Jung on Film

There’s something of a synchro for me connected to this video. Yesterday I was writing about a series of interviews that Carl Jung gave to a doctor in Houston in 1957. Today, Bernard Beitman, a visiting professor of psychiatry at University of Virginia who is writing a book on coincidence, sent me a different video about Jung. I started watching it, then noticed, to the right,  a video called Interview with Jung.  It’s fascinating to hear him talk about his relationship with Freud.



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9 Responses to Jung on Film

  1. I enjoyed SEEING Jung live. I noticed that near the end he changed his clothes into a white coat. Was he updating his persona for the interview? He talked about persona. The interviewer not only didn’t say much – probably on purpose – but didn’t even change his hand position on his face. I was left curious about who he was too. One of my favorite books was the last one Jung wrote, “Memories, Dreams and Reflections,” which he would not allow to be published until after his death – I think for fear of how he would be viewed by his peers in his profession. He must have been 82 when this film was made – pretty good looking for then, don’t you think?

    Thanks for posting this. I watched and listened to it while packing for my move – a totally dreadful experience, improved by having Carl there with me for a bit.

  2. Fascinating and very timely. We’re working on a “Persona” post for our AM101 blog as presented by Jung, and the importance (and protection) of the conscious separation of public and private behaviors. We’re also working with a publisher on our workbook because our message of the “Author Persona-is-the-dynamic-core” of marketing their books and developing their career is what makes our advice unique.

    It’s awesome to have heard the words from the Source! Thanks. The magic of the web, letting me listen to an interview created two years before I was born. 😀

  3. gypsy says:

    my computer time as i clicked on here says 11:33

  4. Only had time to listen to a small part of the video but interesting what he said about illegitimate children and those without fathers – not sure if this would be agreed with nowadays. Will have to watch the rest another time.

  5. Renee says:

    I’ll be back to watch this. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Jung speak before.

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