The Alternate Reality

We have now done eleven radio shows/podcasts for Aliens in the Backyard.  It started on February 4, the day the book was released, with a three-hour Coast to Coast interview with George Noory. For us, that interview occurred between 2-5 AM. Even for me, a night owl, this was a long stretch in the darkest part of the night, when my brain really wanted to just curl up and go to sleep.

But there was something strangely appropriate about talking about aliens, synchronicity, encounters and abductions at this dark time of the night. (The radio links are all in the page heading at the top of the blog, under news, radio etc.) Our most recent show, with William Morgan and Douglas Bolles of  42 Minutes– the guys responsible for The Sync books- was great fun. The link takes you directly to the show.

What we’ve discovered is an alternate universe in which every facet of the paranormal – aliens, Big Foot, ghosts, reincarnation, remote viewing, synchronicity, telepathy, time travel, UFOs, whatever – is discussed in an open-minded way. The people who host these radio shows and podcasts are like so many of us – curious about and fascinated by unexplained mysteries. Like us, they are trying to piece together many parts of a baffling puzzle about the nature of reality. They are knowledgeable, well-read, and their questions are often insightful, even profound.

After some of these shows, Rob and I talk about this alternate reality out there in the virtual world – a territory that is an entity unto itself, unfiltered and uncensored.  Most of these shows don’t have commercials. They aren’t sponsored by corporations. They aren’t sponsored by anyone except the host or hosts who are doing the show, often through Skype. These hosts are like you and me. They have a burning desire to undertand and that desire is what drives the show. In a way I don’t quite grasp yet, synchronicity seems to act as a cohesive element that binds together the many facets of this puzzle.

Perhaps physicist David Bohm pegged it when he talked about the implicate and explicate order. The implicate order is the primal soup of the universe from which everything, perhaps even time, unfolds. The explicate order is what we all experience in our daily lives, the challenges and contrasts and triumphs, what we see, taste, touch, smell, feel, hear. Or, to put it another way, the implicate order is Jung’s collective unconscious or Indra’s net or six degrees of separation, the ways in which we are all connected. Synchronicity, then could be its manifestation, the way this implicate order speaks to us as the implicate unfolds into the explicate, our daily lives.

When we are asked to explain what we think the abduction phenomenon is, or how synchronicity fits into it,  there’s usually a brief silence. Rob and I look at each other. You first, I whisper – or he whispers that to me. The bottom line is that we don’t know. No one knows.

What we do seem to know is that an expanded awareness   is engaged in synchroncity. Time and space  become more malleable.  In abductions the same thing appears to be true. Perhaps we are all Hansels and  Gretels in the great dark woods, trying to follow a path of bread crumbs back home, back to the status quo. But suppose we don’t find our way back home? Suppose we follow some divergent path, into an unfamiliar place? What then? Who do we become in that new place? What do we believe? How do our experiences change?  Does our reality change?

If you follow this train of thought long enough and far enough, you end up beside Fox Muldur and Scully – the truth is out there,  somewhere. Or you end up inside The Matrix with Keenu Reeves. Or you end up where we do, at our kitchen table, the questions piling up like dirty dishes in the sink.   Our paradigm is in flux, redefining itself, and all of us are the transitionals who are trying to integrate the old with the new.

And that, ultimately, is the tricky thing here, the place where we all scatter to our separate corners to mull, discuss, absorb. And here, we encounter the ultimate bottom lines: Who or what are we really? What’s the truth? Is there a single indisputable truth about any of it?

And then suddenly I am 18 again, wondering about these same questions, and I speak to that younger self:  Enough already. It’s many years up the road. Figure it out, okay? Then pass it along, please.

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34 Responses to The Alternate Reality

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Daz, your comments about the number “42” reminded me that I have an entire section in my (too heavy!) research file on the math and numbers, devoted to 42. That is a very strange and compelling number. I can’t tell you how many folks are in my “deceased” file who died at the age of 42. The count is higher there than at any other age. 42 seems to be some kind of universal pivotal point, for lack of another way to express it. I haven’t been able to isolate a reason for this. It simply is a math fact. 42 just MAY, May, be an archetype in our species. I continue to research it, hoping to find some clues that will lead me to an answer that is a mathematical constant. So far, it eludes me.

