several of these species, is that some of them are benign, and some of them are hostile.

    I applaud Gerald Ford’s attempts to push Disclosure. Sooner or later, I think we’ll all learn, (the hard way), that certain of the UFOs don’t have the best interest of the human species at the core of their increasingly apparent presence in our midst. My hope is that those Aliens species who DO have our best interests as their motivation, will be able to assist us toward survival from those who wish us great harm or, worse, as Bill Pullman so succinctly stated in the movie INDEPENDENCE DAY, annihilation.

    TPTB do an injustice to the inhabitants of this planet by refusing to disclose Truth with the excuse that if they did, worldwide panic would be the result. I think the general population is perfectly capable of coping with Disclosure without going insane. Certainly the fundamental Christians would have an enormous awakening, but would that be a “bad” thing?
    This is a timely and thought-filled post, Macgregors. Thank you.

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