Signal Grace

This one comes from Teapots, aka Max Action. After reading the recent post on the history of synchroncity, he pointed out that the Catholic Church not only recognizes synchronicity, which they call signal grace, but suggests that you can make use of it through higher awareness. In the case of The Rosary Foundation, where the following was posted, the suggestion is – as one might expect – to pray the rosary and watch for signal grace.
“Signal Graces are signs sent by God to help us make the right decisions in life. Moses saw a burning bush as a sign from God, and other people received signs from God daily. Signal graces usually come about as subtle hints to help keep us moving in the right direction – these signs are truly gifts from God. Remember – there is no such thing as a coincidence, everything happens for a reason! By praying the rosary you will be more conscious of the way that God tries to help you and speak to you every day.”
As lapsed Catholics, Trish and I are not likely to follow that suggestion. However, we believe that higher awareness and intent can lead to magical synchronicities that further one’s goals.

We’re focusing on this topic – Synchronicity and Your Intent – in the last chapter of our book. So we’re looking for stories of how people have applied their intent through whatever means – meditation, prayer, sympathetic magic, divination, etc. and followed the leads of synchronicities to change their lives or to reach their goals. Butternut Squash’s story – Reading the Bumps – is one such example. It’s about how she took the cues of an exotic reader and synchronistically turned a trip to China and Nepal into a new career.


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8 Responses to Signal Grace

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's something to focus on with the Rosary. Please find out what happened to Jesus between the ages of 14 and 30. Christians typically overlook that mystery.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting post, anonymous. There's a lot of mysticism in the catholic religion and the rosary does seem to be an intricate part of it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Anyone who prays the Rosary with sincerity, meditating on the Mysteries of the Gospel, as the Rosary was intended to be prayed, can attest to signal graces becoming present in his/her life. These graces can be seen by other people too – they are "signals" present in the temporal world that help guide those who pray the Rosary in their journey through life. They are real, they are powerful. I have personally experienced them many times since I began praying the Rosary everyday about 3 years ago.
    The value of praying the Rosary is in meditating on the Mysteries, not the repetition of prayers. The book, "The Secret of the Rosary" by St. Louis de Montfort, is the greatest instruction manual on the Rosary ever written, please pick it up (~ $5). In the Mysteries of the Gospel we come to know Jesus. God affirms those who are on the right path by providing supernatural assurances and direction – whether they be labeled "coincidences" or "guideposts" or "signs" – just as He did following Mary's assent to Him through the Angel Gabriel – the Christ Child begins to grow in her womb; through the Angel Gabriel she learns Elizabeth is also pregnant in her old age; Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, calls her "Mother of my Lord" when Mary comes to visit; the shepherds coming out of nowhere to the see the newborn King lying in a manger; the angel telling Joseph to flee to Egypt; the visitation of the Magi.
    Do not discount something you have never prayed or really know nothing about other than what you have heard or read on Rosary-bashing sites. The Rosary is one of the greatest supernatural weapons available to man, as it comes through the hands of Our Lady to her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Would Jesus, the most perfect and obedient Son, who submitted Himself to Mary for 30 years and gave glory to God the Father in doing so, ever refuse His mother anything? I hardly think so.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I always enjoyed the mass when it was in Latin. Much more mysterious. Once mass went into English, I totally lost interest!

  5. teapotshappen says:

    I find it fascinating that in every religion, even one like Catholicism, there is a mystical side. (I'm a former Catholic too, by the way.) Of course, "signal grace" is a kind of technical term – most Christians simply label the synchronicities that they experience as "miracles."

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >'Denial of certain energies…'

    The virgin birth and submission of the roles of women in the church for starters. The removal of all references to reincarnation from church doctrine in the fourth century for another.

  7. terripatrick says:

    As a "lapsed Catholic" – who had no desire to become "lapsed" prior to connection with other "Catholics" – there is some understanding to this post!

    The Rosary was created in connection to many pagan traditions to Mother Earth, and included the repetition of Mantras. The denial of certain energies, over the centuries, may have created an imbalance that logic, psychology, and technology are still trying to overcome.

    Keep up the good work!

  8. Anonymous says:

    OK, thinking cap on!

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