Hybrids among us?

When we did our interviews with Anne and Whitley Strieber, the link they provided for our blog was one about social engineering. We’ve gotten some terrific comments and are bringing one of them forward. It’s about hybrids and came from D Nicholas.


“Having listened to the interview with Anne and having been interviewed by Anne about my experiences I would like to comment on the Grays’ hybrid project. I’m convinced with certainty that it’s real. I have been meditating for years and learned to do channeling, which is basically to be in close contact with your own Daemon ( check out Antony Peake’s book The Daemon. ) After my left ear started beeping like Whitley’s I realized that I had some involvement with the Grays. I have no memory of going anywhere with them, but over time I became convinced it was true.

“One morning about a year ago, during meditation a young female voice came into my head and said she was my daughter Mia and then said: me a nice Gray. She was a second generation backcross. I am a retired plant breeder from the University of Wisconsin, so I’m familiar with backcrossing. Essentially this is when the offspring of the hybrid cross is crossed back to one of the parents and in this case the human parent. She said her mother, a first generation backcross, was someone that I had channeled over the years named Sam, who I eventually realized was a female named Samantha.

“When I was told this, Samantha came into my head to affirm our relationship and she sent some type of energetic jolt through my body that was so strong that I bounced up off my recliner. No wild imagination could cause such a reaction and when she left she did it a second time. 

“Some time after this my Daemon told me that Mia was with child, a future third generation backcross. One night while asleep I had a very vivid dream and I met Mia, who I sensed was pregnant. The most unusual thing about this dream was I had a memory of both taste and smell, which I have never had before in any dream.

“Later when I meditated my Daemon said that the memory of smell and taste was to assure me that this was an actual real event that took place. I was surprised to learn that both Samantha and Mia were backcrossed into the Native American population as Mia had darker skin than I would have expected. When these new variations of us will join us or replace us I have no clue. Am I concerned about it. NO!!

“Having experienced episodes of cosmic consciousness, Ufo sighting and possible on board incidents – but memory erased, and various other strangeness, my sympathy is with Whit and others who are brave enough to speak and stand by their truth. My family, some friends and acquaintances roll their eyeballs, tap their temples, and take off. Other dear folk share their truths and accept mine. Love them and don’t waste time trying to reason with or convince the closed minds.”


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17 Responses to Hybrids among us?

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Thank you, Marcus, for the clarification. That was the conclusion I had drawn….that in this situation the word ‘Daemon’ meant spirit guide and is positive.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Phyllis, I read your comments with great interest. Having had a lifetime of encounters with and abductions by the entities called “The Greys”, my own personal hypothesis…and it is only that, a theory or a hypothesis based on my experiences with them….is that they are biomechanical; that they are partially organic and patially ‘machine’. Perhaps ‘biorobotic’ might be a more modern term. It has seemed during most of my encounters with these Greys that the respond to instructions from entities that, for ease of reference, I call ‘handlers’. Their origin has always been an enormous myster yfor which we have no adequate answers, just more questions.
    Ancient history in all the civilizations on this planet indicate unequivocally that they have been here certainly as long as has the human species. It’s possible that they may actually have preceded us and could be simply another species of homo sapiens. It’s just as possible that they arrive here from other dimensions of Being, not necessarily another planet or star. We simply don’t know. I agree one-hundred-percent with your assessment that they should, at all costs, be avoided. I understand that there are researchers, including the very great, highly respected late Dr. John Mack, who are convinced that they are benevolent or benign. It’s been my experience with them that they are NOT. I do, however, have more than a fleeting idea that they are in some manner connected with the AfterLife of humans. That specific connection is yet to be discerned. In any event, your comments are astute and thought-filled.

    • Phyllis Hambelton says:

      Thank you. Your idea the grays are biomechanical is one of the reasons I came to the conclusion a long time ago they are not totally organic beings. They are a composite, or hybrid, as has been described in blogs. I believe the grays are tools of men who give them their instructions and have designed the grays and the ships that carry them. No, with all due respect to the late Dr. John Mack, nothing about these beings or their masters can be construed as being benevolent toward human beings.

    • The word “daemon” is commonly used in Jungian parlance as meaning “spirit guide” or “inner voice”. It has a positive connotation.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Will defnitely go to Hesse. Thanks!

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Yes. It’s the ambiguity of the definition of the word ‘daemon’ that is….well….provocative? especially in a discussion of alien hybrid contacts, etc. I just popped over to Amazon to read the reviews on this author’s books. More confusion, to say the least. I must admit being dumb or shallow-minded, because I’m simply not able to sequentially, (or in any other manner), follow his lines of thoughts. But that’s just me.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    When Trish and Rob sent me this via email last nite, I was disturbed by Nicholas’s use of the word “daemon”. Consequently, I researched the definition of “Daemon”.
    1) In Greek myth, it is any of the secondary divinities, ranking between the gods and men. 2) An inspiring or inner spirit. 3) A demon.
    It comes from original Latin, and as a Latin noun is defined as an evil spirit; demon.
    As a verb: to part, divide, tear apart.
    So there is ambiguity here, and that raises questions within me.
    Regarding Mike’s comments…..There was a “man” who entered my life in a very strange, very inexplicable manner a few years ago. At that time, I was still conducting clairvoyant sessions, and this man told me he didn’t want a psychic reading; that he wanted to know everything I knew about UFOs/ETs/ Encounters/ Abductions. He developed a peculiar kind of working relationship with me which eventually resulted in his becoming highly controlling. Ultimately, Mike, I recognized that this individual was one of the entities for which Budd Hopkins coined the word, “transgenics”. This man was not totally human, as it turned out. I would stake all that I am on the fact that he was a hybrid. There’s much, much more to this story, sufficiently to write a book. I will simply say that I’ve met and interacted with a hybrid appearing in a human form, and it wasn’t fun. So, in response to your query, having experienced this, I must answer that indeed they DO walk among us.

  6. Very interesting. Wonder the full reason for hybrids and whether some are living on our version of Earth, or are they in some other dimension or time zone. So much we don’t know.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      And the more we discover, the more questions we have!

    • Phyllis Hambelton says:

      I agree that there is so much we do not know but isn’t it interesting to peruse stories of those who have experiences with the grays? I believe what I have read in several responses, to which I might add, I do not believe the “saucers” or “grays” are from another planet outside earth. I believe they are a very highly advanced man that has been experimenting with what you all are calling hybrids. There has always been those men and women here on earth having far superior brains have designed/created other beings, modes of transportation that far out pace what we know today. I believe it is scary and that we should not have any avoidable contact with the grays. They may be trying to replace us all with their own world government. Just sayin…..

      • Rob and Trish says:

        You could be right, Phyllis. The bottom line is that none of us really know. We have experiences, read about what other people experience, but in the end, we’re left with more questions and more speculations..

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