A Synchro Encounter on the Road


Traveling is a great time to experience synchronicities.

When you venture forth on a journey, a trek that takes you out of your normal routines and concerns, your consciousness has greater freedom to explore. Your comfort zones are gone, your kitchen, your bed and your pillow are memories. You’re in new, unfamiliar territory and must confront who you are.

Jane Clifford recently returned from a remote valley in Shropshire, Wales, where she has visited for 20 years. Her friend’s cottage is just below Offas dyke path, a Bronze Age construction that meanders for 177 miles. While driving there, still half an hour away, a radio program came on about Offas dyke and its significance. It’s considered an incredible feat of engineering from pre-8th century Britain. The path atop the dyke was called one the ten best wall walks in the world, ranking up there with the Great Wall of China.

When Jane travels, it seems that mysterious things happen and synchronicity flourishes. Her recent trip was no different. She had dinner one night with a family she had visited many times. The man of the house is a self-made multimillionaire, and she has always found him kind, thoughtful and generous. We’ll call him Clifford, since Jane prefers not to use his real name.

“He has had healing with me and a clairvoyant reading, which accurately predicted that he would marry and have two children, which he now has.” Jane notes that she predicted the wife would not be the woman he was dating at the time, and she was right.

“He turned up with a bottle of wine and sat down next to me. Whilst he was actually greeting me, I was wondering if he had remembered the predictions. He leaned toward me, his face close to mine, and asked how I was. To my astonishment, his features shape-shifted and staring at me was the devil, red eyes and horns. The entity bared its teeth, as if guarding some hidden knowledge and denying access, even though I wasn’t seeking such access.

“There were no drugs or alcohol involved. This entity held my gaze quite steadily. I was shocked, taken by surprise, but not afraid. It was shocking to me because I thought the man was a regular nice guy. However, maybe to make so much money so fast, one’s shadow has to be ruthless. Yet, when chatting about business I have known him to be quite kind, so I had not seen this ruthlessness. I remain puzzled by the experience.”

Jane said she wasn’t afraid because she realized it was just a movie, an altered reality, an expression of the man’s shadow. “It was also like a kind of test to see if I would steadily hold the light and not give way to fear. The experience was very strange indeed and I shall keep my psychic protection up whenever I meet him again.”

The synchronicity here is that twice earlier in her life she had demonic-type encounters with two other men, both named ‘Clifford.’ Not only was that a meaningful coincidence for her, but that same name pops up regularly on her cell phone screen and she can’t remove it. “It has been stuck there for years and I never call him and I can’t seem to get the name off the screen. Neither can my technologically savvy children.”

Jane wrote back later and said that after writing the e-mail about ‘Clifford,’ she tried to remove the name again from her phone…and this time, to her amazement, it disappeared. Maybe she just needed to release the energy by writing about it.

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8 Responses to A Synchro Encounter on the Road

  1. lauren raine says:

    Psychics draw, I think, a lot of attention in the spirit world. I wonder if it was about having a trickster spirit following her around, and perhaps manifesting through synchronicity and even through the man she visited?

  2. Darren B says:

    Maybe that’s why Rich (pardon the pun if you click the first link) people need to duck into phone-booths,even if they own mobile phone companies .-)
    And love doing deals in Babylon
    ” And where are good spots for doing business?
    I am biased but I love Babylon at Kensington Roof Gardens. Great food and great views.”
    and like projects involving the Underground.
    ” You’re famous for investing in new modes of transport. What do you think would improve the lot of London commuters?

    Being connected on the Tube will make a huge difference to London commuters. You can get Wi-Fi on the Underground with Virgin Media now and it’s free for everyone all summer too. Great for people like me who are slightly addicted to Twitter! ”

    And this guy just loves shape-shifting in public .-)

  3. A lovely part of the world – and travel does seem to bring out the synchros – maybe we ‘wake up’ a little once out of the familiar routine. As for the shape-shifting face: I think that would have spooked me!

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