  2. Darren B says:

    I’m listening to your “42 minutes” interview now.
    It’s up on this site –
    Another good blogging friend of mine,
    is on next week.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    I totally agree, Trish and Debra. One question leads us to another and then another, and for me, I’ve discovered that the more I know, the less I know, which of course leads to still more questions! And there is such a multitude of philosophies and schools of thought to explore. The most significant question, for me, is about the potential connection between the Afterlife of humans, and the Aliens (or whatever they may be). I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that I won’t find the truth about that until I cross over, yet I’m hoping more reliable information on it becomes available while I’m still here. It’s been the burning quest throughout my adult life, and continues to be that.

  4. Debra Page says:

    I am happy there is this alternate reality. For me it’s been a long road. I started studying all things strange (Fortean, UFO’s, parapsychology, etc..) as soon as I could read. I have met teacher from all esoteric traditions Tibetan Buddhists, Sufi-Bauls, Indian saints, Kabbalists, Ufo experiencers, shamans, mediums, psychics, etc…
    I know less now that I did when I started.

    And that’s okay because it’s such a beautiful mystery with so much promise.
    Wonderful post Trish and Rob! Thank you.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    AMEN to that, Mike! We DO have eternity! Bless your Mom!

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    iI’m not a Gemini, (Gemini is in my natal 12th House), but that ‘who what when why how’ is and has always been my litany, as well. It comes with the journalistic mind, too….that insatiable need to KNOW. Occasionally, though, the tangible reality in which we have our lives hits us with a bunch of “stuff”, and that’s when I want to run away and hide in some Secret Garden and just smell the flowers! So, I’m smelling the flowers but am enjoying reading everyone else’s comments and as always, learning from them!

  7. Very interesting … sometimes I feel we are not meant to know, and that we are here purely to experience. As my mother used to say ‘it’ll all come out in the wash’ and maybe that’s how we’ll discover things: by simply experiencing, appreciating and enjoying – and the clarity will arrive when we are ready. There’s no rush we have eternity!

    • Darren B says:

      It’s funny you say that Mike,as I was recommending this music clip –
      to a new blogging friend yesterday.
      It is filmed on and near Glastonbury Tor,much like the walks you do (sync?) around Cornwall ,and in it Caiseal Mor flashes the words
      “it’s not the destination that’s important,but the journey”.
      How true ?
      This film clip sums up the wonder I was trying to convey here and the state that syncs really hit me when I’m in it.
      It is almost like a waking meditation.

  8. mathaddict3322 says:

    I suppose what happens with me, (thank goodness only rarely!), is that my lifetime spent in what the Native Americans refer to as “A Vision Quest”, becomes a heavy burden, and I begin to long for (don’t laugh, Daz!! 😉 ), the very basic day-to-day routine of TV’s series THE WALTONS. I open my book closet doors and stand there staring at hundreds of volumes of texts on every metaphysical subject in existence, and scan the row upon row of authors and titles, in sheer wonderment. Then I gently close the doors and walk away because there is just so much information between all those pages, and my finite mind suddenly is inundated by a sense of “what difference does any of it make?” Please don’t think I’m being blase’. That isn’t it.

    I guess I occasionally want to just wrap myself in the hidden mystery and magick and beauty that truly does enfold us if we allow it, and not dig for the realities that surely are the foundations of All That Is. Guess I’m waxing philosophical these days, having had some experiences during these last several days that have terrorized me in the most essential core of who and what I am, and those experiences have brought me into this space where simple peace seems to be such a gift! Again, I love this post and am by no means “putting it down”. It is serving to remind me that taking a break from the arduous task of attempting to grasp at the meaning of it all can be delayed, and that having the freedom to take that break is a glorious option. I’m grateful.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I’m a Gemini. Our litany is: who? What? Where? When? Why?

