A Healing Ceremony

On Sunday, April 28, I received an hour-long healing from Don Pascual Flores, the Q’ero Indian shaman, who was visiting South Florida under the auspices of Carey Stokes, a healer in his own right. As Trish mentioned in her comments about our group session the evening before, we were surprised that the despacho ceremony included cleansing procedure with condor feathers and Florida water that was very similar to what we experienced years ago in ceremonies with Santeria practitioners in Miami.

The healing ceremony involved lots of spit-spraying of Florida water as well as work with crystals, stones, feathers, and bells. For much of the healing, I was holding large pieces of crystal quartz in either hand along with an eagle feather in each hand as I lay on my back. Meanwhile, Don Pascual was chanting and singing and placing stones on my forehead and rubbing other stones across my body.

I quickly entered the alpha state between wakefulness and sleep, and as he called on the spirits, I seemingly glimpsed one watching us. I was in a deeply relaxed state of mind where I was seeing an entity – which looked sort of like an owl – for some time before I realized what I was looking at. So at first it was there, but I didn’t comprehend what I was seeing. It’s like staring at something in the refrigerator that you’re looking for, but somehow not seeing it.

One of the oddities of this healing, something a bit hard to conceive and sort of humorous as well, was something that Don Pascual did while he was working on my feet. He sprayed my feet with Florida water, rubbed them with stones, then tied the big toes together and stuck an eagle feather between them. So the reading was definitely from ‘head to toe.’

Don Pascual only had one question for me, what was my name.  I told him Roberto, my traveling name when I’m in Latin countries. He invoked the spirits over and over in the name of mi hermano (my brother) Roberto. His effort, as I understand it, was to remove any negative attachments from ancestors.

Did the healing work? It’s hard to say so soon after the experience, which at this writing was about four hours ago. As I recall, the last time I was involved in a Q’ero ceremony, around 1995, nothing much happened for me at the time. However, I completed Prophecy Rock shortly afterwards, and it went on to win the Edgar Allan Poe Award. In fact, an article that appeared in Publisher’s Weekly about the awards featured a photo of me receiving my Edgar–one of more than 25 Edgars that were awarded in various categories. I have always attributed the energy transmission from that despacho ceremony with the Q’eros as a turning point for that novel.

There’s a very interesting synchronicity here. Prior to hearing about Don Pascual’s appearance in South Florida, I had been receiving long-distance healing transmissions from Jane Clifford, the healer in Wales who comes to our blog. Surprisingly, the type of healing transmissions that Jane was using were based on the same ancient Inca (Q’ero) methods. She had studied the Munay Ki system through an on-line course offered by The Four Winds Society and found that it worked very well for her. It was unusual for her to work with a group and she was already a renowned healer in her own right. So she had been working with Snake and Leopard medicine for several weeks.

Finally, one day I told her that I would probably end up in surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) fairly soon. The specialist I was seeing was encouraging it. There was no more time for alternative healing methods. She replied: “No, there’s still time for a miracle.” It was that same morning, after reading her comment, that I opened up the newspaper and found the article about Don Pascual Flores.


One day after the healing ceremony, something happened that linked Don Pascual and Jane Clifford’s energy transmissions. Jane has been sending healing energies now for several weeks. But I’ve never had any particular reaction. However, this morning, she sent an e-mail suggesting that I try visualizing a golden snake entering my body and healing me. After reading it, I closed my eyes, relaxed and focused, imagining the golden snake entering and healing. Almost immediately, I felt an energy field swirling around me, moving counter-clock wise and I felt empathy and compassion within it.

I knew it was from Jane, and when I told her about it, she remarked that it was the healing ceremony with Don Pascual that had opened me and made me more receptive. She also said that as she wrote about the golden snake, she felt the energy moving out from her to me.

A day later, another twist. I have told the doctor nothing about the healing ceremony.  Shamans are in another world from most medical professionals. In fact, I haven’t seen the doctor since early April., Yet, when I called his office in reference to an upcoming appointment, which was to talk about surgery, he now says he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to rush into it. I’m curious about his shift in thinking. I’ll find out more when I see him.


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15 Responses to A Healing Ceremony

  1. Thanks for sharing, it’s fascinating. I wonder where belief fits into such a healing. Would it, for instance, work for a complete non believer? Or maybe it does open up energy centres regardless. Interesting how your doctor doesn’t appear to want to rush into anything – much in life seems to work on so many influences at varying levels. As I see it part of any healing seems to be the releasing of anxieties or fears.

    Whatever, I wish you well.

  2. Darren B says:

    This was just post over a Reality Sandwich –
    The following is excerpted from Cave and Cosmos: Shamanic Encounters with Another Reality, published by North Atlantic Books.
    ‘Our World: Shamans and Spirits’
    by Michael Harner

  3. Jane Clifford says:

    Slight correction I didnt do an online course,I actually received the nine light seed transmissions in Munay Ki ceremonies & I am now qualified to pass them to others.I found it remarkable that Rob found this shaman who is a Master of the same tradition I trained in. Lets all visualise a happy healthy Rob!

  4. I enjoy all the details you’ve included in this “spontaneous healing” experience. I expect it will remain a great story with few additions other than, “no more medical procedures required for good health”.

    Having both Don Pascual and Jane Clifford’s tandem attention is awesome, and I’m thankful you are so attuned and open. This means – more awesome books and stories from you two! Yeah!

  5. lauren raine says:

    Years ago I worked with a shaman who, interestingly, was born the same day and hour as me, making us astrological twins. He had studied extensively in South America, and sprayed me with Florida water, whiskey, and also used smoke, removing mostly familial and karmic attachments from me. I believe it helped me a great deal, as much of the work I was doing then was about exactly that. I remember how “bright” or energy filled I felt for days afterwards, and the sense of clarity.

    Ten years prior to that I was going through a divorce, and went to a shaman practitioner to do a “soul retrieval” so I could move on from my marriage. He lay down on the ground with me and went into trance, “blowing the pieces” back in at the end of the trance. I remember he told me that I would know it was truly over when I made a new life and saw two signs: one was a big magenta flower, and the other was a terra cotta angel.

    A year later I was moving to Berkeley, California. I ran almost immediately into an old friend who offered me a place to stay while I looked for a home. When I walked into his living room with a suitcase, I was immediately confronted with a huge photograph of a magenta Cosmos. A month later I went to interview for a room in a house where I ended up living, and thus met my roomate, who became an important friend. As I walked in the door I saw a shrine, with a terra cotta angel in it.

    I’m also a great fan of the New Mexico shaman, Sandra Ingerman, who wrote “Soul Retrieval”.

  6. Nancy says:

    Very interesting. I send healing energy in the form of swirling green energy. I don’t know why the swirling green energy – it is just something that I have done for a long time. I don’t know if it does anything, but it always makes me feel better for doing it. I once tried it on a young woman with a crying baby on the airplane. It was very late at night and the mother was beside herself trying to calm her crying infant on a very small commuter flight. I imagined swirling pink energy all around the mother and baby and lo and behold the baby calmed and I noticed the mother sleeping with the baby in her arms. When we landed I glanced back at her and she smiled. I don’t know if the calming thought-energy had anything to do with it, but I figured it couldn’t help.

    I do hope all of this healing keeps you out of surgery, Rob. Best wishes for a full recovery. I’ll send the green stuff…

  7. Darren B says:

    I have great faith that the healing worked,it is the year of the Snake after all.-)

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