Angie’s Transformative Synchros

 Today as I headed out to the hair salon, I set my intention to experience a synchronicity or to hear about one. I heard several, all from Angie, who cuts my hair.

Angie is about 48, has two grown children, and a son headed to college next year. The kids are from her first marriage, which ended after 20 some odd years. After the divorce, Angie met Patrick, who is Mexican-American,  and in 2008, they got engaged. Angie broke it off because his young children from his first marriage came to live with them and it didn’t work out. After a separation, his kids returned to Texas to live with their mother and Patrick and Angie got back together and were married. Then Patrick’s teenage daughter moved in with them again and late last year they got divorced.

I did her chart around this time and one of the things I told her was that around the time of the new moon in Cancer in July 201, she might be headed overseas.

When Angie broke off the first engagement, she had what turned out to be two pivotal dreams. In the first, she was in a market to buy bread. “The clerk told me not to buy bread from the front of the store because it was stale. She directed me to the back of the store for fresher bread. A bald-headed man who spoke with an accent told me I’d have to wait, that the bread had to be kneaded and baked. So I waited. In the dream, my mother told me  that the kneading of bread means I had to be patient. Very patient.”

On March 26, 2013, Angie met the bald-headed man who spoke with an accent. He pulled in behind her at the garage where she’d taken her car and they got to talking  as their cars were worked on. Eduardo is Brazilian. His job? It turns out he owns a business that distributes bread around our county.  Bald, accent, bread: Angie suddenly remembered her dream from five years earlier.  

She also realized that exactly five years earlier, on March 26, 2008 she had received her first passport. At the time, Patrick was annoyed by it. “Why do you need a passport?” he’d asked her.

“I don’t know,” she’d replied. “Maybe we’re going overseas.”

Well, she and Eduardo will be traveling to Brazil in July so she can meet his family.

In the second dream, she and Patrick were in a parking lot, about to drive somewhere and they were already late.   “Two young Mexican women came up to the window and asked him for directions. He told me he was going to help them and when I pointed out that we were already late, he got out anyway to talk to the women. I drove off, leaving him behind.”

On the day their divorce became final, Angie and Patrick left the courtroom and walked downstairs, so they could sign papers that would enable her to revert back to her maiden name. As they were leaving this area, the papers signed, two young Mexican women stopped Patrick and asked for help. “They were the same women from my dream, Trish, long dark hair, young. Patrick asked me to wait, said he would be right back. I kept on walking and  left him behind, just like in my dream.”


When our lives are in transition, synchronicities proliferate and our unconscious, it seems, is eager to help out. Even though Angie didn’t have any idea what the two dreams meant when she had them, they were vivid enough so they made an impact on her and she remembered them five years later.

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13 Responses to Angie’s Transformative Synchros

  1. lauren raine says:

    What a wonderful story. I think your closing comment “When our lives are in transition, synchronicities proliferate and our unconscious, it seems, is eager to help out” expresses it so well. I have found that there are times in my life that have “cracked me open”, times of transition, in which dreams, synchronicities and other kinds of “guidance” seems to happen, as if my consciousness gets out of the rut, and slips out of time as well. Her dreams are very prophetic.

  2. Laurence Zankowski says:


    I use DayOne journal app on my iPad. I had used this great app on my mac for dream recording but it was not maintained, so i found Dayone.

    Now as to dreams, a re occuring theme, though not frequently, is trains for me and always late 1800s type of trains. I love trains big time, but my dreams are not so much pleasant, but deal with either behaviors or entities that have taken over the train and its travels.

    Just had one a week ago that the best i can say relates to a behavior that would not change so it had to be dealt with by a ” killing” which may be a harsh term , but its interference in my life was impeding my spiritual and physical journey.

    It is deeper then I want to go into here.

    Be well


  3. gypsy says:

    just discovered that you had used the story in a post dated august 16, 2009 – dream warrior – when i googled twin eagles pow wow to see the date of this year’s event, your post was one of the hits –

  4. gypsy says:

    ok, so i found the blog post, trish – it was posted on [now, get this] june 3, 2009…in 7 hours it will be exactly 1 year since that date – and the time of the post is 11:11 am – those double 1s – you left a comment that you wanted to use the story but i don’t remember that you ever did??? – anyway, here is the link to the post done in my “travel journal” blog:

  5. gypsy says:

    really great examples of how important our dreams are – this post brings to mind my own experience a number of years ago when i had a vivid dream of someone and then, shortly thereafter met him in person – i won’t go into it here, but it had to do with the native indian powwow group twin eagles – trish, did i ever tell you that story? i think i did a blog post on it if i remember correctly – really an intense dream and “live” experience –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Yes! I just used it in the new synchro book. It’s a powerful story!

      • gypsy says:

        just as an aside…after i responded here, i got curious again about the man in my dream and decided to look for him on fb – now, interestingly, there is a young woman who is a fb friend with whom, just this past week or so, i’d begun communicating with a bit – and i remembered she is from the same state as this person – anyway, bottom line…i looked him up on fb and he is a fb “friend” of hers – so i sent him a friend request along with a note – will let you know if i hear back –

  6. Great stories. Also shows the value of recording our dreams, maybe we would associate happenings with more dreams that weren’t perhaps so vivid. I keep starting to do this -but then my enthusiasm fades with time.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I record my dreams when I remember them, but haven’t recalled any in awhile. I hink these dreams were so powerful for angie they stuck with her.

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