      • Darren B says:

        I agree with you Connie and I know what you mean about the books.My bookcases are full ( I’ve read about half of them) and I get anxious just thinking about the time I have left to read them all (and then some).
        But when I relax and just let them choose me through feelings or a sign,that’s when the magic happens and I start believing in Trish’s library angel.-)

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    Recently, more and more, I am finding that I just want to STOP! with all the complicated, complex, convoluted questions about the Universe(s) and the true nature of reality, and allow myself to dwell in a space of pure simplicity. To awaken each morning, put my feet on the floor, feel it solid beneath me, walk outside and listen to the birds, watch the butterflies dance, gaze at the clear blue sunlit sky, look at the trees now once again birthing their bright Spring-green leaves, hear the ocean waves lightly kissing the sandy shore, smell the fragrant salty air, and just…..BE. Recently, more and more, I have a sense of becoming increasingly overwhelmed by the need to KNOW, by the unrelenting search for unreachable, unknowable answers, and I experience a yearning hunger to just chill; a craving to just relax and enjoy.

    I suppose this would be referred to as a spiritual sabbatical, of sorts. Or it may be referred to as the response to the loss of several loved ones lately, and the need, at least temporarily, to let go of the bigger picture and dwell in the Present, in the tiny little corner of the world where every day is a blessing and reaching for answers isn’t important… least, for a while. I’m sharing this because I’m wondering if anyone else ever experiences this inner drive to release the desire to comprehend the deepest meanings of who and what we are, and again for only a while, to escape into the simple ease of letting go. This is a wonderful post, Trish and Rob. And it touches me in that space of my current temporary search for that simple space. Does this make any sense at all?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      A spiritual sabbatical…good phrase!

      • Darren B says:

        Actually Connie you have just described the exact routine that brings so many syncs my way.That is why my blog is named “Just Watching The Wheels Go Round”.
        I just relax and take in the simple things like crickets chirping outside my window,the clock ticking on the wall,looking at the waves roll in,etc.
        When I do this the syncs just roll in with life’s natural flow.
        Everything is a miracle to me when I’m in this state,because my mind is at rest when it just observes the little things.
        In this state,I don’t look for syncs,they just find me.

    • Nancy says:

      Oh, yeah. Often. It is a process for me that includes many moments of being in the NOW.

  10. Darren B says:

    I tried to log on to “42 minutes” when it said you were on live,but I couldn’t get it to work (I think I might need some Skype headphones to be able to listen live?).
    I’ll just have to wait until it’s posted I guess.
    Here’s a link to a post that talks about Peter Levenda’s new book and also links to a radio show he was recently on –
    I thought that you might be interested,since you guys seem to be friends with him.
    I also saw a comment left on my blog by a fellow Aussie who is living in England by the looks of things,and I went to take a look at his blog and saw a post about the Grail Quest,which also featured an Indiana Jones reference as well as a mention of Peter Levenda,which I thought was a bit synchy.

  11. lauren raine says:

    Wonderful post, so clear and thoughtfully expressed. I love what you say about the “implicate” and “explicate” order – for me, the native American legend of the Spider Woman expresses that idea, an underlying “Web” of being that connects all people and events. Synchronicties are breakthroughs, here and there in the ocean of mundane consciousness.

    The “truth is out there” is well said as well. I guess for me, living with the mystery is wonderful as well, it’s an underlying poetic that makes the experience beautiful and meaningful.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      The other day – at an outdoor market – I listened to the woman who was selling Native American jewelry, trying to explain the spider woman myth to a little girl. She botched it. I felt like telling the girl to check out your blog!

  12. Nancy says:

    You are absolutely spot-on. These programs have introduced me to people who have taken one part of the puzzle and spent many years, or a lifetime, researching their piece. People, like me, scour these airwaves listening to these people talk for hours in order to find tiny pieces that fit the puzzle I see emerging. Separating the wheat from the chaff is a huge part, and it takes time to know when someone doesn’t know what they are talking about, or better yet – when they DO. It is complicated and intricate, but I believe the answer is out there…

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