An accidental UFO film clip

This past May we received an e-mail from a documentary film producer who had heard us on a radio show/podcast, Mysterious Universe. She wanted to interview us for a film her company was making on synchronicity. We made tentative arrangements for an interview in Miami later this year. We also mentioned our latest work, Aliens in the Backyard. That apparently prompted our contact, Katy, to send us an interesting follow up a few days ago. Here’s what she said:

“…So while we were filming our web series in San Francisco in July, we were having all these crazy syncs with owls and as I was filming I noticed this crazy Hopi Indian Mural showing a hybrid human, gray alien and then an owl in the tree. I read them as being the screen memories. Anyway, I walked over to the film crew and around that time we accidentally shot something that looks like a UFO. Check out the clip, would love to know what you think! It’s right at the beginning of the video, doesn’t last long, but given that it occurs in daylight,  and was seen only on the video, it’s intriguing.

And here’s a link to her music video.


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5 Responses to An accidental UFO film clip

  1. gypsy says:

    well, wow – the object certainly looks like a ufo – wonder if it might be a drone as someone else mentioned – but given the area of filming, really intriguing to have it pop up on the video – and interesting, as well, aside from the image of the object/craft/whatever, to me, was the large black bird appearing at the same time –
    also interesting group of people…will go back and read more of them – i noticed the site duckduckgodotcom was mentioned in light of the recent nsa goings on and i think i’ll try them out –

    neat post –

  2. Ah, see it’s a different video from earlier. It’s a clear pic of the UFO, or maybe drone but not any clearer when enlarged. It’s another mystery!

  3. Darren B says:

    I can’t wait to see this film.
    I’ve already had a sync with these guys a while back.
    And now you guys are involved in the film as well.
    Syncs all round.

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