Beam Me Up, Scotty!

 As any fan of Star Trek knows, Beam me up, Scotty, is what Captain Kirk used to say to his main engineer, Scotty, whenever he was on the surface of a planet and needed to return to the Enterprise.  This beaming up (or down) was done with the transporter, which converted a person or an object into an energy pattern (dematerialized) and beamed it at a target, where the person or object rematerialized. When I saw my first Star Trek episode back in the Sixties, I thought, Wow, how cool is this? Teleportation.

I had zero clue, of course, about the science behind this. Hey, I was a Spanish major. But intuitively, it seemed possible.

In 1980 or so, I read Gary Zukav’s The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics  and remembered how blown away I was about Zukav’s description of Bell’s Theorem. “It says that not only do events in the realm of the very small behave in ways which are utterly different from our commonsense view of the world, but also that events in the world at large, the world of freeways and sports cars, behave in ways which are utterly different from our commonsense view of them,” wrote Zukav.

Zukav uses a neon sign as an example. “Imagine a gas that emits light when it is electrically excited.  The excited atoms in the gas emit photons in pairs. The photons in each pair fly off in opposite directions. Except for the difference in their direction of travel, the photons in each pair are identical twins. If one of them is polarized vertically, the other one also is polarized vertically.” The same is true for polarization horizontally.

We now know this phenomenon is called entanglement.  When two particles are entangled, then what you do to one particle  instantaneously impacts its twin. What one knows the other knows.

They are intimately connected.  As Zukav noted (back in 1979 when the book was first published) “Bell’s theorem could be the Trojan horse in the physicists’ camp; first, because it proves that quantum theory requires connections that appear to resemble telepathic communication and second, because it provides the mathematical framework through which serious physicists…could find themselves discussing types of phenomena which, ironically, they do not believe exist.”

Now, fast forward to 2013. Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich recently used entanglement to teleport information across a quarter of an inch. So? we ask. The Internet sends info all over the world in less time than it take you to blink. The difference is that the information is sent through electromagnetic pulses. Mobile devices use microwave pulses and with fiber connections, optical pulses are used. What’s significant about what the Zurich researchers did is that the pulse  – the information carrier – was skipped.

As explained in a Christian Science Monitor article, “Quantum teleportation… sends only pure information, from one entangled particle to another. Once the particles are entangled, giving information to one means the other instantaneously knows it, too.”

Telepathy, right?

Andreas Wallraff, professor of physics at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, said, this is “comparable to ‘beaming’ as shown in the science fiction series ‘Star Trek.’ The information does not travel from point A to point B. Instead, it appears at point B and disappears at point A, when read out at point B.” 

Last year, Austrian scientists teleported a photon nearly 90 miles between La Palma and Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. But they used visible light in an optical system and the Zurich team “teleported information for the first time in a system that consists of electronic circuits.”  For practical purposes, this means we are a step closer to  the development of quantum computers.

These computers would be able to process information with “blinding speed,” and, as the Christian Science article noted, could make extraordinary things possible –even time travel…

 Perhaps our children and grandchildren will be beaming themselves not only to Mars and Jupiter, but backward and forward in time as well. A strange and wondrous world!

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15 Responses to Beam Me Up, Scotty!

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    I saw that in the video. Definitely has the appearance of the disc-shaped alien crafts!
    There are drawings on ancient Egyptian walls that are pretty much identical to those, as well as drawings of entities who seem to be wearing “space gear” with breathing tubes from their helmets, etc. These are thousands and thousands of years old. Just more convincing material that seems to connect ancient civilizations with aliens. For myself at this time in my life, I have a consuming interest in Aliens and the AfterLife, and the Masonic connections.

    I’ve always had the interest, but it has grown exponentially intense as I’ve gotten older and the years have passed. Regarding this fellow’s videos, he hits the nail on the head: there are worldwide structures everywhere that are Masonic in symbolism, including the shape of our own Pentagon and of course the other structures in DC. Some of the structures around the world date so far back into antiquity that it’s impossible to not connect FreeMasonry with Alien contact and interaction and influence. It’s pretty awesome.

  2. Darren B says:

    Trish,I found this video among the videos on Freemasonry at the guy’s You Tube channel who I referred to above.This one’s not about Freemasonry,but an interview with a UFO contactee named Laszlo Novak –
    I have not heard of this guy before,but I’m not really into the UFO scene,so I haven’t heard of many of the people involved in that area.
    He seems genuine enough,what do you think ?
    The girl he talks about running into in Hungry,who survived the Tsunami is this girl here –
    so that wouldn’t be too hard to verify.
    When Google-ing images of Laszlo Novak I had a personal sync with some of his more mundane photography work,that kind of blew my socks off.
    But I wanted your take on this guy first,since you and Rob have had years of experience in this field interviewing people.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    P.S. Darren, I have every reason in the world to agree that the Masons have an Off-of-Earth origin, dating back to the very beginning of the human species on this planet.

    • Darren B says:

      Take a look at this video at about the 6:30 minute mark onwards
      and look at monument where the federation ceremony took place in Australia in Sydney in 1901.
      Does that look like a flying saucer,or what ?
      Maybe Whitley needs to take a look at this video to confirm his suspicions of alien and Masonic links ?
      Interesting video isn’t it ?

