Rusty and Eric Snowden

When Rachel Maddow began her cable news program Monday evening, she began with a story about a red panda named Rusty that had escaped from the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Fortunately, at least for the zoo and no doubt for Rusty as well, the panda was captured after traveling about 14 blocks from his exhibit. A woman spotted the unusual creature outside of her house and called the zoo, asking if they had any animals missing.

How Rusty escaped is still a mystery. Zoo officials began reviewing security footage Monday morning to see if there is any evidence of how he escaped or whether he may have been taken by a human and then set loose. No security cameras are pointed directly at the red panda exhibit, though, and the zoo plans to add more cameras.

Maddow seamlessly shifted into a story about Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker, and his efforts to evade the long arm of the U.S. justice system as he fled from his temporary refuge in Hong Kong to Russia and supposedly en route to Cuba and asylum there or in Venezuela or in Ecuador.

Maddow saw the parallels in the two stories – at least the escape aspect. But if you think about it, there are more links suggesting that the two stories, both making news Monday, form an interesting meaningful coincidence. Red pandas are native to southwestern China and the Himalayas. We tend to think of pandas and China as intertwined. But a red panda makes the creature sound even more at home in China.

So a red panda makes a mysterious escape as Snowden, the whistle blow who has exposed the secrets of the ‘thought police,’ flees China under mysterious conditions.

Also, it wasn’t any zoo that Rusty escaped from. It was the National Zoo in the nation’s capital and the zookeepers began an all out search for the rogue creature. Similarly, the Justice Department has issued an arrest warrant, changing Snowden with espionage, and calling on foreign countries to capture and extradite him.

A related synchro is that, astrologically,Pluto is in Capricorn, where it has been since 2008. Pluto is the great transformer, the planet that moves at a snail’s pace and ushers in permanent and irrevocable change. Since 2008, it’s  been about exposing secrets of those people and institutions that are in power.

We saw it in 2008 with the exposure of the banking and mortgage fiasco at the end of the George W. Bush era, and over the ensuing years we’ve seen more secrets come to light through the Wikileaks organization. Now we see the Snowden exposure of the NSA spying on U.S. citizen’s telephone conversations and Internet communications, as well as spying on foreign governments.

If Starlight News astrologer Nancy Sommers is correct, there will be one more similarity between the red panda and Snowden…and it won’t be that Snowden’s nickname is Rusty. Instead, unfortunately for Snowden, his life on the run will probably end with his capture by this fall.

In astro-speak, Nancy explains: “The August through September 2013 Neptune station square to Snowden’s Jupiter (3Sagittarius08) may bring another round of flight from reality and consequence, but that seems quite likely to by smashed by late September. Essentially, from September 17 through November 11, 2013, Snowden will be in an increasingly difficult, desperate situation, including perhaps an unhappy return to the US.”

Whether you see Snowden as a hero for  exposing government invasion of privacy that began with the Patriot Act or a treasonous criminal, it’s clear that his story is one that has caught our attention and spawned global synchronicity. Also, his name invites a synchro: snowed-in. For people who lives in northern areas, this term usually means trapped.


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21 Responses to Rusty and Eric Snowden

  1. gypsy says:

    great synchro story here – had not thought it all the way through as you’ve so well laid out but had made a mental connection of sorts of the little red panda from china [and red also bearing a connection to “red”/communist russia] – anyway – great dimensional story –

    i cannot in good consciousness go without comment regarding some of the remarks made by bruce above – for example:
    “America was born free, and is meant to continue that way. Our Constitution was written by wise one’s, who knew history, what freedom consists of, and what slavery is.”
    – from my personal perspective [which i understand is not shared by all nor do i expect/need it to be], this country was not “born free” – well, if one was white, perhaps it was – however, not so for the native people – “america” was founded from the beginning on the horrific genocide of an entire populace of native people, coupled with the backbones of slaves – all under the auspices of these “wise ones” – they knew the meaning of freedom and slavery, alright – they were free and had slaves themselves – it took a civil war and 100 years later, the civil rights movement to make substantive changes – and then, there is the issue of the oppression of women in this country – anyway…without opening another can of oppressive worms, i believe my perspective is clear – and i appreciate the opportunity to speak my personal opinion here –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      And today the supreme court undermined the voting rights act of 1965. Pathetic. Agree with you all the way, Gypsy.

    • Well, of course, and I welcome your opportunity to speak your personal opinion. It is largely personal opinion, mixed with some facts.

      Founders were slave owners. I do not condone slavery, in any form.

      The oppression of women in America, is largely, myth. There is oppression of women in Muslim countries, as one example, but very little in America.

      click here

      The above should suffice for now, and anyone can do further research. The real oppression to women comes FROM belief in today’s “feminism.” Most accomplished women, in the area of Law, Medicine, as an Author, a StatesWoman, or whatever will tell you they reached that place without “feminsm’s” ideas.

      In America, women, overall, were treated with far more respect before feminism. Rape was not tolerated by the judicial, and definately not by the culture. Now, rape isn’t so bad, anymore, according to our sickening culture. In fact, people are saying women should not defend themselves with too much force. Do you know how many women are raped in the military? Do you realize hardly anything is being done about it?

      You wrote:

      “‘america’ was founded from the beginning on the horrific genocide of an entire populace of native people.”

      America was not founded that way. The genocide did occur, and it is a shameful one. However, you might look carefully at the history of our founding. Some founders did work to end slavery. They did not, at the inception of this nation, immediately bring forth a campaign against Native Americans after the Declaration of Independence, or at the end of the war against the British and the U.S. Constitution.

      “America founded on genocide,” no, not hardly.

      America was founded upon freedom for all. The U.S. Constitution makes no provision for slave ownership. It sets no rules for oppression of Native Americans. America has gone astray, and corrected itself somewhat.

