Mappa Mundi

Like Carl Jung, we think of telepathic experiences as an aspect of synchronicity. In fact, we look at synchronicity as an umbrella for all psychic experiences. That’s a controversial idea among psi researchers, but it’s clear that meaningful
coincidences are often entwined with telepathy.
That leads us to a story we received recently from Jane Clifford, who wrote us from Wales about an impressive series of telepathic communications with a friend. She said that four times in one week, she had picked up her phone to call her friend, a British novelist, and each time, before she could make the call, she received a call from the woman. Meanwhile, the friend said the same thing to Jane when Jane called her that week.
The two women also kept crossing paths with text messages. One would literally answer before the other one sent her text. And, neither do much texting. Another time, her friend had just pressed SEND for an e-mail to her when the phone rang and it was Jane. That happened twice.
But the synchronicities or telepathic links reached a new level when Jane sent her friend a picture of the medieval library in Hereford Cathedral late one night. The novelist’s stories are set in medieval times and Jane thought she would love the picture, especially since the ancient world map (mappa mundi) was located in the cathedral. Meanwhile, her friend was wondering if Jane would like to see the mappa mundi in Hereford Cathedral. Then the e-mail arrived!
“So now it seems this telepathy is refining itself to random and unexpected subjects! We have not visited medieval places or libraries before nor discussed doing so. I would be so interested to know if anyone on the blog is having increased and specific telepathic experiences? What magic will occur next!?”
 Such exchanges are often startling and inspiring. It really seems to show that you are mentally and psychically in tune with the other person. As for Trish and I, we experience simple telepathic communication daily. It has become second nature. One will be thinking of something; the other will mention that very thing. Of course, living and working together for 30 years might have something to do with it! 
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12 Responses to Mappa Mundi

  1. lauren raine says:

    I often especially find it is true in creative and collaborative endeavors.
    I used to have a friend who felt sure she has been collaborating for many years with someone she doesn’t physically know, but never the less, they are exchanging creative ideas.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Telepathy is marriage can be a double-edged sword! 😉
    Regarding the telepathy-synchros, several years ago my left breast began to ache and really hurt. I had never, ever had breast pain, even in pregnancies or during other “woman” times. Never. But the pain persisted. Several days later, my sister who lives in MO called from the hospital up there to tell me she’d had a radical mastectomy of her left breast, and hadn’t wanted to worry me, so waited until after the surgery to let me know! One year later, my right breast began to have the very same kind of ache and pain. That time, I immediately phoned my sister and she confessed that yes, she had developed cancer in the right breast and it was being removed the following day. Both times, and other occasions, she and I share each others’ physical and emotional stuff although we are separated by more than a thousand miles. And we aren’t twins. She’s 4 years my elder. I have Parkinson’s. Six months ago, she was definitively diagnosed with Parkinson’s. These situations slide from telepathy into….what? We are all connected, and often husbands and wives, close friends, siblings, parents and children, have umbilicals that never break. It’s awesome and mind-boggling. BTW, Sis is cancer-free now!

    • Jane Clifford says:

      When a close friend was having treatment for cancer in the left breast I had shooting pains and aches in the left breast too,I knew it wasnt mine but hers. A friend of mine felt all the symptoms and chemo her twin sister was having,who sadly died.Another friend routinely takes on symptoms of others sometimes upon meeting them for the first time.

  3. Nancy says:

    My daughter was sitting in on a class that was being taught by a student teacher and had been thinking that the new teacher was not very organized when the teacher suddenly became very flustered and asked her if she could leave the room while she taught. My daughter said she had not said or did anything to signal her thoughts. She said it was almost as though the new teacher could read her thoughts. I told her that she probably could. I mentioned in a post around 12/21/12 that it was my belief that the veil would start falling – and telepathy is one part of it. I think we can look to seeing odd things, hearing odd things, and all sorts of other paranormal events.

    Just this week I was looking out my window and a mountain lion sauntered down to the little creek behind our house. Just about a half hour later a bear did the same thing. I have never, ever seen a mountain lion in my entire life! In fact, my father who was a big outdoorsman once said he had never seen a mountain lion in Nevada. (We live in the mountains, but in a community, not isolated.) A month or so ago a great blue heron came to the same creek and did a little fishing. I have not only never seen a great blue heron – but never in the dead of winter with several feet of snow on the ground!

    I think we’re in for a wild ride.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    YES! A fascinating subject, telepathy/sychronicity…..Just this week, for no reason at all, I “knew” that my neighbor’s grandmother had died. I hadn’t talked with my neighbor in a couple of weeks, and although her GM was ancient, 103 wonderful years young, her health situation hadn’t changed. But on Friday I noticed Elayna getting in her yard across the street, and as I looked at her, I suddenly knew her GM had passed. Elayna phoned me yesterday (Saturday) and told me GM had gone to The Other Side. She isn’t upset. It was an extremely peacful passing after a long and beautiful life. But I did know she was gone, somehow, beyond any doubt. She actually died Friday morning, and Friday afternoon was when I knew.

    Another pretty amazing telepathic experience: when my youngest son was five and he and I were in our car, I was driving, he was in the back seat. In my mind, I decided we would stop by and see a dear friend of mine who was a quadraplegic following an auto accident. His name was Phillip. The thought that we would go see him had no longer come into my mind before my son said, “Mom, Phillip really IS nice , isn’t he!” I almost wrecked the car. The thing is, we were nowhere near Phillip’s house and nowhere in the direction we had to go to get there. My boy literally read my thoughts.
    This son and I are telepathically connected always. I can tell when he’s dialing my phone or clicking my number on his cell, and will pick up my phone to answer before it even rings. It never fails. And yes, husbands and wives. My husband can’t hear MY thoughts, oddly enough, but I DO pick up his….all the time. This telepathy/synchronicity thing is staggering. Good post, Guys.

    • Jane Clifford says:

      I have always had precognition of impending death of friends even when they werent ill & it has always been accurate,in addition I actually feel them passing when they go.In one case I had not seem the friend for 20 years! One of my roles here is to assist the passing souls,I seem to leave my body and be assisting them and steadying them a little as they pass.

  5. Momwithwings says:

    I have this with my children, we’ve gotten used to it.

    I have also had the phone call thing with my good friend. I finally got her to wait an hour before she calls so that I can call her first sometimes!

  6. I don’t know about increased telepathic experiences but Karin and I (unfortunately at times!) know what the other is thinking on a regular basis – but like you we have been together a long time and doesn’t surprise us any more.

    I’m sure that telepathic links can be developed with practice but are always more exciting/impressive when they just seem to happen by ‘chance’ as per the examples in your post.

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