Boston Marathon Mayhem


The Boston Marathon has been around for 117 years.  Runners from all over the world congregate to run 26.2 miles. This year, there were more than 26,000 (26,839 to be exact) runners. The marathon is one of Boston’s biggest annual events. It ends near Copley Square, not far from the landmark Prudential Center and the Boston Public Library. It is held on Patriots Day, which commemorates the first battles of the American Revolution, at Concord and Lexington in 1775.

Fours hours into this year’s race,  close to the finish line, a bomb exploded. It apparently contained shrapnel and BBs and was placed low to the ground,  so as the bomb detonated, many people sustained serious leg injuries. The first explosion occurred on the north side of Boylston Street, just before the photo bridge that marks the finish line. A second bomb exploded ten to twenty seconds later, several blocks away along the marathon route.

From an article on the Huffington Post: “Roupen Bastajian, a state trooper from Smithfield, R.I., had just finished the race when he heard the blasts. ‘I started running toward the blast. And there were people all over the floor,’ he said. ‘We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated. … At least 25 to 30 people have at least one leg missing, or an ankle missing, or two legs missing.’”

The marathon honored the victims of Newton, Connecticut, with a special mile marker in Monday’s race.

As of tonight, three people are dead, including an 8-year-old boy, and more than a hundred were wounded. Hospitals in the area are reporting injuries predominately to the lower extremities.

One of the oldest and most historic cities in this country was thrown into pandemonium, air space over Boston was closed, and alert levels in other cities were raised. The situation was described repeatedly as “fluid” – i.e, no one really knew what was going on, whether there would be more explosions, whether this was a terrorist attack or the work of a single deranged individual. This tragedy, of course, quickly became a global mass event. And as with any mass event, there are a number of synchronicities:

1) Today is April 15, tax day in the U.S.  The American Revolution started in Boston, with the Boston Tea Party, which protested a tax on tea.  In Massachusetts, it was a holiday – Patriot’s Day, a commemoration of the first battles in that revolution.

2) The marathon route is 26.2 miles. There were 26 victims in the Sandy Hook massacre. There were more than 26,000 runners in today’s marathon.  Boston Athletic Association president Joanne Flaminio apparently noted the connection with the number of victims at Sandy Hook and called it a “special significance.”

3) Then there’re the types of injuries, mostly to lower extremities. Unless you are South Africa’s Blade Runner, you need legs and feet and ankles to run the marathon. Some of the victims have had their legs amputated.

It’s impossible to classify this synchro without integrating the loss of life, suffering, and trauma of the victims and their families and loved ones. It seems to be addressing the accessibility of guns and the raw materials for bomb-making. But perhaps the message is something else entirely.  Sometimes, it takes months or yearsfor the full message to be understood. And sometimes, the message is never grasped.

The Boston Marathon has always been a joyous event, where thousands of spectators line the route and cheer the runners, give them cups of water, and generally act as cheerleaders. It’s a community of runners and their supporters. One news anchor described this tragedy as “plunging a knife into the heart of a joyous event.” One thing is for sure: the Boston Marathon will never be the same again.

Our thoughts go out to all the victims and their loved ones.

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22 Responses to Boston Marathon Mayhem

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    According to the latest news reports, Daz, the substances used to make the bombs were not the ordinary ones that dogs can sniff. And, they were very tightly sealed inside pressure cookers. No way a canine can smell something inside a sealed pressure cooker, not even the best-trained bomb-sniffing canines. There’s also the suggestion that the person or persons who planted those bombs carried them in with the gathering crowds, AFTER the place had been checked by the dogs and cops, and left them, then just drifted away before exploding them. It seems they were on some kind of timing device that didn’t make sounds the dogs heard, which leads the authorities to believe the bombs had not yet been put in place. The news changes continuously as more info comes in. It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad , mad world in which we live!

  2. Darren B says:

    Mike Clelland has posted your audio interview on the net.
    You can listen to it at this link –

  3. Darren B says:

    I just wonder how so many bomb sniffing dogs around the finishing line BEFORE the race could miss two “home made” bombs ?!
    Something smells here,and it’s not the dogs apparently.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Usually, Gypsy, because 26 is such a powerful frequency, it is generally not reduced to its root 8 as other combinations with that 8 root are reduced, such as 17, 35, etc. During my on-going research into this weird number, I discovered these facts:
    26 is the # of spacetime dimension in bosonic string theory
    26 is atomic # of the chemical element iron
    26 is only mentioned in the Bible once
    26 ganglions of the sympathetic system of the human body
    26 letters in the English alphabet
    26 letters in the Latin alphabet
    Ordinary deck of cards has 26 red cards, 26 black cards

    It goes on and on and on, into much higher mathematical workings, and is relative in a special manner to prime numbers. But because 26 seems to be one of very few universal archetypes in mathematics, it is rarely, if ever reduced to 8.

    It’s difficult to comprehend why this particular “frequency” has acquired the negativity attached to it, yet there we have it. 44 is its counterpart. Our current president is the 44th president, and this has always been a concern for me, for him. It also somewhat explains the unusually constant, unending catastrophes and disasters with which he has had to contend during his terms thus far.

    • gypsy says:

      thanks so much for the clarification, cj – after my previous comment, as i was thinking about the number, i realized the 26 letters of the alphabet – and isn’t this the number in some cultures for “god”? or am i confused? anyway, i always appreciate your input into the numerical aspect of events! thanks so much!

      oh, and about 44 and obama – concerning for sure!