      Now, what America did to the Native Americans is being brought forth toward all of the people. The greatest Native American, in my opinion, Russell Means has passed on recently. And, he has pointed out that America, itself, is now the reservation. The place of dying Native Americans, the Reservation, is being replaced by the Concentration Camps for people of all colors, creeds, religions, and sex. They exist. They are real. There is proof. Deny them at your peril.

      So, gypsy, the sexist arguments, and the Native American arguments, should all be put aside now. They are part of a program of “divide and conquer.” Do you want to be part of a program to conquer yourself?

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Actually, Bruce, the oppression of women in america is NOT a myth. Not when you have wackos trying to pass restrictive abortion bills – – and restrict women’s access to health care,
        as has been done in a number of states. The oppression in this country is not as obvious as it is in muslim countries; it’s more insidious, mostly men trying to push women back into the 1950s.

        America wasn’t founded on the basis of freedom for all, not when many of the signers of the constitution owned slaves. We like to think of this country as the great democracy, but it no longer is. We are owned by china and corporations. That’s not “conquering yourself” or trying to
        divide and conquer. These are facts.

        • On one point, I agree. The ownership of the controlling system of America is the New World Order (corporations, etc.). No, it was never intended to be a Democracy. It was intended to be a Republic with some democratic processes. Today, much of America is no longer what the founders implemented, and enforced, except in areas where the 10th Amendment has been enforced, and independent governing bodies have taken control.

          As for abortion, that is a states rights matter. It is controversial. It should be governed on a state level. There is no validity to a federal level ruling on that matter. What is oppression towards women by one group, can be considered by others to be prevention of murder. Considering abortion murder, or not wanting public funding to go for it, does not make a person a “whacko.”

          Why not consider adoption, as an alternative to abortion?

          As for some men trying to push women back into the 1950’s, I don’t deny that. It could be for a number of reasons, including that of bringing more heat to the conflict between the sexes, and that is a New World Order agenda, to conquer us all, white, black, hispanic, Native American, men and women, by dividing us all. The recent supreme court directive for congress to clarify by making new laws, is just a technical matter, a temporary one, not meant to oppress anyone.

          To really get a wide view of all this, I suggest people look carefully at the MENS movement. I mean, all over the place you hear of WOMEN’S movements. Hasn’t anyone ever thought of looking at the MEN’S movements? There are two sides, you know! Look at some of the links below:

          Voice For men

          Read of Robert Bly

          Save the Males

          Did you know that men are beaten by women, far more often than is generally known? Did you know there are no men’s shelters? Why can’t a man take his child to a shelter, to protect him or her from a violent woman?

          Did you know the judicial, and law enforcement, in America, gives favor to women in most disputes between men and woman?

          I really think people need to “think outside the box.” The box is WOMEN’S movements, the screwed up “educational” systems, the lying whore media, and stupid parents. Go outside the box!

        • gypsy says:

          thanks for your remarks, trish…

  2. DJan says:

    I don’t know if he’s a hero or a criminal, but I hope he makes it to safety somewhere, because just like with the Wikileaks guy, we are learning stuff our government would just as soon we didn’t know. I always read YOUR take on these events, Trish, because I know you have a much larger vision than the average person. 🙂

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I don’t know about a larger vision…:) Rob actually wrote up this post. I hope both he and Assange get somewhere safe.

      • Rob MACGREGOR says:

        >>Rob actually wrote up this post. I hope both he and Assange get somewhere safe.

        I think that might be my office. But actually I like Ecuador and could live there, having visited at least a half dozen times. But I’m okay here…so far. Costa Rica is also a two thumbs up destination.

  3. Well, that is an interesting, and informative, article.

    As for Snowden, he’s a hero. You are right about Pluto and Capricorn. Pluto is in the sign it was at the Declaration of Independence, the inception of our nation, so these exposures of a corrupt system will continue, and ultimately transform the system into something that at least bears some resemblence to the free state we are meant to be.

    Imagine, running from America to Russia? 50 years ago, they ran from Russia to a relatively free U.S.!

    I am an eternal optimist regarding America. Polling shows the people of America are awakening both politically, and spiritually, in huge numbers every day. Very few believe Snowden is guilty of any crime. This event is one, of many, that is bringing the propagandists into a state of frenzy. People do not follow their nonsense anymore. America was born free, and is meant to continue that way. Our Constitution was written by wise one’s, who knew history, what freedom consists of, and what slavery is.

    This awakening is world-wide, also, as the people of other countries are also with us, the people of this Nation.

    The so-called terrorist threats are of nothing more than phantoms, largely created by those who wish to take our liberties.

    Now, getting back to Pluto, an exposer, a transformer. The system (Bush – Obama are nothing but puppets – so they don’t matter) is under a magnifying glass to the public right now. State Governments are declaring what the constitution provides for them in the 10th Amendment, independence from tyranny. Counties are declaring it. 450 Sheriffs met in Missouri last month to reaffirm their resolve not to be dictated by Federal, or State, tyranny. In Utah, the Sheriffs wrote their names in blood, that they would not allow the U.S. Constitution to be trampled upon in their counties. The system is in trouble, they are scared and they should be, because too many of the people running it are guilty of treason.

    But, change is coming. Our Constitutional Republic will soon be restored. It comes because of the people who are both spiritually, and politically, awake.

  4. A very apt synchro, the story is the big news here in the UK and currently Snowden’s exact whereabouts are unknown. Like Rusty he will no doubt be spotted soon.

    I think though that privacy is one of the big issues of the day, everything we do is being recorded and often aided by the likes of Google. It’s quite frightening really where this could lead – despite us being told that if we don’t do anything ‘wrong’ we have nothing to be concerned about – huh!

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