Mishka, the Talking Dog?

Thanks to Nancy Pickard for alerting us to this one.

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14 Responses to Mishka, the Talking Dog?

  1. friend of nica says:

    i’ve not heard you mention the rainbow bridge before, cj – can’t wait to read it – as kids, seems anytime we had a pet, something really tragic took it from us – thanks for sharing!

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Anonymous, have you read THE RAINBOW BRIDGE ? If not, you can google it. When I had to make that “most devastating decision” a few years ago for my previous beloved lab, LadyGirl, our vet, who had been such a support and who had to do it, sent us a sympathy card with The Rainbow Bridge on it. I am so attuned to your feelings. The unigue love we share with our animal companions is one of life’s most magnificent gifts. When we lose these precious ones, it leaves a deep hole. Like you, I’m not in a hurry to go, but I do know that my LadyGirl will come bounding up to me, perfect and healthy and full of life, meeting me on the Bridge! Sunshine is ill, and there will come a day in the not-too-distant future when the vet said we will need to allow her to go. I refuse to let myself think about it until it becomes necessary, and am basking in every moment I have with her. She’s a service dog, so she never leaves my side, having become an integral part of me and an extension of my very physical body. There’s no doubt she can read my thoughts. We do take her out to the woods and fields to let her run and play, altho she doesn’t run much now. I’ve released her from her service duties, but there’re so ingrained in her that she still works. It appears to give her a purpose, one that she enjoys, and I won’t deny her that sense of being needed that she has. My beautiful Sunshine….her name is so fitting.

    • Anaonymous says:

      Yes, 3322, I have read The Rainbow Bridge. It’s a beautiful poem that gives me hope that we will all be reunited with our best friends once we leave our corporal bodies behind. Because of my deep and powerful love of animals, I have always known that I want to spend eternity wherever they are, whether it’s on this side – or The Other Side. I cannot imagine a more perfect description of Heaven than a place filled with animals as far as the eye can see and the heart can feel.
      I am sorry to hear that your loss of Sunshine is imminent. I have lost many of my little friends over the years, and I know how gut-wrenching it becomes. It never gets easier to bear, or process. Her dedication to you by denying her own “retirement” is testimony to the level of loyalty animals possess. They are indeed perfection in terms of the ultimate loving beings. We have been honored to have been chosen to be the beneficiaries of such love and light.

  3. My cat can say “mama” in order to get an extra meal. I mean real human “mama”. She is fat and probably shouldn’t speak so often.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Oh wow….what could be more heart-warming than this? My canine soulmate companion Sunshine seems to say “I love you” every time her eyes meet mine. It’s the only unconditional love and devotion in the world, such a precious gift. Thank you for sharing Mishka with us! Anon, I so relate to your grief and understand the depth of that loss. Your best friend waits for you on the other side of The Rainbow Bridge…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for your compassion regarding the loss I continue to experience. I don’t know if the unconditional love that a human shares with an animal can ever be experienced between any two humans. The expression of love seen in my dog’s eyes, so many many times over the years, was one of the handful of most precious gifts I will be given in this lifetime. Although I’m in no hurry, I DO long for the day when we will be reunited.

  5. friend of nica says:

    what an incredible and beautiful creature! great to have such a touching video at the end of my day!

  6. whoot says:

    think they all ready have commercials out with the dog on it,,,

    coming back Friday night from S.F. and hearing the little big man (guy wouldn’t even use the word) of the “new science” community (me,, the family would call me a “nui'””scence”) well coming back on the train trip while passing the local major league sports pavillon,, the crowd was just getting out,, it was an overtime win… Me I was judging the crwod as the train went by,, it was a bit subdued,, thinking they had lost,, but question though R+T,, would like to guys to repl,,, what was the “synchrO” with the win for the locals……

  7. Anonymous says:

    This is one powerful synchro!

    Tonight marks the three-year anniversary of the loss of my dearest friend in this lifetime… my sweet dog. The pain of this loss is wrenching and deep, and I long to tell her how much I love her and miss her presence here on the earthly plane. Within minutes of observing the exact time that she slipped from this dimension to the next, I was drawn to synchrosecrets. I watched this dog video in awe. A dog saying “I love you” is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for posting this today…

  8. Nancy says:

    My husband and I loved this! 🙂

  9. D Page says:

    Mishka is beautiful.
    When I played this, both my cats came running out and are now sitting in front of me.

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