      • Rob and Trish says:

        I watched it and must have missed that. Will go back and loo

      • Rob and Trish says:

        The shot from the air, right?

        • Darren B says:

          Go to the 9:39 section of the video and look at the green dome on the little silver legs sitting on top of the sandstone.
          And here’s a video of the guy explaining what his background and beliefs are –

          His beliefs are similar to mine.
          I am not a Freemason,but I do not see the Craft itself as inherently evil,and would have to say I see no problem in being a Freemason.
          That is not to say there aren’t unscrupulous people amongst it’s ranks who are only in it for their own gain without caring too much about the spiritual side of things.The trouble with a lot of people who fear Freemasonry is that they think Freemasonry and the Illuminati are one and the same thing,but that’s not the case at all. The Illuminati is more a product of the rich families connected to the Roman Catholic Church,whereas the Freemasons,especially in Australia are linked more to the rich families aligned to the Knight’s Templar’s.Therefor whilst there is a bit of a truce between rivals at the moment,neither side trusts the other all that much.It’s a bit like saying that Russia and America are bosom buddies,whilst they may be friends at the moment,neither one really trusts the other all that much. It has to be remembered also that both camps share the same roots and only split apart when the Templar Knights were persecuted by the Illuminati families… oops,I mean the Church of Rome.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Darren I didn’t condemn this man or his material. I watched several of his videos. For me, a “reality check” simply means finding a balance in a particular subject; weighing everything available and finding one’s own ideas, which can always be subject to change, expanion, diminishment, etc.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Trish and Rob….about Time-travel, you know I am convinced, with good reason, that it is already possible and that it does happen, on occasion. No details here. But I imagine certain scientific elements have been aware for God only knows how long that Time-travel is not only possible but that it does indeed occur. Another well-kept secret from the general masses.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Darren, a reality check….go to

    Whitley Strieber’s DREAMLAND radio show (Journeys To The Extreme Edge), Friday, August 16, 2013.


    Interview with Jurist, Theologian, Attorney, etc etc, author of
    “THE ROYAL ARCH OF ENOCH” non-fiction text, Robert W. Sullivan.

    Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened.

    • Darren B says:

      What do you mean by “a reality check” ?
      I’ve already listened to the Strieber interview,and I think Whitley would find this guy’s videos fascinating.He is neither saying good or bad things about Freemasonry in the videos I have watched so far.He is just showing us Free-masonic imagery that happens to be in our everyday world in Australia and what he thinks it all means.I neither agree or disagree with his theories,but find them a fascinating Free-masonic imagery road trip in my own backyard.He does seem to be suggesting that Freemasonry has off planet connections though,coming from way back in the past.
      Everything the lawyer on the Strieber show says I have heard before anyway,and he does seem also to imply alien foundations to the Craft stemming from way back in history.
      Please watch a few of this guys videos before condemning him,he has quite fascinating material in the videos that I have seen,so far.
      This is his latest video about Australia’s first lighthouse in Sydney,Australia.
      He is not saying anything good or bad about Freemasonry,in fact I find this guy quite balanced.
      And on the subject of beams,he talks a lot in his videos about the four into one principal the Masons use to represent the beam of light in the centre in their monuments.
      The term “reality check” is a meaningless term in a world where nobody seems to know what reality is anyway.

  7. I was talking along these lines last night, especially as to what our grandchildren may experience in their lifetimes – there are going to be some amazing advances, almost mind boggling. Thanks for the links, it’s an exciting subject.

  8. Darren B says:

    Trish,a bit off topic,but I came across an interesting Aussie
    (well he has a New Zealander,or as we Aussies call people from NZ,Kiwi accent)
    guy (he lives here anyway) who has been shooting some fascinating videos of Aussie landmarks with Masonic imagery,or at least what he thinks is Masonic imagery .
    Now I’ll lay my cards on the table here,my grandfather was a Master Mason,but he passed before I was born,so I never got to talk to him.My father has nothing to do with anything metaphysical or Free-masonic and I’m not a Mason,but I have nothing against Masonry personally and do find it all quite intriguing. Not to say there aren’t bad guys as well as good guys within it’s ranks,but show me a human institution that doesn’t have either.
    Anyway,this guy claims in the video,that a guy he has had many a conversations with about Freemasonry (I presume) shape-shifted his eyes into Reptilian type eyes then back to normal again.Normally I would not take much notice of such a claim,but after watching a few of his videos I feel this guy is not lying,or at least he believes he is not lying.Now if this guy was a Fundamentalist Christian I would probably dismiss his claims,but (and I have only seen 3 of over 100 of his videos,so far) this guy is in a similar position to me.His grandfather was a Freemason,but he didn’t get to meet him,although his father is an ex-Freemason,but he seems to be on a legitimate quest for some truth,which I admire.
    Anyway take a look and see what you think –
    Mind you,I’m reserving judgement until I have watched a few more of his videos first,but this guy does have an interesting angle ,which intrigues me.

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