  5. gypsy says:

    there are 26 bones in the human foot/ankle…

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Another example: The word TERRORISTS resonates to 26. The vowels reduce to root number 2; consonants,reduce to root number 6.
    Something else provocative about this frequency, is that if often occurs the day AFTER a catastrophe event.
    Example: JFK was killed on 11-22-1963. That’s a 25. But the day AFTER, when the world was in profound grief, shock, and mourning, 11-23-1963, was a 26.
    Below, I see my number thingie is “three x 2 = ” which of course will be six.

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    No doubt, there are many who wonder how it had been determined that 26, which is interchangeable with 44, has been determined to be the most detrimental and negative of all math combinations. Beginning with the works of Pythagoras, the “Father of Mathemathics”, who lived in 500BC and helped established not only many equations but also alpha-numeric language systems, discovered that when 26 and 44 appeared, these combinations were accompanying quite devastating events and/or people. This continued over the centuries to be re-inforced by researchers and authorities in alpha-numeric language systems and their relative applications.

    One of these historical figures was Count Louis Hamon, “Cheiro” who was able to establish indisputable proof of the consistent dark energy of this number combination. In my own lengthy work over the decades, I have files that are divided into various aspects of alpha-numeric language systems and their relative applications. I found it to be astonishing that in each case of assasinations and assasins, both 26 and 44 appeared in specific places in the names and birth data of each. It is mind boggling. As a result, I personally will NEVER plan any kind of appointment or significant activity on a date that resonates to the numbers 26/44.

    Additionally, again in my own work, I’ve had clients who have 26 or 44 or both as name numbers and/or birth data, and these folks have extremely karmically difficult lives. So, the impact of 26/44 plays out in reality and is not simply a theory. It is a math constant, and I assume from that, is an archetype. One prime example of 26 is that it is the number of CANCER. C3+A1+N5+c3+E5+R9=26. We must never fail to forget that numbers, in and of themselves, are inanimate and meaningless.

    They represent frequencies, and those frequencies possess the influences, thus giving the numbers animation.

  8. lauren raine says:

    Once again my heart is heavy at the cruelty and violence humanity is capable of, but I am not surprised at the hatread – it’s shown itself over and over and over, and always has the same face, just many different names. In my limited experience, people capable of great violence and hatread rarely experience remorse, rather, they always have some crazy way to justify what they do, whether it’s for God, Allah, the Revolution, or simply because everyone else “deserves it”.

    I would assume that there is intentionality in this – like what happened on 9/11/2001, the fact that it was patriot’s day, and tax day, probably had meaning to the perpetrators, as well, no doubt, as the injuries to legs and lower extremities.

    Once more in this violent society my heart cries.

  9. gypsy says:

    first, many caring thoughts to all those in boston – particularly the victims and their loved ones – and the city itself – i first saw the news of this on FB actually – someone posted about it and i immediately flipped on the tv to watch – and i too began to go through all the synchros attached to this horrific event – the tax day thing and all its implications – the nature of the injuries in this runners’ marathon etc – and the numerical associations – unbelievable – anyway, like others here, at some point i had to just not watch any longer – and so i didn’t – every once in a while i’ve tuned in for updates – oh, and as an aside, last night, 6 yr old alejandro came back to my space to tell me goodnight and saw that i did not have the tv on, and said, “i’m glad you don’t have the tv on nonon [his name for me] because some little kids might be afraid and not want to see all that – it’s really scary” – bless his heart and all those other little ones! –

    thanks so much for putting together such a great post as you always do with such horrible events – about the 26 [= 8] – i’m sure cj will have some numbers answers for us – hope so –

    ok – so just as i typed 26 i glanced down and saw that the numerical equation for this human to correctly answer in order to post is: 2 x six = ?

    how weird is that!

  10. mathaddict3322 says:

    I made a comment and for some reason it didn’t pass, so I’m going to try again.
    26. The blackest, most evil, most negative, most karmic of all number combinations. I’ve mentioned that here so many times, and mentioned it just last week in an email to Trish. Today, “The Day After”, is a 26. 4+16+2+0+1+3=26. In certain parts of the world, yesterday was a 26. For several weeks, DPage and I have been experiencing planetary empath symptoms that have had us both in bed, off and on. I reported to Trish and Rob that the only other time I’ve had this specific set of symptoms was prior to the events of 9-11. It’s been the same with DPage. It does no good for us to have these PE symptoms, because we aren’t given awareness of what or where the manifestation will occur. But this isn’t about us. It’s about all those folks who were there, whose lives have been forever altered, no matter where across the earth their homes were…they were in Boston when the bombs exploded. Our hearts are shattered yet again by such venom. How can any human or group of humans with sound mind,create such hell? May God, by whatever Name God may be called, bless the victims and their families and loved ones everywhere, and bring them peace. Another day that will live in infamy.

  11. Simply horrific, it’s been the lead story on the UK news and no doubt worldwide. Unbelievable that anyone can have so much hate that they can do such a thing. I see one of the dead is a child – how could they?

  12. DJan says:

    My heart is so sore this morning, feeling close to tears. Our media coverage is so awful, I had to turn off the TV so I didn’t have to watch the same trauma over and over. I knew you would find the synchronicities in this event, and I am also wondering just what significance the 26 has. Please keep posting as things unfold, dear Trish. Heartbroken, again.

  13. Nancy says:

    Keeping us traumatized, keeping us distracted, keeping us fearful, angry. One almost wonders who benefits from a society like that…

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