Allies of Humanity

 A few months ago, a woman name Kate Walker contacted us about a possible interview for a movie she and her partner are shooting on synchronicity.  She thought she would be in Miami sometime this summer, so we agreed we would drive down there for the interview.

Last week, Katy emailed me that she’d just heard one of our radio interviews about Aliens in the Backyard,  and that she was discovering that synchronicity was threaded through UFO encounters and abductions. We emailed back and forth for several days and she sent me a PDF file for a book called Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers. This is book 1 in what is now a trilogy and is being offered free at this link.  It’s also attached as a PDF at the end of this post.

The book consists of five briefings by a consortium of entities who have been observing the alien intervention of our planet. They observe – but don’t interfere, except to impart information. And the info is fascinating, about how these intervening aliens themselves aren’t evil, but simply have their own agenda. And their agenda involves utilizing humanity and this planet’s resources for themselves.

To that end, they are skilled at what the consortium calls the “mental environment,”  where the perceptions, the realities, that abductees experience are manipulated and sculpted.  Because they are so skilled in this mental environment, they are able to convince some abductees that they are here to help humanity, that they are spiritually evolved beings.

This premise certainly addresses the schism in the UFO community: the John Mack camp that believes  encounters are ultimately beneficial and the Budd Hopkins/David Jacobs camp that says these encounters are anything but.  For Rob and me, the bottom line is simple: when someone is taken against his or her will, it’s a violation. It’s wrong. No matter how you try to spin it after the fact, a travesty has occurred.

With channeled material like this, it either resonates or doesn’t. When I read my first Seth book in 1974, it resonated. When I read my first Ramtha book (JZ Knight), it did not resonate.  I tossed Ramtha in the trash and kept reading Seth. Allies of Humanity resonates for me…but with a few small caveats. I was never able to get through A Course in Miracles  because of the pervasive references to god. When I tried to read Miracles, I felt like a  12-year-old kid forced to attend catechism. It turned me off. Yet, people I respect rave about the book.

There is some of this god stuff in Allies, but more of it on the website. I suspect this is where the personality of the messenger (Marshall Summers) comes through.  At no other point in this material is there much of a sense of Summers at all. In the preface of book 2, it’s noted that the six briefings that comprise book 2 were channeled within 24 hours. That speaks of incredible creativity. When a novelist is hooked into characters and story, into plot and conflict and resolution, it’s as if you become a channel for the story itself. So I understand that kind of feverish pace.

But there seems to be a dire urgency in book 2. The Allies contend that the planets, its resources, and humanity are the ultimate prize in some sort of galactic war where military force, by agreement, is forbidden, and just about everything else is fair game. The allies talk about the importance of individuality, personal freedom, and spiritual knowledge to counteract the manipulation by aliens. They emphasize the importance of unity in mankind – instead of the divisiveness we see now.

What intrigues me about book 1 is nuance. Even the bad guys  aren’t evil. They simply have an agenda, like the Europeans did when they arrived in the Americas. And the supposed good guys aren’t rushing in to defend anyone, but are imparting information about how humanity can inure itself to this intervention. I’d like to know, however, how the aliens who are intervening got here. Are they from another planet? Are they inter-dimensional? Nothing that concrete is offered.

They do talk about trade routes in the universe that these various alien cultures use, but again, no specifics. Betty Hill talked about trade routes she was shown during her and Barney’s abduction and in 1968, an elementary school teacher and amateur astronomer, Marjorie Fish, decided to decipher Betty’s star map. In other words, Betty gave more specifics than the allies do.

 Do let us know what you think about the material.

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13 Responses to Allies of Humanity

  1. Jane Clifford says:

    WOAH! I found it profoundly disturbing & very likely too! Violent takeover and war not necessary when infiltration,interbreeding & manipulation of our emotions can work so well! VERY SCARY!
    The only comfort I have is that I listen to a channel known as Bashar who makes a lot of sense to me & he says we are literally chosing from billions of realities every second & you get the future and the scenarios you focus on the most! Give your attention and energy too. Since we are all past of source or actually all gods who havent remembered that we are, I suggest we focus our energy on a positive future reality,the new earth!

  2. Nancy says:

    I forgot my I-Pad with all of my books at home, now I have something to keep me occupied for the next week. Thank you.

  3. Laurence Zankowski says:


    Stephen Hawking has commented that our interaction with aliens would not be a great experience. I sometimes wonder if he knows more about this then he is letting on.

    Got the download, will start reading.

    Btw, there are a whole bunch of folks in Taos who think aliens are space brothers / angels. Denial is an amazing tool to use for submission / slavery.

    Be well


    • Rob and Trish says:

      There’re a whole bunch of people all over who believe the space brother/angel thing. Good to see you, Laurence. Hope all is well.

      • Laurence Zankowski says:


        This is me just being cynical. Post 1985, the obesity factor, the monsanto bio engineering, certain folks in elected positions, all seems to be geared toward resource farming. Humans being a great resource for farming.

        Be well


        Life is a struggle at the moment… Thanks for asking.

  4. DJan says:

    I read the Warning chapter from the first book, and I am intrigued enough to download the whole thing and read it. Why do these things all come to me when I’m busy? 🙂

  5. The PDF link at the bottom of the post doesn’t seem to be working but got this from their website okay – thanks, will have a read.

  6. Renee says:

    It sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the PDF link.

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