Mercury Retros

For the second time this year, Mercury has turned retrograde – in the early degrees of Cancer. This means that before it turns direct again on July 20, it will move back into Gemini.

Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, is often a mischievous little devil, a trickster, particularly when it’s retrograde, which it is three times a year. During these retro periods, the most carefully laid plans develop glitches, snafus are common, miscommunication is the norm, travel can be chaotic, things change without warning. Astrologers knows this as do people who follow astrology or who recognize repeating patterns in their own lives. But it’s not science, it’s not as if you’re going to hear this from your local astronomer or meteorologist.

Since Mercury turned retro on June 26, we’ve had a few glitches here. One of our radio shows was re-scheduled. Our lawn mower went on the fritz. We’ve revamped two books. There was a big snafu with a dog-watching plan.

Our neighbors left for a week and we were supposed to watch their dog during the day – bring Fergie over to our house to play with Noah. At night, one of the neighborhood teens would be staying at their place and tending to Fergie, two cats, a snake, and a few other assorted animals.

But the day after they left, their air conditioning broke down (Merc retro) and it was too hot inside the house for the teen, so he went home. Fergie ended up staying with us 24/7 and our neighbors’ cats lived on their porch. Fergie, an eight-month old German pointer, is  a bundle of energy, time intensive. She needs a task, needs to feel useful, and Noah, now four, tires quickly of the tug-a-war games. And our cats don’t want to play with her. And to top it off, the weather hasn’t cooperated for dog park runs. It’s been raining almost nonstop. That means excessive pent-up energy.

So we kept Fergie for two nights and she woke up Rob at 4:30 this morning ready to play, to romp. A bit early, Ferg.

At any rate, the neighbors’ AC is now  fixed, the lawn mower is fixed, our radio show is scheduled for  July 8. So far, this  Merc retro period has been great for revisions, rewrites, rethinking, re-planning. It’s a good time to slow down, kick back, read, relax, and let the world flow to you, and allow yourself to be swept along, swept up, into this crazy experience we call life.

Happy July 1st. It’s hard to believe that 6 months of 2013 are history.

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11 Responses to Mercury Retros

  1. Nancy says:

    This has been the hardest merc-retro for me in a long time! We are in the middle of doing some remodeling on a home we bought in Portland. One expensive snafu after another. Everyone seems to be melting down around me. It was so hot in Portland, and my daughter, where we are staying, doesn’t have air conditioning. One fan.

    I can’t wait for July 20th.

  2. gypsy says:

    time…no one says it better than nina…who knows where the time goes…

  3. gypsy says:

    yep…that ‘ole retro rears its R head again…same things here – tv off and on – computer being silly – revising and rewriting stuff – on and on –

    and, about the whole 6 months of 2013 being g.o.n.e. — what in the world happened to all that! ?

  4. DJan says:

    Oh, THAT’s what is going on. Mercury retro. Explains a lot going on in my life right now. Today was the first day in a week that I’ve felt reasonably centered. I’ll be hoping that July 20 gets here soon… They are turning the water off in the apartment complex tomorrow for most of the day. I hope it doesn’t end up being longer! 🙂

  5. lauren raine says:

    Well, that’s helpful! Been trying to deal with an air conditioner that keeps breaking down for my tenant (it’s 115 in Tucson) from rural N.Y. where I am…….snafus indeed. I really like what you say about this time being good for re-visioning, re-thinking……a time for pausing, which is also important.

  6. Renie says:

    Well, this explains it – car trouble, internet problems…

  7. Thanks for the Mercury low-down. I have to agree that it’s hard to believe half of 2013 has already gone. Time is definitely speeding up – despite my efforts to slow it down a bit!

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