Is This the New Normal?


The massive two-mile wide tornado that tore through Moore, Oklahoma is being called, at the very least, an EF4, with winds between 166 and 200 mph. It devastated  entire neighborhoods, homes, and at least one elementary school, where 75 people had taken refuge in a hallway, most of them third graders.

The geography in the videos resembles a war zone of twisted metal and rubble.

This storm is being compared to the May 3, 1999 tornado that also hit this area and was determined to be the most intense tornado on record. Here and here for other stories on this tragedy.

Here is a comparison between the two tornados, compiled by the National Weather Service.

It’s difficult to imagine this kind of devastation, much less to be in the midst of it.

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5 Responses to Is This the New Normal?

  1. DJan says:

    I could hardly believe what I was seeing on the news. Entire neighborhoods flattened to the ground, nothing at all standing. My heart goes out to those in the path of it, and I am hoping it is NOT the new normal.

  2. I switched on the television news last night before going to bed and this was the breaking story. The scenes were awful, as if the area had been hit by a bomb. It’s 9am here in the UK and I haven’t caught up, other than reading your post.

  3. Momwithwings says:

    I mentioned in a past post, this is going to be a wild year weather wise and event wise.
    Unfortunately so far this has been true.
    I worry about another storm coming up the East Coast, and I feel that something big will happen each month.
    Life as we knew it has changed.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      If the planet is sentient, as in the Gaia theory, then violent weather systems are an expression of that sentience. The climactic patterns are changing. And whether this is cyclic, man-made or a combination of both, the end result to us, the people who inhabit this planet, is the same.

      Here in south Florida, we’ve seen evidence of climate change for several years now. It’s cool when it should be steaming, it’s steaming when it should be cool, it rains when it shouldn’t, is dry when it should be wet. The trees in our yard are confused.

  4. Renee says:

    The latest news is 51 dead. A reporter who covered the May 3, 1999 tornado in Moore, Oklahoma, says this devastation is worse.

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